Cat Kid Comic Club: Influencers, written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey and published by Scholastic Graphix, is available now! The fifth book in the Cat Kid Comic Club series, which spins out of Pilkey’s wildly popular Dog Man series, Influencers is yet another hit for Pilkey.
No matter what your age, or whether you’re buying the comic for yourself or a younger reader in your life, the Cat Kid Comic Club series deserves your attention. Here’s five reasons Cat Kid Comic Club is a must for all comics lovers, especially if said lovers are aspiring creators themselves!
Comics all the way down
The premise of Cat Kid Comic Club follows Flippy’s twenty-one baby frog kids as they take part in the eponymous club. Under the tutelage of club president Li’l Petey and vice president Molly, the baby frogs each embark on their own comic-making journey.
As the baby frogs make their respective comics, readers of Cat Kid Comic Club get to follow along. To emphasize the distinction between these in-comic comics and the comic itself, the ‘zine-style comics created by the baby frogs are presented in a variety of distinct styles.
These include various (and sometimes crude) drawing styles as well as photocomics featuring clay figures and/or toys. Not only does this variety add an extra dimension to exploring the series, but it also encourages readers to create comics of their own, no matter what aesthetic they turn out to be.
An engaging series
When you (or your little readers) finish the first volume of Cat Kid Comic Club, it is only natural to experience an unquenchable thirst for more. Fortuantely, since Influencers is the fifth book in the series, you have the chance to catch up!
Cat Kid Comic Club is the kind of comic you can find at your local bookstore and public library. But it’s also the kind of book you can find in supermarkets, big box chain retailers and at many finer periodical stands.
Discover the secrets of Kawaii
In Influencers, a chapter called “Baby Power” depicts two of the baby frogs as they help their siblings learn how to better design endearing characters. In order to do this, they explain “Baby Power,” describing how scientific research reveals that creating cute characters in specific ways can help readers bond with your comics. In the Influencers “Notes & Fun Facts” section, the book cites an article from The Conversation for this insightful information. This is just one example of the many illuminating things readers will learn painlessly from Cat Kid Comic Club.
By popular demand
Anyone who has encountered young readers in the past few years can attest: they cannot get enough of Pilkey! Sure, “everyone else is doing it” isn’t always a great reason to follow-through with something.
However, in the cast of Cat Kid Comic Club, you’ll want get on-board with the crowd. There’s a reason people can’t get enough of Cat Kid Comic Club, and understanding why for yourself is just a matter of reading a few pages.
Learn to make comics from a true master
As implied above, Cat Kid Comic Club encourages readers to make their own comics by affording them the same comic-making education enjoyed by the twenty-one baby frogs. Given that Pilkey is the mastermind behind not just Dog Man and Cat Kid Comic Club but also the equally-renowned Captain Underpants series, this equates with learning about sequential narrative creation from a true master of the craft.
Don’t miss out on your opportunity to take part. Get ahold of all five books in the Cat Kid Comic Club series today!
The newest book in the Cat Kid Comic Club series, Cat Kid Comic Club: Influencers, is available (or on waitlist) at your local bookstore and/or public library today.
Visit Pilkey’s website here!