Spy X Family balances a heartwarming familial relationship, an entertaining espionage story, and hilarious comedic moments into an anime that has become an instant classic. The balance between the series’ spy action and family comedy is embodied by Spy X Family’s best and most underrated character. Despite only making a few appearances so far, the aptly named Daybreak is the perfect reminder of what makes Spy X Family so special.
The self-professed archrival of Loid – AKA Twilight – Daybreak is Loid’s opposite in every way imaginable Most significantly, where Loid is a cool, composed professional who’s impossibly talented, while Daybreak is a bumbling loudmouth who’s impossibly lucky. Loid is the archetypal Daybreak represents a parody of the spy genre as whole, taken to its logical extreme for the sake of comedy.
Spy X Family’s Daybreak Proves The Series Can Satirize Itself
Daybreak’s greatest strength as a character is that he’s a clear indication that Spy X Family isn’t afraid to make fun of itself. Although Spy X Family is a comedy, for the most part, Loid is presented as a sincere representation of a spy fiction hero. Most of the humor Loid is responsible for comes for his bemused reactions or deadpan responses to the more outwardly comedic characters like Anya and Yor. Daybreak, on the other hand, is a walking parody of spy tropes, exaggerated to the highest degree possible to better contrast with Loid’s understated and professional character. Daybreak’s first appearance in the anime has him inadvertently crossing paths with a disguised Loid as they both infiltrate Eden Academy. Having Daybreak and Loid share the screen, even unknowingly, is a brilliant storytelling choice because it makes the contrasts between the two spies even more obvious.
Notably, Daybreak himself explains that his codename is a deliberate counter to Loid’s Twilight codename chosen to establish himself as Loid’s equal and rival. He quickly proves unworthy of the comparison, smashing doors to reach inside to unlock them, hiding behind corners and flagpoles, rolling and cartwheeling out in the open because he thinks he makes him undetectable, and writing his mission notes on his hand. The best part of Daybreak’s plan is that it actually works. Loid succeeds because he’s a master – Daybreak succeeds because it’s funny. Operating on spy movie logic shouldn’t work, but Daybreak manages to succeed because that’s the entire joke behind his character. It’s a brilliant and hilarious self-parody from Spy X Family.
The contrast between Loid and Daybreak is a fantastic source of comedy. Having the two spies share the screen only emphasizes the comedy. Daybreak is the series’ most underrated character because he perfectly demonstrates Spy X Family’s sense of humor.
Spy X Family is available to stream on Crunchyroll.