Tristan Thompson, 32, celebrated his son Tatum‘s first birthday with an adorable Instagram post on July 28. The basketball player shared two new photos of him and the cutie rocking sunglasses and flashing smiles as he held him in his arms. They both wore long-sleeved tops, including a black top for the athlete and a brown one for the birthday boy, in the snapshots, and the former also added a sweet caption to the post.
“Tatum!! Happy birthday my son!” Tristan wrote in the beginning of the post. “You are a reminder of what life represents to me. You have taught me every loss comes a lesson and you are my gift. You are my reminder of all of God’s messages. You are the reason that I began my story.”
Tristan Thompson
“The mistakes along the way are lessons not failures,” he continued. “There is no expiration date to reinventing yourself. Tatum your sweet soul reminds me of God’s grace. You are a future king my son and I am so blessed to be your DaDa!”
In addition to Tristan, Tatum’s mother, Khloe Kardashian, shared a birthday post. It included several photos of the one-year-old and a loving message that, like his dad’s, expressed how grateful she is for him.
“Happy birthday, my sweet son! I am a firm believer in that God gives you what you need and I needed you. God knew my heart needed you,” the Good American founder, who welcomed Tatum via surrogate in July 2022, wrote in the caption. “I needed your sweet and precious Smile. I needed your angelic spirit. I needed a love only you could give me. I needed my son.”
The doting mom also shared many videos and photos of the big space-themed birthday bash she had for her youngest child. The epic party included various blue, gray, and white decorations and many delicious-looking treats, like cake, cupcakes, and cookies. One video also showed her holding Tatum as he wore a tan jacket over a white top while another showed the many guests who showed up, including family members like Tatum’s big sister True, 5, and many of his cousins.
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