Gen Z drinkers are looking for affordable, yet sophisticated, options when it comes to alcohol. This is exactly what As One Cru Wines provides its 21+ consumers. Founder and CEO Christopher Radomski has a biology and law background and is equipped to deliver high-quality products to the new generation of adult drinkers. Chris is the CEO of Legends Spirits, which proudly produces spirits for Duke Kentucky Bourbon and Rye, La Adelita Tequila, and As One Cru Wines.
Half of Gen Z is now old enough to purchase alcohol in the United States and these consumers are looking for something different. More and more, this group of adults is reaching for boutique selections of rare hand-crafted spirits and wines, similar to As One Cru. It’s no surprise that many of these individuals have a preference for higher-quality wines, as they often have more disposable income.
As the millennials and older generations often have less income to spend on luxuries due to the increased likelihood of having children and mortgages, Gen Z tends to be the generation looking for luxury wines. As One Cru Wines seeks to rival the top wines around the world, and with top chefs and sommeliers at their disposal, they are quickly becoming the go-to choice for this group of people.
As One Cru Wines has combined expertise with those passionate about wine to create a wine collection that features variety and the richness of Napa Valley. With quality and uniqueness, As One Cru Wines offers something to Gen Z that other longstanding names and brands don’t. There is also a growing trend in the U.S. that has seen the premium wine market increase. Last year, a study by IWSR revealed that although wine volumes in the nation decreased, the “premium-and-above” wines grew by 6%. Those driving this change, as previously mentioned, are the below 40 and newly 21+ Gen Z groups.
Although the 21+ Gen-Zers aren’t sipping on a nice glass of wine too often — when they do, they are more likely to spend a tad more to enhance their experience. Chris’ brands and spirits are serious contenders, as they have been recognized globally at fine dining restaurants and more. Additionally, Legends Spirits has been awarded ratings ranging from 96-100 points over the years. With the 21+ Gen Z crowd demanding a new market of boutique spirits, As One Cru Wines will satisfy those seeking luxury and delicacy.