SUNDAY AM Writethru after Saturday AM Update: Refresh for more analysis and chart….Even though Disney/Lucasfilm’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is looking to hit the bottom rung of its tracking projection of $60M Sunday morning, there’s no question this is a disastrous result for the finale to a historically beloved franchise film, one of the reasons why Disney shelled out $4 billion for Lucasfilm. Global start here at $130M, is $10M less than what we were seeing; Nancy will have more. The fan-loathed Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull had a $272.1M global start, unadjusted for inflation/currency swings back in 2008.
A few things to stomach: Not only did Star Wars bomb Solo: A Star Wars Story open higher than Dial of Destiny ($84.4M 3-day, $103M 4-day), but so did Paramount’s seventhquel Transformers: Rise of the Beasts ($61M).
How could Disney and Lucasfilm mess this up?
Yesterday, I learned from a key source that Indiana Jones and the Dial Destiny before $100M in estimated P&A, cost a mindboggling $329M. Much higher than the $250M-$295M that’s been leaked out there. Disney doesn’t comment on budgets, and I’m getting some pushback, but the high price tag here is due to the start and stops of production during Covid, Harrison Ford’s $20M fee which I’m told, director James Mangold got a pretty penny, with Steven Spielberg reaping as is standard a huge producing fee here. That said, it stands to reason Disney would invest greatly here to revive a franchise; they spent $259M on Force Awakens, it’s just that they’re not getting Force Awakens like results.
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny has been destined to live in a Temple of Box Office doom since world premiering at Cannes to lackluster reviews. This resulted in landing like a wet towel on tracking three weeks ago with projections not budgeting. This despite the fact that Dial of Destiny had a marketing and publicity global campaign louder than The Flash, with the cast doing several interviews and $90M in promotional partners.
It’s baffling that a storied franchise can end on a downer note at the box office in its finale. I found the movie out of Cannes to be too plug-and-play, laden in tropes of the franchise from the kid sidekick to videogame-like action to it’s his god-daughter as his sidekick (not his dad). It completely lacked the breath and nuance that Steven Spielberg provided in action scenes of the older films. And I’m a James Mangold fan! He knows how to make a styled and dramatically charged movie just like Spielberg, whether it’s Logan, Ford v. Ferrari, or Walk the Line.
I’m not too far off in my take on the film: CinemaScore audiences gave Dial of Destiny a B+, which isn’t that far from the previous unloved 2008 installment, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which landed a B.
So what the hell went wrong here with Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny? Lucasfilm is so precious and fastidious when it comes to developing Star Wars properties, and the legend with Indiana Jones is that these movies could never be made unless George Lucas and Spielberg (and Harrison Ford) saw eye-to-eye on the script. Remember all the TLC that J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kadsan took in hatching Force Awakens? There were stories of them walking down NYC streets, hatching storylines. Given the black eye that Lucasfilm took on Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker, and Solo from fans, they’re careful not to just rush and dump sequels nowadays (thus, the safety of building out the franchise on Disney+), which is why it’s taken them so long to bake the next Star Wars sequels. Which makes the misfire here with Dial of Destiny so concerning.
I’m told from a few insiders that this movie did not have the behind-the-scenes calamity melodrama of such Lucasfilm titles as Rogue One (which had Tony Gilroy doing reshoots and rewrites on the Gareth Edwards film) and Solo: A Star Wars Story (which had the ungracious firing of Lord & Miller and Ron Howard rescue), installments that required major surgery during production. No melodrama meaning everyone got a long with Mangold calling the production and Lucasfilm Boss/Indy producer Kathleen Kennedy and producer Frank Marshall “family” at Cannes. Spielberg loved and signed off on the script by Mangold and his Ford v. Ferrari scribes, Jez and John Henry Butterworth, and that’s a challenging enough bar to clear. Yesterday, I heard that several editors were brought in to get this one right. It’s unfortunately apparent here that the sublime which Mangold delivered to the X-Men franchise with the R-rated Logan, could not translate here to Indiana Jones.
To date, Indy co-franchise architect George Lucas has remained silent about his thoughts on Dial of Destiny.
