DC Comics has released their full solicitations information for titles scheduled to arrive in March 2024 and beyond. Among DC‘s offerings for the month are the debut of Suicide Squad: Dream Team from Nicole Maines and Eddy Barrows, the reunion of Mark Russell and Michael Allred for a Superman: Space Age spinoff, Batman: Dark Age, and the oversized 25th issue of Mark Waid and Dan Mora‘s Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, featuring the first meeting between Lex Luthor and The Joker.
All that and more in the full DC Comics March 2024 solicitations. Check out all the infomration and cover images below.
(Click images to enlarge)
BATMAN #145Written by CHIP ZDARSKYArt and cover by JORGE JIMENEZVariant cover by BRUNO REDONDOVariant cover by YASMINE PUTRI1:25 variant cover by MATTEO SCALERA1:50 variant cover by JAMES STOKOE$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24Following The Joker: Year One’s stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur’s prison…but what dark secret does Zur now hold that’s a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!
SUICIDE SQUAD: DREAM TEAM #1Written by NICOLE MAINESArt and cover by EDDY BARROWS and EBER FERREIRAVariant covers by RICCARDO FEDERICI and SWEENEY BOO1:25 variant cover by GLEB MELNIKOVFoil variant cover by EDDY BARROWS and EBER FERREIRA ($6.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24When Amanda Waller makes her move to seize ultimate power in the DCU, nothing will stand in her way—not even the future. Spinning out of the events of Titans: Beast World comes the story of Dreamer—the precog dream-walker who has run afoul of the most power-hungry villain in DCU history. With a super-powered hero who can see the future on her side, is Waller’s Suicide Squad finally unstoppable? Join Harley Quinn, Bizarro,Clock King, Black Alice, and Deadeye for the fight for DC’s future…and the next big step toward the cataclysmic event of 2024!
BATMAN/DYLAN DOG #1Written by ROBERTO RECCHIONIArt by GIGI CAVENAGO and WERTHER DELL’EDERACover by GIGI CAVENAGOVariant cover by GIGI CAVENAGO1:25 variant cover by GIGI CAVENAGO$4.99 US | 88 pages | 1 of 3 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24See how the fates of Batman and Dylan Dog intertwined in the past through their lethal nemeses: The Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime of Gotham City, and Professor Xabaras, a mad genius with a taste for bringing the dead back to life!
Joker is in London to seal a hellish pact with Dylan Dog’s nemesis, the Mephistophelian Xabaras! The doorbell of Craven Road No. 7 screams, and beyond the doorway Bruce Wayne appears. For the Nightmare Investigator, an incredible adventure begins side by side with the Dark Knight. They’ll have to forge an uneasy alliance, putting aside their differences in order to successfully confront and defeat an evil that comes from the past…
BATMAN: DARK AGE #1Written by MARK RUSSELLArt and cover by MIKE ALLREDVariant covers by YANICK PAQUETTE and FRANK QUITELY1:25 variant cover by MIKE ALLRED$5.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $6.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Meet Bruce Wayne, Gotham’s favorite delinquent son. In an origin story like no other, witness the boy become a dark knight shaped by a city in turmoil as it marches towards its prophesied doom.
Set against the backdrop of actual historical events, Gotham comes alive, filled with the iconic characters who’ve loved and hated Batman over the years like you’ve never seen them before. Spinning out of the Eisner-nominated Superman: Space Age, Mark Russell and Mike Allred return to give audiences a look at Batman as a figure in American history fighting for justice in a world gone mad.
BATMAN AND ROBIN #7Written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt and cover by SIMONE DI MEOVariant cover by DERRICK CHEWVariant cover by KAEL NGU1:25 variant cover by SIMONE BIANCHI1:50 variant cover by KAEL NGU$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24Batman and Robin are on the hunt for Man-Bat and Shush, but their search is interrupted by the return of Flatline, Damian’s crush from the Lazarus Tournament! But what has followed her to Gotham?!
DETECTIVE COMICS #1083Written by RAM VArt by RICCARDO FEDERICI and STEFANO RAFFAELECover by EVAN CAGLEBackup written by DAN WATTERSBackup art by TBDVariant cover by RICCARDO FEDERICIVariant cover by KELLEY JONES1:25 variant cover by SEBASTIAN FIUMARA$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Black boots trudge across yellow sands. Grit-laced winds flutter through a tattered cape. Dreamlike mirages of past, present, and hypothetical futures ripple across the sunbaked landscape, the mystery of their appearance only equaled by the question of their existence. This is the Dark Knight’s world now, but it doesn’t have to be. He can save himself from this dry limbo and return to his city…or can he? Batman’s mind and body may never be thesame in this harrowing, hallucinatory, and hypnotic tale.
NIGHTWING #112Written by TOM TAYLORArt by SAMI BASRIBackup written by MICHAEL W. CONRADBackup art by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLACover by BRUNO REDONDOVariant cover by DAN MORAVariant cover by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA1:25 variant cover by ROBBI RODRIGUEZ$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24Nightwing continues to struggle with his recent woe—why can’t he leap, and what’s causing it? And Batman continues his investigation into it; is he any closer to figuring out the root of this new dilemma before there are some serious consequences?
Plus, part two of the period saga! Around seven centuries ago, the Grayson name was born. A child of the Black Death. The story of revenge reaches its epic conclusion.
BIRDS OF PREY #7Written by KELLY THOMPSONArt and cover by LEONARDO FERNANDEZVariant cover by NATHAN SZERDYVariant cover by PABLO VILLALOBOS1:25 variant cover by LEIRIXWomen’s History Month variant cover by SOZOMAIKA$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24Sin is alive and back with Black Canary in Gotham, and the world didn’t get destroyed, but the cost was high and nobody’s exactly sure what it means yet. Shocking revelations in the wake of the Birds’ first mission lead Dinah to…a conspiracy against the Birds of Prey and a whole new mission. New mission, new team. Hold onto your butts.
OUTSIDERS #5Written by JACKSON LANZING and COLLIN KELLYArt by ROBERT CAREYCover by ROGER CRUZVariant cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA1:25 variant cover by SKYLAR PATRIDGE$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24“Nocturne.”
The world is dying. Welcome to the funeral.
You—and the Outsiders—are invited to the biggest social event of 2024: a gathering of the most terrifying monsters from across the DC Universe. After all, horror is in right now. Follow Kate Kane, Luke Fox, and Drummer as they step into the shadows of Kate’s past after receiving a strange invitation from her former lover, the vampiric Nocturna. Why have they been invited? What other monstrous entities will be attending? How many will die before the night is through? And who’s faintly crying in the other room? Accept your invitation to find out—but be warned that once you open the page, there’s no turning back!
