Red puts Chillers alliance with Cameron on ice after feeling betrayed as the duo on the Block fight for their lives in the Power of Veto competition — plus, everyone is growing more and more frustrated with Head of Household Jared.
We said it after Sunday’s Big Brother, and now Cory is saying it. “Jared is strong in his convictions to the point of stupidity,” he said after the Head of Household told Cory how sketched out he was by America.
This is the infamous “r-word” conversation that had social media up in arms wondering if BB was going to do anything about it. Well, based on the edit for tonight’s episode, we’d say they’re definitely not going to punish him, or remove him from the house the way Luke was for using the n-word.

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The tense confrontation between Jared and Cory played out in the episode, as did Cory’s exclamation that the current HOH is a “f–king moron,” but the sequence where Jared said he doesn’t really think America is the “r-word” did not air.
As we noted, Live Feeders never saw Jared use the word, so this comment from him referencing it is as close as anyone has to confirmation that the full word was actually used. There’s always the possibility it wasn’t. Either way, the moment didn’t make the broadcast at all.
That said, Jared’s major issues with America did air, leaving Cory and America frustrated — after he filled her in — that Jared thinks she’s out here throwing comps. She threw one comp, the Pressure Cooker, and that was after 14 hours and making a deal with Cameron.
Sure, now that Cameron has become a big target in the house for almost everyone, it might be a deal she’ll come to regret, but she got safety for herself and Cory that week and at the time, that was good enough. Now, though, the new HOH thinks she’s throwing everything.

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Tiny Veto, Huge Power
Jared, who we’ve mocked for his intimidation, bullying, godfather-like approach to the game, got all up in Cory’s face again after America was picked to play in this week’s Power of Veto competition. He basically said that if she doesn’t show she’s trying hard, she looks like a good backdoor candidate to him.
To his credit — such as it is– Jared was just as bluntly direct with America about the whole thing when she confronted him. We’ll say one thing for him, he plays this game like an enraged bull in a china shop during an earthquake. You always know where he stands.
The competition itself was a BB classic, with the six competitors (HOH Jared, nominees Cameron and Red, Felicia, America, and Matt) having to stack tiny barrels of “toxic sludge” into a 36-barrel pyramid with tweezers.
It’s all about patience and steady hands because, as with every previous season, the stacks will and do fall. America was clearly giving it her all, even if Jared couldn’t see due to the Houseguests all competing simultaneously. Alas for her, it wasn’t enough.
In the end, even after a calamitous, drop, Cameron pulled off his second competition win of the season. If he wasn’t already a target, this would have sealed his fate. This season does not like competition threats (just ask Reilly and Hisam, and even Jag last week).
Nevertheless, Cameron secured the Power of Veto, which put a huge monkey wrench in the house’s plans for the week. He was the obvious target, even if he wasn’t entirely aware of it. To the House’s credit, they’ve done a pretty good job of keeping Cameron and Red in the dark about how fake the Legend 25 alliance is.
Had either of them been in the room when Cameron won Veto … well, Izzy’s lack of excitement when he won HOH last week paled in comparison to the crickets in the room when he won Veto this week.
With Cory, Jag, Mecole, Blue, Bowie, and Izzy all quietly watching on, Cirie’s quiet voice saying, “Cam got it,” was met with even more silence. Yeah, your boy does not have this house in his corner by any means.

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Cleaning Up Messes
One thing that’s been consistent this season is that once the final two Houseguests are on the block for elimination, this house has spent the days leading up to the actual eviction going back and forth and back and forth about what to do.
Jared was again ready to throw America up there because he just doesn’t trust her. Now, is he right not to trust her? Absolutely. She’s totally gunning for him, Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia. That foursome has been running the house all summer, though few know how involved Jared actually is.
But — and here’s where we have to give credit and tip our hats to mastermind Cirie — his mom has a better idea. She may be one of the best strategists to ever play these types of games, but she’s been saddled with her enraged bull of a son, who’s been making things hard.
On Sunday’s episode, we saw him dig a huge hole for both of them when he tried to make himself look impressive to Jag by telling him that he might get saved that week. The problem is that Matt had already told Jag about the Power of Invincibility — as well as the fact he’d only told Cirie about it.
That immediately got Jag suspicious, so he went and asked Cirie if she’d told anybody because Jared had just hinted at it to him. This after Cirie had explicitly told her son not to say anything to anyone. Oh, and of course, Jared approached all this with his intimidation, bullying, godfather-like nonsense.
He did the same after Cirie yelled at him for blabbing the intel, threatening Jag. But rather than “clean up” his mess, as he’d told his mom he’d do, he only made Jag suspicious of both him and Cirie.

