The Big Brother 25 week 7 Head of Household (HOH) Wall endurance competition has been played, and the winner is Jared Fields for the second time. During his first HOH reign, he succeeded in having Red Utley evicted, although his actual target was Red’s main ally, Cameron Hardin. However, Cameron won the Power of Veto and saved himself. Cameron then won HOH the following week and revealed to Jared, who’d won the Power of Veto, that his backdoor target was Cirie Fields. What Cameron didn’t know was that Cirie is Jared’s mother. Now that Jared has won HOH, it’ll be interesting to see if he targets Cameron because of this.
The Big Brother live feeds have revealed that Jared won the iconic Wall HOH competition. During the Pressure Cooker competition, Cameron was just five minutes short of breaking the record for the longest competition in Big Brother history at 13 hours and 49 minutes, but the Wall competition lasted for only about 45 minutes. Cameron was ineligible to play because he was the outgoing HOH. The competition was called “Attack of the 50 Foot Meatball,” and featured Big Brother 19 winner Josh Martinez’s voice. Giant meatballs hit the houseguests, and they were soaked in pink and green slime, and water. The wall tilted forward, making the competition very difficult.
In What Order Did The Big Brother 25 Houseguests Fall From the Wall?
Cirie was the first Big Brother 25 houseguest to fall at about the 8-minute mark. Felicia Cannon dropped about 10 minutes after her. America Lopez fell after about twenty minutes, with Mecole Hayes and Cory Wurtenberger following shortly after. Jag Bains and Matt Klotz lasted for about 35 minutes. Blue Kim and Bowie Jane dropped at about the 43-minute mark, making Jared the new HOH.
It’ll be very interesting to see who Jared’s target will be for the week. He will definitely keep his mother, Cirie, and his showmance, Blue, safe. Without Izzy Gleicher, who was evicted right before the competition, Cirie and Jared have one less ally in the house. However, Jared could target just about anyone, especially after his heated argument with Cory before the eviction.
It’s most likely though that Jared will finish what he started in his first HOH and try to evict Cameron, especially since Cameron admitted to him that he wanted to backdoor Cirie. But, unlike the first time, Jared will most likely backdoor Cameron so that he has no chance of winning the Power of Veto again. Whoever Jared targets, it’ll be an exciting week because Thursday is a double eviction episode. The Big Brother 25 houseguests should always remember to “expect the unexpected.”
Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10:30 p.m. EDT and Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EDT on CBS.