CATWOMAN #63Written by TINI HOWARDArt by CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICOCover by DAVID NAKAYAMAVariant cover by INHYUK LEEVariant cover by RACHTA LIN1:25 variant cover by LEIRIX1:50 variant cover by JORGE FORNESWomen’s History Month variant cover by SOZOMAIKA$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24“NINE LIVES” PART FIVE!
Selina’s international tour of death and rebirth continues. Her latest crime? Going deep beneath the sea to rescue a film director turned brainwashed political prisoner from a bunch of undersea ne’er-do-wells. The only problem is the director doesn’t want to leave his new home, and he’s harboring a secret that’ll make him lethal to Selina if anyone finds out he’s been taken…including the director himself. To make it through the mission with any of her nine lives intact, Catwoman will have to trick her quarry into thinking nothing out of the ordinary is happening. But will her acting skills stand up to the director’s standards?!
THE PENGUIN #8Written by TOM KINGArt by RAFAEL DE LATORRECover by CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICOVariant cover by DUSTIN NGUYEN$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24The Penguin gathered his muscle, his advisor, and his insider…now it’s time to reclaim his throne in Gotham City! Phase One—a family reunion!
HARLEY QUINN #38Written by TINI HOWARDArt by NATACHA BUSTOSCover by SWEENEY BOOBackup written by BRANDT & STEINBackup art by BRANDT & STEINVariant cover by TERRY & RACHEL DODSON1:25 variant cover by ELIZABETH TORQUE1:50 variant cover by GIULIO RINCIONEWomen’s History Month variant cover by SOZOMAIKA$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Rub the sleep outta yer eyebulbs, ya lazy berks! It’s the start of a whole new arc of my book, and it’s off to a bang! After dealing with multiversal shenanigans for so long, a girl has got to get back to her roots (by which I mean taking her nontalking hyenas on walkies, bagging up their poops, and then having a superbo birthday party with her girlfriend and best pals). It’s the start of a whole new arc!
Plus-ola: You like cartoons? I’ll give ya some dang goshed toonz! My disbarred personal trainers Brandt & Stein present the Troo Harleywood Story™ of th’ time I got embroiled in a battle of wills and wits with Gotham’s foremost high-flyin’ kite aficionado Kite-Man!
POISON IVY #20Written by G. WILLOW WILSONArt by MARCIO TAKARACover by JESSICA FONGVariant cover by DAVID NAKAYAMAVariant cover by YANICK PAQUETTE1:25 variant cover by TULA LOTAY1:50 variant cover by DAVID NAKAYAMAWomen’s History Month variant cover by SOZOMAIKA$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24ORIGIN OF SPECIES CONTINUES!
Pamela Isley’s world is spiraling out of control thanks to the influence of her professor, Dr. Jason Woodrue. But just as things seem to be at their worst, a promising new classmate arrives on the scene and threatens to steal away the few nice things left in Pam’s life. Meet Bella Garten, a.k.a.…THE GARDENER.
RED HOOD: THE HILL #2Written by SHAWN MARTINBROUGHArt by SANFORD GREENECover by SANFORD GREENEVariant cover by RILEY ROSSMO$3.99 US | 32 pages | 2 of 6 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24Jason Todd (a.k.a. Red Hood) and Dana Harlowe (a.k.a. Strike) find their relationship strained in more ways than one. While in costume, Red Hood—as well as other members of The Watch—urges Strike to give up the vigilante life, and in their civilian lives, seeds of jealousy begin to drive a wedge between Jason and one of his oldest friends. Meanwhile, Demetrius Korlee Jr. and the villain known only as Suluku both have their own sinister schemes for the town, but what will happen when they converge? Things are heating up in the Hill! When it all boils over, will anyone be safe?
BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #11Written by KARL KERSCHL, TORUNN GRONBEKK, DELILAH S. DAWSON, and ZAC THOMPSONArt by KARL KERSCHL, FERNANDO PASARIN, SERG ACUŃA, and ASHLEY WOODCover by SIMONE DI MEOVariant cover by FRANCESCO MATTINAVariant cover by ASHLEY WOOD$7.99 US | 64 pages | Prestige | (all covers are card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Tristan Grey has mutated into a terrifying new version of Man-Bat, and it’s up to Batman and Maps to save him! But, when it turns out that Tristan is not the only person who has been infected by the Man-Bat serum, it will be Batman and Maps versus an army of leather-winged monsters!
Also, Lois Lane falls deeper down the conspiracy rabbit hole, and Artemis continues her hunt!
And lastly, Batman finds himself in a folk horror nightmare courtesy of Zac Thompson and Ashley Wood in a new Batman Black & White tale that has to be seen to be believed.
BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #25Written by MARK WAIDArt and cover by DAN MORA and STEVE PUGHVariant covers by JAMAL CAMPBELL, DUSTIN NGUYEN,DAVE JOHNSON, JOELLE JONES, and ALVARO MARTINEZ BUENOWilliam Shatner cameo cover by DAN MORA1:25 variant cover by CHRISTIAN WARD1:50 variant cover by STEVAN SUBIC$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24Join Batman and Superman as the World’s Finest team celebrates 25 issues of World’s Finest! This oversized special issue takes our heroes around the DCU and beyond—with a special lead story that will at last showcase the first meeting between The Joker and Lex Luthor. The World’s Finest villains form an unholy alliance and will send chills down the spines of the DCU Heroes forevermore! PLUS: Spinning out of the events of the World’s Finest Annual, Doom-Mite strikes and points the way to the next World’s Finest epic!
ACTION COMICS #1063Written by JASON AARONArt and cover by JOHN TIMMSVariant covers by JORGE JIMENEZ, PAOLO RIVERA, and R. KIKUO JOHNSON1:25 variant cover by TOM REILLY$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24The startling finale of “I, Bizarro” sees the Man of Steel making his most shocking team-up ever as part of the mind-blowing final battle against the ultimate Bizarro.
SUPERMAN #12Written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt by DAVID BALDEONCover by JAMAL CAMPBELLVariant covers by LEE BERMEJO and CLAYTON HENRYWraparound variant cover by DAN JURGENS and NORM RAPMUND1:25 variant cover by ALAN QUAH$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24Superman is the brains while Lex is the brawn, as they team up to battle the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad for the fate of Metropolis. Lex has sworn to Superman that he is a changed man, but to what lengths will he go to stop his enemies?! And what danger from deep space rapidly makes its way toward Earth?