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We get you want to play your own game, but listen to your mother! She’s better at this than almost everyone … and especiall you!
After Cameron’s win, Cirie saw an opportunity to clean up Jared’s mess a bit without tipping anyone off. If Jared puts Jag up as a replacement nominee when Cameron brings himself down, it would help tighten that fake bond with Cameron as it will look like Jared is looking to finish Cameron’s HOH plan, while also eliminating someone who’s now suspicious of them and their relationship.
Thankfully, Jared saw the good sense and reason that Cirie presented — and she was wise enough not to point out that this is her cleaning up his mess, considering his fragile, oversized ego — and put Jag back on the block.
Now, both Jag and Red are convinced that they’re the pawn and the other is the target. That means the house had days (this happened on Monday) to again waffle back and forth as to who to actually send home and who to try and pull tighter into an alliance.
More than likely, considering the long-term risks of keeping Jag in the house for Cirie’s game, he’ll be the one to go home. People may be growing more aware of her power and influence in the game, but they still don’t quite fathom at what level she’s playing.

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Chillers on Ice
While things were falling into place for Cirie’s game — she hopes — there was emotional drama on the sidelines. Cameron and Red have been The Chillers and buds almost the entirety of this game, but now it looks like things are “on ice” for the Final 2.
All this because Cameron totally threw Red under the bus to Jared after Jared put them on the block together. In Diary Room entries, though, Cameron was making it pretty clear that he was just trying to tell Jared what he wanted to hear.
Cameron’s perfect world was for either him or Red to win the Power of Veto and then orchestrate the week to ensure they both stayed. What he didn’t count on was Jared telling Red that his boy betrayed him, and Red so completely believing it.
Now, we do think Cameron would throw Red under the bus if it came to it, but in this moment, he was staying true to his alliance. The tragedy came when he tried to talk to Red about what had him so bummed, and Red said he reckoned Cameron knew.
Well, Cameron didn’t know because Red was working off of Jared’s perception of their relationship rather than perhaps what was true. So Red’s unwillingness to go there and just have it out fully with Cameron may have cost him the chance to hear from Cameron why he said what he said.
It also cost them precious time to come together and strategize how to ensure they were both safe come eviction night. Even worse, this breakup leaves both of them a little weaker in a house that they don’t even know is gunning for them as hard as it is.
Houseguest Report Cards
Cirie Fields (53, nurse) proved why she is the legend that she is, making possible lemonade out of the turd sandwiches Jared keeps laying around the house. If she gets Jag out this week, she only further solidifies her place in the game, as well as trust with people she’s working with and not working with, putting her in the best possible position she can be in at this point. [Grade: A-]
Matthew Klotz (27, deaflympics gold medalist) continues to ride high, with a strong alliance with Cirie. If she can get Jag out, that will draw him even closer to her, and he’s definitely someone that’s good to have in her corner, because no one sees it. Matt is well-liked and a strong competitor, so he’s in a great spot. [Grade: B+]
Felicia Cannon (63, real estate agent) continues to glide comfortably through this game, keeping her finger in the controlling alliance of the house. The house is becoming more and more aware of her controlling interests in that power trio with Izzy and Cirie, but she’s also got Izzy as a shield ahead of her if/when it comes to it. [Grade: B]
Cory Wurtenberger (21, college student) remains a threat to the power alliance that’s running the house, but we’re not sure he has enough influence to change the trajectory of the game at this point. He needs to win over some more allies, but for now he’s playing this middle-of-the-road strategy. He’s got a good pulse on the game, but not enough influence. [Grade: B-]
Blue Kim (25, brand strategist) probably doesn’t realize that her suggestion of putting Jag on the block as a pawn could be the thing that boots her ally out of the house. She’s proving she’s got a good head for this game, but she’s not playing the same game that the power players are. We respect that she’s keeping even Jared at a trust distance, but she’s too closely tied with him for it to really do much for her own game. [Grade: C]
Mecole Hayes (30, political consultant) shows up in the background and in key meetings, but we hardly ever see her doing anything. We know she’s doing more than what we see, but she’s got the most invisible edit of the season, and being unseen seems to be her goal right now. [Grade: C]

