Did you think that four issues were enough for our ragtag team of bugs to turn themselves human and live happily ever after? Not even close! Marcus Parks and Henry Zebrowski’s Operation Sunshine continues with Operation Sunshine: Already Dead. Written by Parks and Zebrowski, illustrated by David Rubin (Black Hammer), colored by K.J. Diaz (The Ones), and lettered by Ferran Delgado, Operation Sunshine: Already Dead #1 will also feature variant covers by Martin Simmonds and Tyler Jenkins, with a final variant cover to be revealed at a later date.
In Operation Sunshine: Already Dead, the group of young, alienated vampires heads down to the swamps of Florida to disrupt a nasty ancient vampire party and to put into motion “Operation Sunshine”–their plot to steal a magical object that can turn themselves back to human and put an end to the elder vampires once and for all.
Operation Sunshine: Already Dead #1 (of 4) travels to comic shops on April 24, 2024. It is now available to pre-order at your local comic shop for $3.99.
Be sure to follow Dark Horse Comics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorse.com, for more news, announcements, and updates!
Praise for Operation Sunshine:
“Operation Sunshine is the kind of comic that comes along once in a while and within the first few pages, I know it’s going to be something special. The art is a beautiful juxtaposition between horror and humor with a story that is grounded but lays the foundation for a much larger mythology.”–Comicon
“A transformative and entertaining spin on the same old vampire story.”–AIPT Comics
“The cartoonish art is a great complement to the tone of the story—never making anything too dark or scary that would turn non-horror fans off, but still scratching the itch for anyone wanting a twisted visual to go with their vampire story.”–Derby Comics