Dark Horse Comics presents Operation Sunshine, an all-new humorous horror series from the New York Times bestsellers and hosts of The Last Podcast on the Left, Henry Zebrowski and Marcus Parks (DC Horror Presents: Soul Plumber). David Rubiin (Black Hammer) joins as artist, along with K.J. Diaz (The Ones) as colorist, and Ferran Delgado as letterer. Operation Sunshine #1 will also feature variant covers by David Aja (The Seeds) and Malachi Ward (Black Hammer).
A group of young, alienated vampires known as “bugs” plot to steal a magical object from ancient monstrous vampires to turn themselves back to human. Along the way they uncover a sprawling monster underground, a top-secret plot run by the elder creatures, elite militant vampire slayers, and madness beyond imagining blocking their path to humanity.
Operation Sunshine #1 (of 4) comes to life on October 11, 2023, just in time for Halloween. It is now available to pre-order for $3.99 at your local comic shop .
Be sure to follow Dark Horse Comics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorse.com, for more news, announcements, and updates!
Praise for Related Works – DC Horror Presents: Soul Plumber:
“It seems a little strange to call a horror comic rooted in religion and populated by uncomfortable characters with art and colors that make one feel like they need to wash their hands after reading them a masterpiece, especially after only one issue, but that’s what Soul Plumber is.”—Comicbook.com
“A story that calls back to the early ages of Vertigo Comics, a combination of humor, filth, and anti-gospel that could have fit into the pages of any of the early 90s British invasion.”–Comics Bookcase
“DC Horror Presents: Soul Plumber sets the standard for what can be achieved when fresh voices are given a platform to express themselves.”—CBR