To start, you have your traditional Booster Packs (although these will have 16 cards!) with a mix of Common, Uncommon, Rare/Legendary card, leader, base, and a foil. Each display box will contain 24 Booster Packs. You can expect each pack to retail for $4.99. It’s important to note that any card in the set can be the foil no matter the rarity. Also, any card has the chance to be a Hyperspace variant which has a different frame that shows a bit more of the art. If that’s not enough, leaders have the chance to come in a Showcase variant with alternate art, alternate frame, and special foil treatment. The odds for these kinds of things can be found below:
Foil Card = 1 in every pack
Legendary = ~1 in 8 packs
Hyperspace = ~2 in 3 packs
Hyperspace Rare/Legendary = ~1 in 15 packs
Showcase = ~1 in 12 boxes
There will also be a Two-Player Starter which includes two pre-build decks (50 cards each) designed to get you and a friend playing immediately. You’ll also get damage counters, paper playmats, and folded deckboxes. As an added bonus, there are 10 cards in the decks that are not available in the Spark of Rebellion Booster Packs. This will retail for $34.99.