Source: Hyoung Chang / Getty
Pigs in prison is a wonderful way to start the day.
Elijah McClain was killed in a collaborative effort between overly aggressive police officers and incompetent (at best) EMTs in an incident that didn’t require any use of force whatsoever. BOSSIP initially reported on McClain’s killing back in 2020 during the summer of protest following the George Floyd murder. While walking home from a corner store, McClain was approached by officers who said they were called because he was wearing a ski mask. The 23-year-old was subsequently choked out and given a 500 mg dose of ketamine to “calm him down”.
He died 3 days later after going into a coma from cardiac arrest.
According to ABCNews, a jury has convicted officer Randy Roedema of negligent homicide and 3rd degree assault for his participation in the acts that led to McClain’s death. The other officer on the scene, Jason Rosenblatt, was found not guilty of reckless manslaughter, assault in the second degree and criminally negligent homicide.
Attorney General Phil Weiser released a public statement following the verdict;
“Today’s verdict is about accountability; everyone is accountable and equal under the law. And hopefully today’s verdict is another step in the healing process for the Aurora community and the state. I recognize that some people may not agree with the verdict, but we all must respect the jury system, which is a pillar of our democratic republic,”

Source: Helen H. Richardson/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post via Getty Images / Getty
He continued:
“We are here today because Elijah McClain mattered. He was just 23 years old when he died, and he had his whole life ahead of him. His mother, Sheneen McClain, has had to relive that tragic night repeatedly for the last five years. Yet I, and all of us, are inspired by her courage and devotion to her son. Sheneen has been incredibly resilient and determined to not let anyone forget about Elijah. I want to thank Sheneen for her strength, grace, and understanding. Elijah’s memory lives on as a blessing,” his statement read.
The cop who was first to contact Elijah, Officer Nathan Woodyard, was the one who initially applied the choke hold and will be tried separately according to a court order. We will publish updates on this case and Rodema’s sentence as more information becomes available.