I’ve heard some scuttlebutt that one of the questions surrounding Dial of Destiny and Elemental were over-inflated test scores, which encouraged Disney to brazenly send both movies to Cannes — in hindsight, a huge mistake. I’m still looking into this. However, the studio, with its top secret franchise MCU and Lucasfilm fare, typically uses a ‘friends and family’ testing system so that no spoilers are leaked in advance. Perhaps it’s time to look under the hood and see if that sampling is still working.
It’s so not like Disney to stick their head out there on a chopping block with a movie on a global stage when it’s not ready. The studio plots the marketing campaigns for their tentpoles like D-Day. Both of these planned tentpoles’ commercial potential went out the window the minute Disney took them to Cannes. True, the band-aid would have been ripped off at some point in time. However, perhaps keeping the lid longer on these lukewarm movies and away from the press would have increased some box office revenue here on this crazy expensive sequel.
But here’s the consistent problem Indiana Jones has had at the box office, and with critics, and that is he’s always been in competition with himself. Raiders of the Lost Ark really blew audiences away back in 1982, bringing new life to the old adventure serial movies. The pic grossed more than $212M in its initial release, and had multiple reissues making its way to $248.1M. That’s been the gold standard against which all Indy sequels have been compared, and well, he generally comes up short. Read on.
Harrison Ford in ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’
Paramount/courtesy Everett Collection
I think to this day that part two, 1984’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, is still the best sequel to this day; it’s as edgy as hell. C’mon, it has a villain who pulls hearts of people and makes human sacrifices! It’s a PG movie that prompted the MPA to create a PG-13 rating because it scared the heck out of kids. However, I’ll never forget back then in the whip and buggy days before Rotten Tomatoes that critics loathed the movie. Variety’s then-critic, Deadline’s current, Todd McCarthy slammed Temple of Doom, writing, “The pic comes on like a sledgehammer, and there’s even a taste of vulgarity and senseless excess not apparent in ‘Raiders.’” That sentiment played out at the box office, where Temple of Doom saw its final domestic gross of $179.1M off 15% from Raiders of the Lost Ark‘s first-run gross. Temple of Doom didn’t receive the rereleases at the box office like Raiders did, as it has its fans and nonfans. Spielberg and Lucas were able to please fans with the Sean Connery co-starring Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which landed an A CinemaScore in 1989 (during the exit poll firm’s early days) and boost domestic box office by 10% to $197.1M.
So why did the critically not-loved Crystal Skull (77% on RT, just like Temple of Doom), wind up being the franchise’s highest grossing film, with a massive $100M-plus opening, and 3x leg out to $317M stateside? Because it was coming off of Last Crusade, which was quite beloved, and there was an appetite from moviegoers to see the sequel because there hadn’t been an Indiana Jones film in close to two decades. But despite its blockbuster success in a stadium-seating, vibrant exhibition era, not many people liked Crystal Skull — hello, B CinemaScore. And that sequel, too, also doted and joked around about Indy going gray. Unlike 007, the same actor has always played Indiana Jones. The franchise’s legacy with Ford has prevented it from being rebooted with a new leading actor.
Which leads us to Dial of Destiny‘s meh results. Why so low? Because it’s coming off of a sequel not many loved, and it’s playing the same game of Indiana Jones getting older. Couple that with sour reviews coming out of Cannes, plus the finale’s older skewing audience (42% over 45) who are slow to come to cinemas, and here we are with a less-than-stellar box office result.
While Comscore/Screen Engine’s PostTrak exits show a 93% recommending Dial of Destiny (combined from the yes or probably recommend category) and 8% not recommending, dig further in this AM’s report and you’ll find a more-telling stat about how no one is rushing to Dial of Destiny: Only 9% heard it was good from friends and family.
Paramount’s ‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’
Here’s the box office surprise no one was expecting this summer: At an opening of $61M, Paramount’s long-in-the-tooth franchise sequel Transformers: Rise of the Beasts opened higher than these high-gloss sequels, including Dial of Destiny and The Flash. The latter DC film counts a running total at end of weekend 3 of $99.2M; that’s 19% behind the running total of Rise of the Beasts at the same point in time. OMG. Rise of the Beasts currently has a running total of $136.1M at end of weekend 4. Can Indy even out-gross Rise of the Beasts by the end of the summer? Who the hell knew we’d be having this conversation??
