Gerry Turner is the star of The Golden Bachelor.
Gerry is 72 years old.
Gerry’s wife died in 2017.
The Golden Bachelor has its leading man. Gerry Turner was announced as the star of the highly-anticipated senior citizen spinoff series during Good Morning America in July 2023. On September 28, he’ll make his grand debut as the first-ever Golden Bachelor.
Gerry is 72 years old, which makes him the oldest person to lead a Bachelor franchise show. The Indiana native is looking for love amongst a group of 22 older women six years after his wife’s passing. So, who is Gerry Turner? He’s the guy everyone is talking about. Get ready to fall in love with Gerry!

Gerry Is the First Golden Bachelor
Gerry is making history as the first Golden Bachelor. ABC teased Gerry as the leading man with the first official poster for the season, which was released on July 16. It showed Gerry from behind holding a gold rose with the words, “It’s never too late to fall in love….again.”
Gerry told GMA in July 2023 that it was “still sinking in” that he was the Golden Bachelor. At the time, he said he was looking for a “high-energy” partner who could play pickleball with him.
Gerry admitted to Glamour that his Golden Bachelor journey is entirely “different” from what he experienced with his late wife. “What you’re looking for at the age of 70 is certainly different than what you’re looking for at the age of 20,” he said.
Gerry Is From Indiana
Gerry lives in his dream house on a beautiful lake in Indiana. Gerry loves hosting barbecues, playing pickleball, cheering on his favorite Chicago sports teams, four-wheeling, and spending time with friends and family at restaurants and local haunts, according to his official bio.
While Gerry loves Indiana, he’s not totally opposed to moving if he finds the right person. “I think all the options are open; so yes, I would be,” he told Glamour about moving. “The important thing is finding a good compromise, an acceptable sacrifice for both parties. That’s a tough one to get to, but it’s doable.”
His Wife Died in 2017
Gerry married his high school sweetheart, Toni, in 1974. They had two daughters together, Angie and Jenny. Sadly, Toni suddenly fell ill and died in 2017.
“She got robbed,” Gerry said on GMA about his late wife. “For a while, I was having a hard time figuring out if she would be okay. But we always told each other, when one of us go, we want the other one to be happy. She’s up there rooting [for me],” he said.
In the official trailer for The Golden Bachelor, Gerry broke down in tears talking about his late wife. “I took my wife to the emergency room on July 7, and she passed away on July 15,” Gerry said. “It will be 6 years since she passed away. No one is going to replace Toni. But the love of my daughters and my granddaughters pulled me out of a dark spot.”
.@GoldenBachABC’s Gerry Turner tells #TheView he thinks his late wife would support his #Bachelor journey and that having 43 years of marriage under his belt makes him a better partner: “I come well-trained.” pic.twitter.com/DH9BZdRKnk
— The View (@TheView) September 28, 2023
During his appearance on The View, Gerry was asked about what his wife would think about him being the Golden Bachelor. “I think she would be excited for me. In the years shortly after she passed, I had mixed feelings about everything, whether I was ready to date again or whether I’d ever have a happy moment again.” He noted that his late wife would approve of him doing the show. “We always wanted the other to be happy in life,” he said.
Gerry Is a Grandfather
Gerry has two granddaughters, Charlee and Payton. Gerry’s daughters convinced him to apply for the show and host Jesse Palmer told him over Zoom that he got the gig.

Gerry told Variety that his daughters and granddaughters are “genuinely excited and thrilled” about him being the Golden Bachelor. “My granddaughters have had guests to my house since this all started, and they pick their friends that are big fans of the show,” he said.
Gerry Is a Retired Restaurateur.
Gerry spent his career in the restaurant industry. Now, his main job in life is finding the right woman for his future.