POWER GIRL #7Written by LEAH WILLIAMSArt by MARGUERITE SAUVAGECover by AMY REEDERVariant covers by KEVIN WADA and JAE LEE1:25 variant cover by JON BOGDANOVEWomen’s History Month variant cover by SOZOMAIKA$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24The Supergirls are trapped! While tracking down the missing citizens of Metropolis, Paige and Kara have found themselves powerless in the mythical realm of Ferembia. They’ll now have to rely on their wits to find an escape and the brains behind the whole operation before they’re stuck in their own personal dark age!
KNEEL BEFORE ZOD #3Written by JOE CASEYArt by DAN McDAIDCover by JASON SHAWN ALEXANDERVariant cover by LUCIO PARRILLO1:25 variant cover by MIRKO COLAK$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24Palace intrigue infects the House of Zod as war comes to New Kandor! What kind of chaos is wrought when alien invaders unleash their secret failsafe weapon? Who will survive? Who will die? You can’t afford to miss this major turning point in the cataclysmic cosmic saga of Zod!
THE FLASH #7Written by SIMON SPURRIERArt and cover by RAMON PEREZVariant covers by MIKE DEODATO JR. and MATT TAYLOR$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Jai West is going to try to rescue Max Mercury from the horrific remains of Timepoint, now a world overrun by time-gobbling monsters, and he’s got surprising backup—the shadowy bubble gum-chewing figure who goes by the name Inspector Pilgrim!
SPEED FORCE #5Written by JARRETT WILLIAMSArt by DANIELE DI NICUOLOCover by SWEENEY BOOVariant cover by GEORGE KAMBADAIS$3.99 US | 32 pages | 5 of 6 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24After teaming up with the rest of the Flash Family in Titans: Beast World Tour Central City, Avery and Wallace are more determined than ever to take down the mysterious forces behind the app that’s brainwashing not only the S.T.A.R. Labs scientists but now the youth of Keystone City. But before they can reach the Big Boss, they’ve got to face off with holographic versions of themselves!
WONDER WOMAN #7Written by TOM KINGArt by GUILLEM MARCHCover by DANIEL SAMPEREVariant covers by JULIAN TOTINO TEDESCO and GUILLEM MARCH1:25 variant cover by JORGE MOLINAWomen’s History Month variant cover by SOZOMAIKA$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24For the Batman who has everything! Amidst their adventures as Superman and Wonder Woman, Clark and Diana take a thrilling journey into space to get a birthday gift for their dear friend Bruce.
SINISTER SONS #2Written by PETER J. TOMASIArt by DAVID LAFUENTECover by BRAD WALKER and ANDREW HENNESSYVariant cover by JAMAL CAMPBELL1:25 variant cover by EDWIN GALMON$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24Sinson is on a mission to prove he’s worthy of the mantle of Sinestro, but what happens when Lor-Zod throws a spanner in the works? It’s Sinson vs. Lor-Zod as the boys forge a path of destruction across the galaxy!
AMAZONS ATTACK #6Written by JOSIE CAMPBELLArt by VASCO GEORGIEVCover by CLAYTON HENRYVariant covers by W. SCOTT FORBES and VASCO GEORGIEV$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Back to the beginning! The Amazons revisit their roots only to discover a dangerous stone in their history left unturned. What lies in the ruins our heroes find themselves lost in? Will they discover the real culprit behind the attacks and save their people? Find out in this epic finale where the forces of harmony and discord clash!
TITANS #9Written by TOM TAYLORArt by LUCAS MEYERCover by CHRIS SAMNEEVariant covers by JOSHUA SWABY and W. SCOTT FORBES1:25 variant cover by YANICK PAQUETTE$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24Amanda Waller has condemned the Titans and publicly blamed them for a world-wide crisis. While many still see the Titans as heroes, others now see them as a danger to all. Can the Titans battle misinformation and fight for a world that hates them? All while the greatest threat to the team may be within their own ranks?
GREEN ARROW #10Written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt and cover by SEAN IZAAKSEVariant cover by JORGE FORNES$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Roy Harper is missing. Green Arrow and Connor Hawke investigate what happened to him and what Amanda Waller has done to the rest of the Arrow family…which makes it difficult when they are attacked by surprise agents of Waller! Red Arrow, Red Canary, Arrowette, and Speedy!
GREEN LANTERN #9Written by JEREMY ADAMS and SAM HUMPHRIESArt by XERMANICO and YASMIN FLORES MONTANEZCover by STEVE BEACHVariant covers by EVAN “DOC” SHANER and NATHAN SZERDY1:25 variant cover by JUANJO LOPEZ$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24Unable to leave the atmosphere, the Green Lantern looks for help from a mystical source, which leads him to a mysterious gateway and surprising answers to the origin of Hal’s ring.
GREEN LANTERN: WAR JOURNAL #7Written by PHILLIP KENNEDY JOHNSONArt and cover by MONTOSVariant cover by RAHZZAH$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24After the climactic battle between John Stewart, Varron, and the Revenant Queen, a shocking twist has sent John to the far reaches of space and time, on a quest to find the mythical and terrifying Dark Star of the Fenn! Meanwhile, on Earth, John’s rash decision to use his new ring to recreate his little sister hints at dark consequences to come.
WESLEY DODDS: THE SANDMAN #6Written by ROBERT VENDITTIArt and cover by RILEY ROSSMOVariant cover by JASON HOWARDVariant cover by SEBASTIAN FIUMARA$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24The pieces have all fallen into place, and Wesley knows exactly who is behind the theft of his journal. But is the Sandman too late, and will his dark dream descend over the entire world?!
JAY GARRICK: THE FLASH #6Written by JEREMY ADAMSArt by DIEGO OLORTEGUICover by JORGE CORONAVariant cover by FRANCIS MANAPULVariant cover by DIEGO OLORTEGUI$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24Jay and Judy’s battle with Doctor Elemental comes to a head! Can Jay save his daughter, or is this reunion over before it’s even begun?!
ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #6Written by TIM SHERIDANArt by CIAN TORMEYCover by DAVID TALASKIVariant cover by CIAN TORMEYVariant cover by MATEUS MANHANINI$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/26/24Alan Scott’s final battle with the Red Lantern rages to a fever pitch! With Alan overcome with anger at his mortal enemy, will he cross a line he’s never thought he would? The explosive conclusion of one of the Green Lantern’s earliest adventures is here, and the fallout will affect Alan Scott forever!
JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #10Written by GEOFF JOHNSArt and cover by MIKEL JANINVariant cover by TONY HARRIS1:25 variant cover by PARIS ALLEYNE$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/12/24Ruby’s search for her father continues, and she’ll stop at nothing to find him, even if it means killing the Huntress and destroying the Justice Society of America!
SHAZAM! #9Written by MARK WAIDArt by EMANUELA LUPACCHINOCover by DAN MORAVariant covers by BERNARD CHANG and CHRIS SAMNEE1:25 variant cover by RICARDO LOPEZ ORTIZ$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24The Captain has thwarted a cadre of space dinosaurs, talked the gods into being reasonable for five little minutes, and managed to look A-OK doing it. So what’s left? WELL WE CREEP. YEEEAAAHHH, WE KEEP IT ON THE DOWN-LOW. It’s the fight of the century: THE CAPTAIN VS. THE CREEPER!
BLUE BEETLE #7Written by JOSH TRUJILLOArt by ADRIAN GUTIERREZ, CULLY HAMNER, JEFF LEMIRE,and HOWARD PORTERCover by ADRIAN GUTIERREZSpanish-language cover by ADRIAN GUTIERREZVariant cover by KEVIN MAGUIRE$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24In order to get Ted Kord back on his feet, Jaime will need to work with Booster Gold! Can this Blue and Gold pairing help their friend, or are Ted’s superheroing days over?
APE-RIL SPECIALWritten by JOHN LAYMAN, JOSHUA HALE FIALKOV, and GENE YANGArt by KARL MOSTERT, PHIL HESTER, and BERNARD CHANGCover by DAN MORAVariant cover by BERNARD CHANGBanana Scent Variant cover by HAYDEN SHERMAN ($7.99 US)$5.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $6.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24
CAUTION: An ape-surd amount of bad ape puns are incoming. Please be ape-vised.
Gorilla Grodd’s recent incarcer-ape-tion in the pages of The Flash has left a void that Monsieur Mallah is more than happy to fill. Ape-sembling a group of the DCU’s most sinister simians, Mallah forms the Legion of D(oo-oo-ah-ah)m, with an eye toward world domin-ape-tion. But the world won’t be conquered that easily! Enter the all-ape JUNGLE L(ee-ee)gue. Can this team of hero-eek anthropoids be the salv-ape-tion we need, or will Mallah’s team of maniacal monkeys bring forth the ape-pocalypse?
Get ready to go bananas as we honor DC’s storied history with mankind’s closest relatives in this ape-ic adventure! It’s gonna be orangu-tastic, so heat up a capuchin-o, prepare a batch of chocolate chimp cookies, and get ready to r(ee-ee)d the one comic b(oo-oo)k this year that’s guaranteed to make you go…APE!
JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #6Written by BRIAN BUCCELLATOArt by CHRISTIAN DUCE and TOM DERENICKCover by DREW JOHNSONVariant cover by INHYUK LEEVariant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL1:25 variant cover by DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON1:50 variant cover by NIKOLAS DRAPER-IVEY$4.99 US | 40 pages | 6 of 7 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24The bestselling clash between the DCU and the Monsterverse continues as a mysterious beacon is activated and is drawing Godzilla and his titan brethren toward it…but who—or what—controls the beacon? What secret has Lex Luthor kept under wraps that could change the dynamic of the entire battle?!
SUPERMAN ’78: THE METAL CURTAIN #5Written by ROBERT VENDITTIArt and cover by GAVIN GUIDRYVariant cover by MICHAEL WALSH1:25 variant cover by JAHNOY LINDSAY$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24After the massive battle at the White House, Superman is forced to turn to his sworn enemy Lex Luthor for help in his fight with Metallo. But what does the greatest criminal mind of our lifetime know about the Russian war machine, and just how will Superman use the info to take the fight to Metallo?
SUICIDE SQUAD: KILL ARKHAM ASYLUM #2Written by JOHN LAYMANArt by JESUS HERVASCover by DAN PANOSIANVariant cover by ARIEL OLIVETTI1:25 variant cover by GABRIEL HARDMAN$4.99 US | 32 pages | 2 of 5 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24Before the Suicide Squad sets their sights on the corrupted Justice League in the upcoming video game, they have to escape Arkham Asylum, and that’s going to require a lot more killin’ first. Good thing Deadshot is the world’s deadliest assassin. Or is that second-deadliest? Either way, he’s determined to survive the riot to end all riots, in order to live to die another day. But there’s a lot of guards standing between Deadshot and freedom. A lot of other inmates, too. Deadshot’s solution: kill ’em all! Presenting the riotous prequel to Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League! Each print issue includes a redeemable code for a bonus weapon doll digital token in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League inspired by the comic. Get the new Great White Shark weapon doll digital token with issue #2.
Paying subscribers with a DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Annual or Ultra subscription (U.S. only) who read the digital issues of Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum will also receive these bonus digital codes.*
*Terms Apply. See dc.com/suicide-squad-faq for details. DC UNIVERSE INFINITE is not intended for children.
SUICIDE SQUAD: KILL ARKHAM ASYLUM #3Written by JOHN LAYMANArt by JESUS HERVASCover by DAN PANOSIANVariant covers by ARIEL OLIVETTI and STEPHANIE HANS$4.99 US | 32 pages | 3 of 5 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 4/2/24Wake up, brush teeth, get tortured by guards, get loose and get revenge. It’s just another day at Arkham Asylum for Harley Quinn, except all the cell doors just inexplicably unlocked and now everybody’s going nuts and killing each other. The lunatics are running the asylum today—which is just how Harley likes it!
The bloody good time continues in this prequel to Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League!
Each print issue includes a redeemable code for a bonus weapon doll digital doken in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League inspired by the comic. Get the new Scarface weapon doll digital token with issue #3. Paying subscribers with a DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Annual or Ultra subscription (U.S. only) who read the digital issues of Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum will also receive these bonus digital codes.*
*Terms Apply. See dc.com/suicide-squad-faq for details. DC UNIVERSE INFINITE is not intended for children.
JOHN CONSTANTINE, HELLBLAZER: DEAD IN AMERICA #3Written by SIMON SPURRIERArt and cover by AARON CAMPBELLVariant cover by TYLER CROOK$4.99 US | 32 pages | 3 of 9 | (all covers are card stock)ON SALE 3/19/24John and crew find themselves traveling west and contending with some of the tall tales that permeate the American frontier. It’s here that John probes an ailing Clarice about her past run-ins with Dream’s power.The sands have caused quite a stir, but just how far have they lodged themselves in the heart of the American dream?
