Source: Penpak Ngamsathain / Getty
The administration at Shawnee Mission East High School in KKKansas has a LOT of ‘splaining to do.
A report in the Kansas City Defender is currently going viral on Twitter (we’re never calling it X, Elon can pound sand) as a young Black female student has been suspended for being the victim of a hate crime.
You didn’t read any syllable of that sentence incorrectly.
The student, identified only as “Bre” was (non-violently) g-checking some white girls for using racist slurs and calling other Black students “slaves.” A white boy student loitered around the group while Bre verbally undressed the cowardly Caucasian chatty Patties and walked away with them when they sheepishly walked away.
Once the white boy and his fair maidens were far enough down the hall, he mustered up the faux bravery that escaped him only moments ago and yelled, “Shut the f**k up!” When asked who had the audacity to spew such profanity, the white boy defiantly yelled, “Me, ni**a! Me!”
Sista Bre, not one to shiver, shake, move or break, stood on Black a** business. Peep the video below.
As a result of the fearless physical engagement with the Ritz-y rabble-rouser, sista Bre was hospitalized with a broken nose. As if that injury wasn’t sufficient, the school added insult by suspending her for defending herself AGAINST A HATE CRIME THAT AT LEAST A DOZEN PEOPLE WITNESSED. The bigoted violence has empowered students to speak out not only against their racist classmates but also against the school administrators who refuse to call a thing a thing. We surmise that the school desperately wants to avoid the ire of lily-white midwestern parents who would accuse them of being “woke” for punishing the appropriate Anglo-Saxon party for a HATE CRIME.
The Kansas City Defender reports:
Charlize, another student, echoed these sentiments, demanding the expulsion of the attacker. “This was a serious attack… a textbook hate crime,” she stated, emphasizing the need for a decisive response from the school’s administration. She went on to say that “There were so many warning signs. It’s been going on for so long. Most of the people involved are seniors or upperclassmen. Its been going on for so long. We’ve reported it and talked about it but nothing has happened.”
Instead of action, decisiveness and unwavering clarity, the students and parents got this mealy-mouthed statement from the school.
White folks don’t want Critical Race Theory in schools, but they’re all on board for this…