Dial of Destiny‘s problems, to a certain degree, aren’t that different from Flash‘s: More than Ezra Miller’s lack of publicity on that DC film and tabloid dilemmas, that DC movie at the end of the day was a B CinemaScore film and way too long at 2 hours and 24 minutes. Dial of Destiny has a similar grade and is also too long at 2 hours and 34 minutes.
More diagnostics on Dial of Destiny:
–PostTrak’s audience is 79% and four stars. The leading guy 25+ ticket buyers at 43% are giving it a 77% grade. That’s not good. Overall, men at a 58% turnout are giving a 74% grade.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Harrison Ford are hoping to discover big bucks this weekend
–Here’s what’s interesting: Even though 10% came to see Phoebe Waller-Bridge as the female lead in the movie, women like Dial of Destiny better than men with a 85% grade. Women over 25, who showed up at 35%, give it an 86%.
–The older Dial of Destiny‘s audience gets, the better the grades with the 45-55 sect (19% turnout) giving it 83% and the over 55 people (at 23%) giving it 89%.
–Diversity demos weren’t that diverse with 54% Caucasian (79% grade), 18% Latino and Hispanic (80% grade), Black at 10% (73% grade), and Asian 13% (80% grade).
–Pic played Destiny played best in the West, Mountain and Mid-West. PLF and Imax driving 37% of the weekend to date. Disney’s El Capitan in Los Angeles is the top grossing theater so far with $114K running cume.
All tickets sales for movies are at $127M off 33% from a year ago when the weekend counted $189.9M (per Boxoffice Mojo), led by Universal/Illumination’s Minions: Rise of Gru which racked up $140.6M over its holiday Friday-Tuesday (July 4th fell on a Monday). Indiana Jones is expected to be around $82M over its five days, around -40% less Minions take last year — who’da thunk?
Chart is updating….
1.) Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (Dis) 4,600 theaters, Fri $24M, Sat $19M, Sun $17M 3-day $60M/Wk 1
2.) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Sony) 3,405 (-380) theaters, Fri $3.4M (-40%) Sat $4.3M Sun $3.7M 3-day $11.5M (-39%)/Total $339.8M /Wk 5
2.) Elemental (Dis) 3,650 (-385) theaters, Fri $3.4M (-40%), Sat $4.2M, Sun $3.7M 3-day $11.3M (-40%), Total $88.7M/Wk 3
4.) No Hard Feelings (Sony) 3,208 theaters, Fri $2.3M (-63%) Sat $2.8M Sun $2.4M 3-day $7.5M (-50%), Total $29.3M /Wk 2
5.) Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (Par) 2,852 (-671) theaters, Fri $1.92M (-40%) Sat $2.7M Sun $2.3M 3-day $7M (-40%), Total $136.1M/Wk 4
6.) Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (Uni/DWA) 3,400 theaters, Fri $2.3M, Sat $1.6M Sun $1.2M 3-day $5.3M/Wk 1Yikes, this movie is opened lower than Paws of Fury last summer. The results here make Strange World‘s 3-day of $12M look like a blockbuster. Just kidding. What’s the lesson here? Don’t make animated movies that have unknown protags in the title, and animation that looks like Strange World. Ruby Gillman‘s few moviegoers gave it a surprising A- CinemaScore, the same as last summer’s Paws of Fury. For the record, it’s higher than the B which Strange World got. PostTrak exits, which are always harder than CinemaScore, at 68% positive, however, kids under 12 said 91%. Moms leading, of course at 52% females, 64% between 18-34, biggest demo being 18-24 at 42%. The mix of audience was 39% White, 33% Latino and Hispanic, 11% Black, & 17% Asian/other. Kraken played strongest in the South, South Central & West. AMC Burbank best theater in the nation for the film with an awful take near $5k through EOD Friday.
