As Jada Pinkett Smith continues the press run for her memoir, Worthy, she’s revealing even more information about her relationships with both Will Smith and Tupac.

Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty
During an appearance on Jay Shetty’s On Purpose podcast, Pinkett Smith opened up about how she thinks life would have been if her husband and Tupac had known each other.
“If ‘Pac had survived Vegas, he and Will would’ve ended up being really good friends,” Jada insisted on the podcast. “They would’ve had a lot to offer each other. Funny enough, Will was the only person when I started dating him, ‘Pac never said anything.”
She continued, “If I dated anybody else, ‘Pac had something to say. He didn’t think anybody was good enough, which I understand. But when I started dating Will, he didn’t say anything. Which meant to me, in his own way, he approved. He didn’t say anything. Not a word, which made me believe he approved.”
“I know Will and I are talking about writing a book, together, called ‘Don’t Try This at Home,’” she told the outlet.
She revealed similar aspirations on the School of Greatness podcast, saying, that what Smith is going through could help a lot of people.
“I hope one day we can write a book together. And just how we’ve been through so much,” Jada said. “And all the gates of relating that we’ve been through. And there’s been many, and many to come. Right? But… The process that he’s going through right now, I think would be so helpful to so many men.”
To hear more from Jada Pinkett Smith, check out her exclusive interview with BOSSIP!