“When rich businessmen/entrepreneurs claim that not paying their fair share of taxes helps them invest in their community and provide jobs. Everyone should pay PERIOD.”
“Bezos isn’t making Amazon if poor people don’t fund the building of roads and bridges for him to deliver packages. Or if we didn’t build the internet for him to sell those packages. Or if we didn’t fund public education to train an able workforce to build the company for him. Or if we didn’t pay police officers to stop people from punking him out of his inheritance.
The rich benefit disproportionately from what taxes fund, and they should be made to pay disproportionately into the tax base when they get richer. Not to ‘punish’ their success, but to enable it.”
“‘If you cut corporate taxes they will hire more people.’ Never works. Why hire more people than you need?”
“The wealthy are already spending what they want to spend. You only need so many houses, cars etc…Giving more money to the wealthy in the form of tax cuts, subsidies etc., only causes an increase in wealth disparity, as we’ve seen happening since about 1980.
Same with corporations. Big corporations are already at a point of equilibrium regarding meeting the demand of their customers. Giving more money to big corporations isn’t going to cause them to expand and/or increase compensation to their employees (lol, who ever fucking believed they would do that?) They’ll increase pay to the owners/investors/shareholders etc. They’ll manipulate the market to their advantage via stock buybacks which were made legal right around the time Reagan had begun implementing his ‘trickle down’ economic policies. I’m sure that was just a coincidence tho, right?”