BARDAWritten and drawn by NGOZI UKAZU$16.99 US | 208 pages | 6″ x 9″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-113-3ON SALE 6/4/24Join New York Times bestselling writer-artist Ngozi Ukazu (Check, Please!) as she takes readers on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery, deep friendships, and first loves!
Darkseid is…and life on Apokolips is tough—but then, it is hell, after all. And no one knows this better than Barda, Granny Goodness’s right-hand warrior.
But Barda has a secret…she is in love. Or she is drawn to the idea of it, anyway, whether it be the beauty of a flower; her affection for her closest friend, Aurelie; or the mysterious and fierce enemy warrior Orion, who is the only match for Barda’s strength.
When Granny decides Barda is becoming too soft, she assigns Barda a task that might be more than she can handle—to break the seemingly unbreakable Scott Free. And as Barda questions why Scott has such hope and what he might have done to provoke such hatred from Granny, she finds herself drawn to him in a way she never expected.
The only thing is, we do not speak of love on Apokolips…
BATMAN AND ROBIN AND HOWARD #1Written by JEFFREY BROWNArt and cover by JEFFREY BROWN$3.99 US | 40 pagesON SALE 3/12/24To Damian Wayne, there is nothing more important than protecting the streets of Gotham City as Robin. But when he makes a critical mistake while out on patrol, Damian finds himself benched, on top of transferring to a new school. When his new classmate Howard offers to show him the ropes, Damian finds himself in a challenge he never expected…
PRIMER #1Written by JENNIFER MURO and THOMAS KRAJEWSKIArt and cover by GRETEL LUSKY$3.99 US | 40 pagesON SALE 3/26/24With a father in prison, Ashley Rayburn has bounced from foster home to foster home and represents a real challenge to the social workers who try to help her—not because she’s inherently bad, but because trouble always seems to find her. But her luck might just be changing when a new couple offers to take her in.
THE BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES #3Written by IVAN COHENArt and cover by DARIO BRIZUELA$2.99 US | 32 pagesON SALE 3/5/24Catwoman won’t stand by and be blamed for another string of robberies in Gotham—she’ll turn herself in first! Batman is on her side, but will Mystery Inc. fall for her innocent act? Could this all be part of an even deeper scheme?!
LOONEY TUNES #277Written by DEREK FRIDOLFSPencils by ROBERT POPEInks by SCOTT McRAECover by DEREK FRIDOLFS$2.99 US | 32 pagesON SALE 3/12/24Bugs and Daffy’s door-to-door dentistry business is taking off, and their next appointment, at a dark castle on the outskirts of town, seems like just another house call. But can they fix Count Bloodcount’s chipped tooth without becoming his next meal?
DETECTIVE COMICS #411 FACSIMILE EDITIONWritten by DENNIS O’NEILArt by BOB BROWN and DICK GIORDANOCover by NEAL ADAMSBlank sketch coverFoil variant cover by NEAL ADAMS ($5.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 3/5/24In pursuit of Dr. Darrk and the League of Assassins, Batman finds himself on a trail that stretches from the top of the Statue of Liberty to an abandoned Buddhist monastery in Asia, in this full facsimile reprinting of Talia al Ghul’s first-ever comic book appearance. Also features the Batgirl story, “Cut…and Run.”
LIMITED COLLECTORS’ EDITION #51 FACSIMILE EDITIONWritten by DENNIS O’NEILArt by NEAL ADAMS, IRV NOVICK, and DICK GIORDANOCover by NEAL ADAMSFoil variant cover by NEAL ADAMS ($19.99 US)$14.99 US | 80 pagesON SALE 3/19/24Presenting 76 pages of epic adventure starring the Dark Knight Detective in an equally epic giant-size (10″ x 13″) format! This full facsimile reprinting of the iconic Bronze Age tabloid-size comic features a wraparound cover by Neal Adams and collects the Ra’s al Ghul saga Neal (and Irv Novick) produced with Denny O’Neil (Batman #232, #242-244).
SUPERMAN VOL. 2: THE CHAINEDWritten by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt by GLEB MELNIKOV, BRUNO REDONDO, DAN JURGENS, and moreCover by JAMAL CAMPBELL$16.99 US | 176 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-504-8ON SALE 5/14/24The Man of Steel is challenged like never before when the menace called “The Chained” is freed from deep beneath Supercorp!
Why did Lex Luthor imprison this mysterious foe there in the first place? And will even super-powered armor be enough to give an outmatched Superman the upper hand? Plus, new threats from a transformed Brainiac, the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad, and Luthor’s mother and…daughter?!
This acclaimed new chapter in Superman’s adventures teams all-star writer Joshua Williamson (Batman and Robin) with artists Bruno Redondo (Eisner Award winner for Nightwing), Gleb Melnikov (Batman/Superman), and Dan Jurgens (The Death of Superman)! Collects Superman #6-12.
STEELWORKSWritten by MICHAEL DORNArt by SAMI BASRI, VICENTE CIFUENTES, and MAX RAYNORCover by CLAY MANN$16.99 US | 176 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-502-4ON SALE 5/7/24Steel, a fan-favorite part of the Superman mythos, is back in a new story written by sci-fi icon Michael Dorn!
The Metropolis of the future is here today, but can it survive a terrorist who’s out for revenge against its builder—John Henry Irons, a.k.a. Steel—and his company, Steelworks…and who possesses secrets that could undo everything John has worked so hard to build?
While John’s professional life is firing on all cylinders, his personal life is even better, as his on-again, off-again relationship with Lana Lang might be back on, permanently. Now he must decide whether it’s time to give up being Steel once and for all. But does John even know who he would be without his superhero identity? How does the other Steel—John’s niece, Natasha Irons—feel about his momentous decision? And does any of that matter if Steelworks crumbles around him when he lacks the superpowers to fight back? Featuring appearances by the entire Super-Family!
Writer Michael Dorn (the voice of Steel in Superman: The Animated Series) teams up with artist Sami Basri (Harley Quinn, Catwoman) to bring you the next chapter of Steel’s saga! Collects Steelworks #1-6 plus a story from Action Comics #1054-1056.
THE FLASH VOL. 20: TIME HEISTWritten by JEREMY ADAMS with GEOFF JOHNS, MARK WAID,and JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt by FERNANDO PASARIN, TOM DERENICK, SCOTT KOLINS,CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO, and moreCover by TAURIN CLARKE$14.99 US | 128 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-501-7ON SALE 4/23/24The Fastest Man Alive speeds toward a new era!