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America Lopez (27, medical receptionist) is getting unfairly targeted by jared and others in the house are struggling to trust her after her Pressure Cooker deal with Cameron. Considering how big of a target he is, it makes sense that her making a deal with him is hurting her game, too. We’re not sure if she can turn that around at this point. [Grade: C-]
Jared Fields (25, exterminator) could well see his boneheaded move of trying to impress and threaten Jag taken care of by the real godfather (-mother) of the house if they can get Jag out of the house. If he leaves clean without throwing anyone under the bus, he’s golden. Can he calm down and listen to his mother, though? We’re not sure his ego will allow him to do that, so he’ll remain a liability. [Grade: C-]
Izzy Gleicher (32, professional flutist) is actually seen as the biggest target in the actual power that’s been running the house this summer. She’s the most visible of that power trio with Cirie and Felicia, while no one knows how tightly connected to them Jared is. That makes her more vulnerable than any of them should the other side get some power. And with a wishy-washy house, if she sees the block, she could well go depending who’s next to her. [Grade: C-]
Bowie Jane Ball (45, barrister/DJ) has somehow become a tertiary target in the house due to a perceived association with Cameron and Red. with the Chillers “on ice,” though, those relationships and perceptions could change. For now, though, she seems to be a pretty easy target as she’s rubbed people the wrong way and is otherwise not engaged in this game hardly at all. [Grade: D+]
Cameron Hardin (34, stay-at-home dad) is in an interesting position in the game because he’s pretty well-pacified as a member of the fake Legend 25 alliance. That means he’s feeling safe — much like Hisam was — while the bulk of the house is definitely not in his corner and is ready to get him out. It’s not a matter of if with Cameron, but when. [Grade: D]
Red Utley (37, sales) & Jag Bains (25, truck company owner) are in the same spot this week as it always seems to be a bit of a toss-up as to who goes home. It really depends on what the power alliance decides is best for their game. Would losing Red tip Cameron off in a way they don’t want? More than likely, pacifying Cameron would be a reason for Jag to go, as well as protecting Cirie and Jared from his idiocratic tendencies. Our money is on Jag going, but we shall see. [Grade: D]

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House Chatter
“Damn. I’m in a tight spot.” –Red (emotional after getting thrown under the bus by Cameron)”I love you Red. I love you, I do.” –Cirie (comforting Red)”This place turned me into a baby.” –Red”No. It’s just a lot of emotions are going through and everybody has ’em and there’s nothing wrong with ’em. It don’t make you less of nothing because you feel ’em. Everybody loves you. Just know that. Everybody here loves you.” –Cirie”I trust you, man. If you wanna make a big move, I will bend over backwards. I mean, I didn’t know I was gonna be behind this hard–” –Cameron (to Jared after nominations)”I’m either gonna take you down or I’m banking on you taking yourself down.” –Jared (lying to Cameron)”I’m telling Jared what he wants to hear … as long as one of us comes off the Block, the Chillers are here for another week.” –Cameron (in DR about fighting to save himself and Red)”You got my back and Red’s gotta go? That’s it.” –Cameron (to Jared)”How long can I keep America in this house?” –Cory (feeling Jared out)”I think the only way she can start to gain trust is to f–king attempt to start winning [comps].” –Jared (to Cory about America)”It’s time for me to start building my resume.” –America (after getting picked to play Veto)”I swear to god, if I feel like she’s throwing it, she’s going.” –Jared (to Cory about America)”What the f–k was that?” –Izzy (to Cory about Jared about America)”Jared is strong in his convictions to the point of stupidity.” –Cory (in DR)”People think you’re throwing [comps].” –Cory (to America)”Why? I’m trying my hardest every single one. The Pressure Cooker, that’s different. Still, I tried my hardest. What happened?” –America”I don’t know where Jared’s getting this. Probably himself because he’s got such a big ego and thinks he’s right about everything, but it’s not true.” –America (in DR about Jared)”Cam got it.” –Cirie (to silence from Cory, Jag, Mecole, Blue, Bowie, Izzy watching during Veto)”Can you fill me in on something, ’cause I don’t know what’s going on.” –Cameron (after Red says he thinks there’s problems between them)”I suppose my position on that is I reckon you do. The Chillers? Reckon we’re gonna have to put it on ice.” –Red”I’m pretty sure Red just broke up with me. I don’t know why. I mean, he’s truly my best friend in this house.” –Cameron (in DR)”Last week, I was all for Matt saving Jag. But now that I think about it, if the house had voted me out 10-0, I wouldn’t trust anybody. And Jag already has reasons not to trust me because Jared already screwed things up telling him he knows about the Power of Invincibility. Now I’m thinking, it might not be such a good idea for my game to keep Jag in this house.” –Cirie (in DR doing damage control)”Jag is definitely indebted to him, you’re never gonna come between Matt and Jag. So why leave that person here for him? You’re taking his number one away, so you know who have to become his number one? You. Or me. But you putting up Jag is going to solidify Cameron with you, because he’ll feel like you’re finishing his HOH.” –Cirie (to Jared)”I’ve been cleaning up Jared’s messes for 25 years, so getting rid of Jag is no different.” –Cirie (in DR after Veto meeting)
Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8pm ET, and Thursdays at 9pm ET on CBS.