Marvel Studios recently announced a new label called “Marvel Spotlight” which its Echo series will be released under. So, what exactly is this Marvel Spotlight label? It’s a new banner and sub-category for upcoming MCU projects released by Marvel Studios. Those projects will not necessarily tie into and reference the bigger plot threads of the MCU. These are more standalone projects.
So, people watching the shows under this banner don’t really need to have seen any of the prior MCU projects to understand what is going on. They also won’t really connect to any of the future upcoming projects. Audiences will not need to watch Hawkeye to understand what is going on with Echo. But, chances are, anyone interested in Echo will have already seen Hawkeye.
Brad Winderbraum, the Marvel Studios Head of Streaming, went on to explain that the Marvel Spotlight is a platform for Marvel to play with character-driven, grounded storylines. He also said that Echo and other shows will focus on street-level stakes instead of events affecting the larger MCU continuity.
The Marvel Spotlight label was inspired by two anthology comic-book runs of the same name that were published by Marvel Comics between November 1971 and April 1977 and July 1979 and March 1981. Those comics focused on characters such as Ghost Rider, Jessica Drew’s Spider-Woman, and Werewolf by Night.
Any thoughts to share on this new Marvel Spotlight banner?