First, it’s a super-speed misadventure in babysitting as Kid Flash watches Jai and Irey, the Flash’s children! When a sleepover goes awry, Kid Flash has to find and bring back the twins, Maxine, and a few new friends from acrosstime and space! And then an unspeakable tragedy befalls the West family. Wally is joined by Hourman, Mister Terrific, and a host of DC’s Finest to solve a heartbreaking mystery, as an unexpected group of foes led by one of the Fourth World’s deadliest stands in their way!
This volume concludes the acclaimed tenure of writer Jeremy Adams (Green Lantern), and superstar creators Mark Waid, Joshua Williamson, and Geoff Johns join in with a handful of their own tales!
Collects The Flash #797-799 and four stories from The Flash #800.
WORLD’S FINEST: TEEN TITANSWritten by MARK WAIDArt by EMANUELA LUPACCHINO and MIKE NORTONCover by CHRIS SAMNEE and MAT LOPES$24.99 US | 160 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-514-7ON SALE 5/21/24What is finer than the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight? The Teen Titans!
From the world’s finest imagination of Mark Waid (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest) and Emanuela Lupacchino (Justice League) comes a new series starring everyone’s favorite super-teens! The original fab five of Robin, Wonder Girl, Aqualad, Speedy, and Kid Flash are joined by Bumblebee, making them a spectacular six. Set during the early years of the DC Universe, World’s Finest: Teen Titans is filled with action, romance, and rabid fans.Building a unified team from a group of teen heroes is hard work—and even harder when the Teen Titans are being targeted by the very dangerous Terror Titans. But will the tensions within the team prove to be the strongestchallenges the Titans face?
Collects World’s Finest: Teen Titans #1-6.
BATMAN: THE BLACK MIRROR: THE DELUXE EDITIONWritten by SCOTT SNYDERArt by JOCK and FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLACover by JOCKISBN: 978-1-77952-589-5Direct Market variant by JOCKISBN: 978-1-77952-878-0$49.99 US | 320 pages | 7 1/16″ x 10 7/8″ | HardcoverON SALE 5/21/24For years Batman and Commissioner Gordon have stared into the unyielding, black abyss that is Gotham City. But even after a lifetime of quelling the worst of humanity, an even darker and more dangerous evil pushes the two crime-fighters to their absolute limits. As the city’s top cop, James Gordon has seen it all. But can he unravel a deep and personal mystery that is inextricably tied to Gotham City’s underworld? Or will the darkness that turns Gotham’s citizens into monsters blind him forever?
From Eisner Award-winning writer SCOTT SNYDER (Batman: The Court of Owls) comes this deluxe edition of his #1 New York Times bestselling debut work on the Dark Knight with stunning art provided by JOCK (The Losers) and FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA (Swamp Thing). Collects Detective Comics #871-881 and includes additional bonus material featuring sketches, designs, a wrapround cover by Jock, and more!
ABSOLUTE BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM (2024 EDITION)Written by GRANT MORRISONArt and cover by DAVE MCKEAN$100.00 US | 248 pages | 8 1/8″ x 12 1/4″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-610-6ON SALE 8/27/24The lunatics take control of the asylum and the Dark Knight descends into the heart of madness alongside them in Batman: Arkham Asylum, one of the most successful graphic novels of all time. Written by legendary comics creator Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman) and stunningly illustrated by Dave McKean (The Sandman), this dark and cerebral tale remains as captivating now as when it was first published. Every page has been painstakingly revived to its true color and quality by the artist, leaving a breathtaking final product that matches his original painted artwork. Also includes more than 100 pages of behind-the-scenes content, including the complete annotated script, sketches, pinup gallery, and afterwords by Morrison, McKean, and series editor Karen Berger.
ABSOLUTE BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT: THE MASTER RACE (2024 EDITION)Written by FRANK MILLER and BRIAN AZZARELLOArt by ANDY KUBERT, KLAUS JANSON, FRANK MILLER, EDUARDO RISSO,and JOHN ROMITA JR.Cover by ANDY KUBERT and BRAD ANDERSON$125.00 US | 624 pages | 8 1/8″ x 12 1/4″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-750-9ON SALE 9/17/24It’s been three years since the Batman defeated Lex Luthor and saved the world from tyranny. Three years since anyone has seen Gotham City’s guardian alive. All of the Dark Knight’s allies—Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan, Superman—have retreated from the front lines of the war against injustice. But now a new war is beginning. An army of unimaginable power, led by Superman’s own daughter, is preparing to claim Earth as its new world. The only force that can stop this master race—Batman—is dead. Long live the new Batman…
Written by comics legends Frank Miller (300) and Brian Azzarello (Wonder Woman), the sequel to the groundbreaking The Dark Knight Returns series features incredible artwork from superstar artist Andy Kubert (Flashpoint), as well as Klaus Janson (The Dark Knight Returns), John Romita Jr. (All-Star Batman), Eduardo Risso (100 Bullets) and Frank Miller himself! This volume collects Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1-9, all of the Dark Knight Universe Presents tie-in issues, and the prequel story Dark Knight Returns: The LastCrusade #1. Also includes over 150 variant covers and a sketchbook gallery packed with behind-the-scenes extras.
DC PRIDE: LOVE AND JUSTICEWritten by JAMES TYNION IV, MARIKO TAMAKI, NICOLE MAINES, and othersArt by KLAUS JANSON, AMY REEDER, TRUNG LE NGUYEN, and othersCover by JIM LEE and SCOTT WILLIAMS$19.99 US | 144 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-591-8ON SALE 5/21/24DC’s very first Pride anthology is finally back in print! In 2021, DC celebrated Pride Month with stories and pinups starring fan-favorite LGBTQIA+ characters Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Midnighter, Batwoman, Aqualad, Alan Scott, Future State Flash, Renee Montoya, Pied Piper, and many more. This beautiful hardcover collects those thrilling tales, including the very first appearance of Dreamer (as seen on The CW’s Supergirl) in the pages of a DC comic, plus a stunning pinup gallery, additional short stories, and six exciting profiles of DCTV’s LGBTQIA+ charactersand the actors who play them!
Collects DC Pride #1 and stories from New Year’s Evil #1, Mysteries of Love in Space #1,and Young Monsters in Love #1.