7.) The Little Mermaid (Dis) 2,430 (-845) theaters, Fri $1.55M (-42%) Sat $1.9M Sun $1.7M 3-day $5.2M (-37%)/Total $280.9M Wk 6
8.) The Flash (WB) 2,718 (-1,538) theaters, Fri $1.4M (-68%), Sat $1.9M Sun $1.6M 3-day $5.15M (-67%), Total $99.2M/Wk 3
9.) Asteroid City (Foc) 1,901 (+226) theaters, Fri $1.18M (-69%), Sat $1.5M, Sun $1.12M 3-day $3.8M (-58%), Total $18.1M/Wk 3
10.) Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3 (Dis) 1,165 (-845) theaters, Fri $525K Sat $725K Sun $550K 3-day $1.8M /Total $354.8M/Wk 9
11. The Boogeyman (Dis/20th) 1,020 (-620) theaters, Fri $575K (-29%), 3-day $1.8M (-29%) Total $41M/Wk 5
FRIDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Harrison Ford’s swan song as the man in the hat, the guy with the whip, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (read the review), is looking very similar to a pair of other older-leaning franchise pics aimed at guys, 2021’s No Time to Die and 2018’s Mission: Impossible – Fallout, with a Friday of $24M. That’s around the neighborhood of the first Friday of those two movies.
That means last night’s previews repped 30% of today’s gross. The $250M installment directed by James Mangold and produced by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas still is on track for a $60M-$65M 3-day and, rolling in Monday and July 4th Tuesday, should see around $85M for the 5-day. The Disney/Lucasfilm finale sequel is booked at 4,600 theaters.
Universal/DreamWorks Animation’s Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (read the review) isn’t wowing as expected with a $2.5M Friday (including Thursday previews of $725K) and $6M Friday-Sunday take outside the top five.
We’ll have more as it comes. Here’s the chart:
1.) Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (Dis) 4,600 theaters, Fri $24M, 3-day $60M-$65M/Wk 1
2.) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Sony) 3,405 theaters, Fri $3.6M (-37%), 3-day $12.4M (-35%)/Total $340.7M /Wk 5
3.) Elemental (Dis) 3,650 theaters, Fri $3.3M (-41%), 3-day $10.5M (-42%), Total $87.9M/Wk 3
4.) No Hard Feelings (Sony) 3,208 theaters, Fri $2.3M (-63%), 3-day $7.6M (-50%), Total $29.4M /Wk 2
5.) Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (Par) 2,852 theaters, Fri $1.85M (-42%), 3-day $6.5M (-45%), Total $135.6M/Wk 4
UPDATED after EXCLUSIVE: Disney/Lucasfilm’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny came in at $7.2 million in previews Thursday, per Disney. We heard last night that the pic was heading for $6 million-$7.5 million. That’s where previous older-skewing action-guy comps live.
RELATED: Harrison Ford: Deadline’s How They Reached The Top
We’re specifically referencing the Thursday night starts of No Time to Die, which grossed $6.3M (started at 4 p.m.) before its $55.2M opening weekend in October 2021, and Mission: Impossible – Fallout, which made $6M before its $61.2M weekend start in 2018. Dial of Destiny, which started previews at 3 p.m. Thursday, is expected to gross between $60M-$65M at 4,500 theaters, making is the second-highest stateside opening for the Steven Spielberg-George Lucas franchise after 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which posted a five-day opening of $151.9M, after a 3-day of $100.1M.
Crystal Skull didn’t have previews but opened fully on the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend with $25M at 4,260 theaters.
Dial of Destiny‘s Thursday night is below recent dude movies John Wick 4 ($8.9M, $74M 3-day) and Fast X ($7.5M, $67M).
‘Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken’
Universal Pictures /Courtesy Everett Collection
Also previewing last night was Universal/DreamWorks Animation’s Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, with $725,000 from 2,700 theaters that started at 2 p.m. yesterday. No one is expecting this movie, which looks like it used the same animation style as Disney’s bomb Strange World, to do well, with an outlook in the single digits. Yes, original animation is hard to launch, but parents will see that 65% Rotten Tomatoes critics score and not waste their time. The pic’s Thursday is higher than the previews for Paramount’s toon misfire last July Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank, which did $505K from previews that started at 3 p.m.; that pic opened to $6.3M and finaled at $17.8M.
RELATED: Breaking Baz: ‘Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken’ Is A Superhero, A Princess & A First For DreamWorks Animation – “The Story Really Is Hers”
Why aren’t weekend projections for Dial of Destiny up to the same level as the previous chapter? It’s twofold: Part of that has to do with this Indy getting the worst reviews ever at 66% coming out of its Cannes Film Festival world premiere, but also, its audience is graying and on par with 007 franchise. You can’t say that Mission: Impossible is getting older just yet because a franchise-best start is expected for Dead Reckoning, with more than $100M over five days starting July 12. That sixth sequel should nab a Top Gun: Maverick halo effect.
