Peacock has unveiled the trailer for In The Know, an adult animation series which combines stop-motion animation and live-action interviews, from Zach Woods (Silicon Valley, The Office), Mike Judge (Beavis and Butt-Head, Silicon Valley) and Brandon Gardner.
Co-created by Woods, Gardner and Judge, the public radio parody chronicles the making of NPR’s fictional “third most popular host” Lauren Caspian’s radio program, where he conducts in-depth interviews with guests, including Kaia Gerber, Ken Burns, Finn Wolfhard, Norah Jones, Mike Tyson, Hugh Laurie, Jorge Masvisdal and more.
In one interview Caspian asks Hugh Laurie, “what should we do about Meghan Markle,” to which an emotionless Laurie responds, “I don’t know that any action is required.”
Caspain also tells a befuddled Jonathan Van Ness that he’s a sapiosexual who “once got an erection by reading Plato’s The Cave.” Other guests include Norah Jones, Nicole Byer, Roxane Gay, and Tegan and Sara, to whom he poses the question, “My girlfriend, who is also named Lauren, looks like me. Does that make me an honorary twin lesbian?”
Woods and Gardner serve as co-showrunners and executive produce. Judge, Daniels and Dustin Davis executive produce for Bandera Entertainment, along with Alexander Bulkley and Corey Campodonico for Shadowmachine.
Voiceover cast includes Woods, Judge, Caitlin Reilly, Charlie Bushnell, J. Smith Cameron and Carl Tart.
In The Know premieres January 25 on Peacock.
Check out the trailer above.