This hardcover expansion of DC’s celebrated DC Pride 2023 anthology delivers the greatest super-hero team-ups the multiverse has to offer! Legendary scribe Grant Morrison returns to the world of The Multiversity for a tale of the cosmic lengths Flashlight will run to in order to honor his lost love! Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy take a getaway to Dinosaur Island, only to stumble on Lobo’s daughter, Crush! Jon Kent gets a crash course in the dark side of magic from John Constantine! All this and more, plus a gallery of sensational DC Pride variant-cover art!
Collects DC Pride 2023 #1 alongside the debut of Circuit Breaker from Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate #1 and an Alan Scott tale from DC Pride: Through The Years #1.
BATMAN: WAYNE FAMILY ADVENTURES VOLUME FOURWritten by CRC PAYNEArt by STARBITECover by VASCO GEORGIEV$14.99 US | 208 pages | Softcover | 6″ x 9″ | ISBN: 978-1-77952-691-5ON SALE 5/7/24Season two of the smash-hit WEBTOON series continues here! When your superhero life is just as busy as your personal life, there’s never a dull moment in the Bat-Family. Bruce Wayne’s young heroes are still learning to fight and live side by side, but they always have each other’s backs.
Collecting episodes 71-116 of the massively popular WEBTOON series, optimized for a brand-new reading experience in print!
VIXEN: NYC VOLUME FIVEWritten by JASMINE WALLSArt by MANOU AZUMICover by VASCO GEORGIEV$14.99 US | 208 pages | Softcover | 6″ x 9″ | ISBN: 978-1-77952-693-9ON SALE 5/7/24Mari and Karen are just getting the hang of this whole “superhero” thing (thanks to help from Beast Boy, Grace Choi, Raven, and Thunder, among others)…but when faced with a new villain, they’ll find it’s going to take more than just the Teen Titans and a college girl with animal powers to take them down…especially when a certain spidery trickster starts crashing in Vixen’s dorm room!
The saga of Vixen: NYC goes to surprising places in this collection of episodes 39-46 of the continuing WEBTOON series, optimized for a brand-new reading experience in print and including never-before-seen bonus material from the series’ creators!
ZATANNA & THE RIPPER VOLUME THREEWritten by SARAH DEALYArt by SYROCover by VASCO GEORGIEV$14.99 US | 208 pages | Softcover | 6″ x 9″ | ISBN: 978-1-77952-695-3ON SALE 5/7/24The dazzling story of magic and murder continues in a new print edition of supernatural stories from WEBTOON! Trapped in 1880s Whitechapel, Zatanna Zatara finds herself drawn to the brutal crime spree of the serial killer known as Jack the Ripper. She finds an ally in the similarly timetossed John Constantine, but what can a magician without his tools do to help the mistress of backward magic…especially when he becomes a prime suspect in the Ripper’s crimes? Can the out-of-time duo return to the present in time to prevent Zatanna’s magician father’s death at the hands of a merciless sorceress? And is Constantine pursuing an agenda of his own? (You can usually count on it.) Collecting episodes 24-36 of WEBTOON’s smash-hit series, optimized for a brand-new reading experience in print.
BOOSTER GOLD: THE COMPLETE 2007 SERIES BOOK ONEWritten by GEOFF JOHNS, JEFF KATZ, RICK REMENDER, and CHUCK DIXONArt by DAN JURGENS, NORM RAPMUND, PAT OLLIFFE, and JERRY ORDWAYCover by DAN JURGENS and NORM RAPMUND$29.99 US | 400 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-723-3ON SALE 4/23/24Presenting the greatest, most popular, most beloved, and did we say popular, superhero of all time: Booster Gold!
…Or so he hopes to be thought of one day. As the time-traveling hero gets caught up in the madness of changing histories, fighting Time Stealers, and trying to undo the death of his bestie, Blue Beetle, he will learn the hard way that twisting time too far may just cause it to snap! Collects Booster Gold #0-14 and #1,000,000.
NIGHTWING: A KNIGHT IN BLÜDHAVEN COMPENDIUM ONEWritten by CHUCK DIXON, DENNIS O’NEIL, and DEVIN GRAYSONArt by SCOTT McDANIEL, KARL STORY, and othersCover by SCOTT McDANIEL and KARL STORY$59.99 US | 1,024 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-586-4ON SALE 5/7/24Nightwing flies solo as Dick Grayson leaves Gotham behind! Making Blüdhaven his new home, Nightwing will become the city’s protector, all while uncovering facts about the murder of his parents, upending the plots of assassins, and forging his own path out of the shadow of Batman.
Collects Nightwing (vol. 1) #1-4; Nightwing (vol. 2) #1-25, #1,000,000; Nightwing Annual #1; Wizard Presents: Nightwing #1/2; Nightwing and Huntress #1-4; Green Arrow (vol. 2) #134-135; Robin (vol. 2) #55; and Detective Comics #723-725 and #1,000,000.
ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN BY GEORGE PÉREZ (2024 EDITION)Written by GEORGE PEREZ, ROGER STERN, and othersArt and cover by GEORGE PEREZ$49.99 US | 448 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-587-1ON SALE 5/14/24The 1980s Superman stories by celebrated writer and artist George Pérez are collected in a complete hardcover volume! These tales include a face-off with Brainiac, a team-up with O.M.A.C., the start of Superman’s New 52 adventures, and much more. Collects DC Comics Presents #61, Action Comics ##643-645 and #647-652, Action Comics Annual #2, and Superman #1-6 (2011 series).
52 VOLUME ONE (2024 EDITION)Written by GEOFF JOHNS, GRANT MORRISON, GREG RUCKA, and MARK WAIDArt by KEITH GIFFEN, JOE BENNETT, EDDY BARROWS, CHRIS BATISTA, and moreCover by J.G. JONES and ALEX SINCLAIR$49.99 US | 584 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-585-7ON SALE 5/7/24DC’s groundbreaking publication of the weekly comic 52 tells the story of a “missing” year in the DC Universe—in real-time. The cataclysmic events of Infinite Crisis have left the world without its three biggest icons—Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman—and the question is asked: Who will stand up in their absence? Collects 52 #1-26.
BATMAN: FORTRESSWritten by GARY WHITTAArt by DARICK ROBERTSONCover by DARICK ROBERTSON and DIEGO RODRIGUEZ$19.99 US | 208 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-508-6ON SALE 5/14/24Can the Dark Knight stop an invasion of Earth? When an unknown alien ship enters Earth’s atmosphere, disrupting global power and communications and plunging the planet into chaos, the world is left wondering…where is Superman when he is needed most? In the mysterious absence of the Last Son of Krypton, Batman must rally the rest of the Justice League to counter the alien threat…but first, he must quell a crime wave on the blacked-outstreets of Gotham! Collects Batman: Fortress #1-8.
