Tom Hanks once said in the film Splash that “I want to have a kid, and I want to go see him be a tooth in the school play!”
However, he didn’t mention a dental plan. Which is why the actor warned his Instagram followers on Saturday that he was not involved in an Artificial Intelligence-created promotional video for a dental plan using a computer-generated image of him.
“BEWARE!! There’s a video out there promoting some dental plan with an AI version of me. I have nothing to do with it,” Hanks wrote in his caption, using the photo of his AI counterpart from the clip.
Hanks is no stranger to digital manipulations. He was part of the groundbreaking digital film 2004 film The Polar Express, the first movie to be created using motion-capture animation.
“We saw this coming,” he said on a May podcast “We saw that there was going to be this ability to take zeros and ones inside a computer and turn it into a face and a character. Now that has only grown a billionfold since then, and we see it everywhere.”