Harrison Ford and Ethann Isidore in ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’
Hopefully audiences are better on Dial of Destiny. Crystal Skull was slammed with a B CinemaScore after 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with Sean Connery landed an A. Dial of Destiny is OK so far: 88% with Rotten Tomatoes audiences. Screen Engine/Comscore’s PostTrak shows 78% with general audiences and 3½ stars and a 59% definite recommend, while parents and kids under 12 are slightly better at 4 stars apiece and 82%. Turnout on Thursday night was 59% guys to 41% women.
RELATED: ‘Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny’s Harrison Ford On The Aging & De-Aging Of An Iconic Character – Watch
What’s social media saying about Dial of Destiny? RelishMix reports: “Chatter on Indy 5 runs mixed-leaning-positive with fans who think ‘this will be a masterpiece, filled with heart-pounding action’ and that Ford as Indy will be missed as one the best heroes ever — along with adoration for John Williams’ historic contribution and career. Plus, there’s excitement for James Mangold at the helm as fans talk about their lives over the 39 years [of the] franchise and wish there had been more episodes. Hecklers are taking pot shots at everything from the story, throwback elements and cliché comments about sequels, but are nowhere as loud as lovers of the franchise.”
RELATED: ‘Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny’s Harrison Ford On The Aging & De-Aging Of An Iconic Character And That Time He Served Tennis Balls Into The Head Of Sean Connery: Taormina
Social media universe for Dial of Destiny counts 296.4M across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube views “predominately on Lucas channels and cross-promoted on several Disney movie channels with brand tie-in spots which are also well integrated into the push,” says RelishMix. That figure is above Fallout‘s SMU of 234M but well below that of No Time to Die (692.5M), Top Gun: Maverick (401M) and Hobbs and Shaw (961.4M).
No Time to Die‘s Thursday previews repped 27% of its $23.3M first Friday, while Fallout‘s previews repped 26% of its $22.8M Friday. Indy here will, of course, have the extra legroom of the Monday and Tuesday in the extended holiday, though July 4th is always a downer day for moviegoing. No Time to Die, released in October 2021, drew 64% guys, 57% over 35, and Fallout pulled in 58% men, 41% of that demo over 25, and 17% under 25. Crystal Skull skewed 66% over 25 and with a third of its audience comprised of kids under 12 and parents.
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Dial of Destiny will have the exhibition treasures of 400 Imax auditoriums, 900 PLF screens, 280 D-Box theaters and 85 Screen X hubs in its theater swath.
Logan filmmaker Mangold took over directing the finale from longtime franchise architect Spielberg. In this latest installment, Indy teams with his goddaughter (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) and is on the search for a device which, as Cher has always sung, “can turn back time.” If you thought Indy was old in Crystal Skull, he’s even older here, with the action taking place in 1969. That said, he’s still dealing with Nazis, one of them played by Mads Mikkelsen.
The rest of Thursday and this week:
Sony Animation’s Spider-Man: Across the Universe (read the review) wins the week with an estimated $30.6M at 3,785 in Week 4 after a Thursday of $2.38M, -16% from Wednesday and a running total of $328.3M.
Disney/Pixar’s Elemental (read the review) is second with a Week 2 of $30.4M, a Thursday of $2.4M and running total of $77.4M, 22% behind last summer’s Lightyear at the same point in time. The pic is booked at 4,035 theaters.
Sony’s No Hard Feelings (read the review) at 3,028 theaters ends Week 1 with a hearty $21.8M. While The Flash‘s second weekend edged out No Hard Feelings, $15.1M to $15M, Flash‘s second week ends with $21.8M as well after a $1.1M Thursday, -29% from Wednesday at 4,256 theaters. No Hard Feelings‘ Thursday was $1.37M, -13%.
Paramount’s Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (read the review) at 3,523 theaters did $1.2M Thursday, -12%, for a third week of $17.7M and a running total of $129.1M.
Disney’s The Little Mermaid (read the review) ends Week 5 at 3,275 theaters with $14.2M after a $1.2M Thursday, also -12% for a running total on the Rob Marshall-directed musical of $275.8M. While his Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is his highest-grossing movie ever at $1.05 billion, stateside that title belongs to Little Mermaid.