BLOOD SYNDICATE SEASON ONEWritten by GEOFFREY THORNEArt by CHRISCROSS, SEAN DAMIEN HILL, TOM RANEY, JUAN CASTRO,and ANTHONY FOWLER JR.Cover by DEXTER SOY and VERONICA GANDINI$16.99 US | 168 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-755-5ON SALE 4/30/24While Icon and Rocket have been away patrolling the rest of the world, super-powered “Bang Babies” have been forming rival gang factions and terrorizing the Paris Island suburb of Dakota City. With gang leader Holocaust’s ascent and the rallying of his super-powered army, who protects the neighborhood when the capes aren’t watching? Rolando “Tech-9” Texador, Hannibal “Wise Son” White, and their childhood friend Carlos “Fade” Quinones will have to rally together rival gang members to have a chance to save their home—if they can stop fighting each other! Collects Blood Syndicate: Season One #1-6 and a story from Milestone 30th Anniversary Special.
JUSTICE LEAGUE VOL. 3: LEAGUES OF CHAOSWritten by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDISArt by SZYMON KUDRANSKI, EMANUELA LUPACCHINO, SANFORD GREEN, and moreCover by YANICK PAQUETTE and NATHAN FAIRBAIRN$16.99 US | 144 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-493-5ON SALE 4/23/24Brian Michael Bendis’s radical take on the Justice League reaches its conclusion as the Justice League and Justice League Dark team up to save the world from descending into chaos. Xanadoth, the original Lord of Chaos, has returned to the mortal world. With revenge against the world of order her only motivation, Xanadoth takes theform of Black Adam and possesses the League’s resident Lord of Order, Doctor Fate! The Leagues must become more than the sum of their parts if there is any hope of survival! Plus, the One-Man Army Corps known as O.M.A.C. rockets into the modern DC Universe in an eye-popping adventure that teams him up with the reunited JusticeLeague! Collects Justice League #72-74 and the Justice League 2022 Annual.
SUPERMAN: SPACE AGEWritten by MARK RUSSELLArt and cover by MICHAEL ALLRED and LAURA ALLRED$24.99 US | 264 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-494-2ON SALE 4/30/24Meet Clark Kent, a young reporter who just learned the world will soon come to an end, and there’s nothing he can do to save it. Sounds like a job for his alter ego…Superman! After years of standing idle, the young man from Krypton defies the wishes of his fathers to come out to the world as the first superhero of the Space Age. As each decade passes and new dangers emerge, Superman realizes even good intentions are not without their backlash as the world transforms into a place as determined to destroy itself as he is to save it. Collects Superman: Space Age #1-3.
THE NEW CHAMPION OF SHAZAM!Written by JOSIE CAMPBELLArt by EVAN “DOC” SHANER and CAITLIN YARSKYCover by EVAN “DOC” SHANER$14.99 US | 112 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-498-0ON SALE 5/7/24After the power of Shazam vanishes without a trace, Mary Bromfield prepares for her freshman year of college and a “normal” life at last. But before she can truly get started, another opportunity beckons as she becomes…the New Champion of Shazam? Can she balance her new life and this even newer role? And even if she can, how will she contend against the powerful magical forces rising to take over the world? Collects The New Champion of Shazam! #1-4 and a Shazam story from Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods #1.
THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE: NIGHTMARE COUNTRYWritten by JAMES TYNION IVArt by LISANDRO ESTHERREN, MARIA LLOVET, YANICK PAQUETTE, ANDREA SORRENTINO,and moreCover by REIKO MURAKAMI$19.99 US | 184 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-483-6ON SALE 4/30/24Horror maestro James Tynion IV (The Nice House On The Lake, Something Is Killing The Children) joins the Sandman Universe! Years ago, the nightmare known as the Corinthian escaped into reality and killed hundreds before his creator, Dream, intervened. But now a new nightmare stalks our world, wearing a mockery of the Corinthian’s face…and it’s a nightmare Dream did not create. When the reborn Corinthian meets Madison Flynn, one of the few people capable of seeing this “Smiling Man,” their hunt for answers will shake reality…and unleash the Corinthian’s old hungers! Collects The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country #1-6.
ZATANNA BY PAUL DINI (2024 EDITION)Written by PAUL DINI with ADAM BEECHEN, MATTHEW STURGES, and DEREK FRIDOLFSArt by STEPHANE ROUX, JAMAL IGLE, CHAD HARDIN, CLIFF CHIANG, and moreCover by ADAM HUGHES$49.99 US | 440 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | SoftcoverISBN: 978-1-77952-583-3ON SALE 4/23/24The enchanting Zatanna Zatara has the hottest stage act in Las Vegas. And unlike the parlor tricks peddled by other would-be Houdinis around town, Zatanna’s magic is no illusion. It’s real. The dazzling Mistress of Magic can warp reality with just a few backward words. But the supernatural is powerful…and in the wrong hands, it’s deadly. So when mystical menaces start causing trouble, Zee steps in to stop them—from the evil sorcerer Brother Night to possessed puppets to nightmare demons. But things get complicated fast when the foe is the ghost ofsomeone she loves!
Collects Zatanna #1-16 and Zatanna: Everyday Magic, and DC Infinite Halloween Speical #1.
FABLES: THE DELUXE EDITION BOOK SIXTEENWritten by BILL WILLINGHAMArt by MARK BUCKINGHAMCover by CORINNE REID$39.99 | 304 pages | 7 1/16″ x 10 7/8″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-402-7ON SALE 5/7/24The return of the acclaimed blockbuster that defined an era of Vertigo is now collected in this deluxe edition. “The Black Forest” picks up right where Fables #150 left off—and everything is far from happily ever after. A legendary new adversary has arrived to inflict retribution on the Fables living safely within the Black Forest.
Collects Fables #151-162.
MAD MAGAZINE #37Written by THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTSCover by AN IDIOT WITH A BOX OF CRAYONS$5.99 US | 56 pages | 8 1/8″ x 10 1/2″ON SALE 4/9/24You will flip over MAD #37! It’s a scramble of classic movie and TV parodies, favorites like “Spy vs. Spy” and “A MAD Look At…” by Sergio Aragonés, and much more from the Usual Gang of Idiots, plus another delicious newomelet-style Fold-In by chef Johnny Sampson. Don’t forget to grab some Pepto-Bismol and go eat an issue today. It’s chock-full of fiber—the paper kind, that is!