Bassett plays President Mitchell, a brilliant and perceptive political tactician who has an allegiance to Mullen. Stevens plays Evan Green, a charismatic loudmouth and TV host of a wildly popular political program who becomes a thorn in Mullen’s side as his loudest critic and chief public antagonist. Modine plays Richard Dreyer, a confident, colorful Speaker of the House who is an adept politician. Camp plays CIA Director Lasche, the ultimate insider who knows all the secrets who can either be a dangerous enemy or a valuable friend to Mullen. Belcher plays Carl Lopez, a tough, brilliant DOJ lawyer who serves as the Zero Day Commission’s lead investigator.
Hoffman plays Monica Kidder, known both as a Silicon Valley billionaire with brilliant vision and a soulless technocrat with the plan and means to control it. Gregg plays Robert Lyndon, a corporate raider, provocateur and billionaire who has mastered the dark arts of political manipulation. Ivanir plays Natan, an intelligence operative and Mullen confidant from an era where intelligence still mattered.