Emily Ratajkowski faced a tough crowd as she sizzled in micro swimwear from a Rio de Janeiro beach while promoting her Inamorata x Mirror Palais collab last May. Sharing shorefront footage of herself and a fellow model to her swimwear brand’s social media, the 32-year-old wowed with her jaw-dropping figure while modeling a two-piece from her much-hyped collection, but the response from fans was unsteady. EmRata wound up slammed for allegedly not featuring Brazilian women in her share, with some users also seeming to feel that the bikinis being modeled were a little too tiny.
Bikini Bombshell Hits Brazil In Swimwear
Sharing footage from the shoot used to promote the collab, Inamorata featured its famous founder frolicking shores and modeling a plunging, stringy bikini in the blue, yellow, orange, and white shades forming the Brazilian flag.
Flaunting her long legs and curvy hips in her high-cut swimwear, Emily wowed as she also highlighted her toned abs and ample assets while enjoying the beach sunshine. Striking poses as another bikini-clad model photographed her, Emily switched things up between poses and casual strolling while joined by her gal pal, who also showed off one killer body in a tiny bikini.
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Also flashing her peachy rear as she went buns out in her thong bathing suit, Emily nailed the bikini bombshell vibe, but it didn’t appear to be enough for fans. In a caption, Inamorata wrote: “Mirror Palais x Inamorata. The Micro Bikini. 5.26.”
Over 270 users liked a comment reading: “You come to Brazil, use our Flag and the model isn’t Brazilian?”
“I know you’re Brazilian and you’ll understand me…,” another user said, adding: “First point both of them are so beautiful! But if you want to do something like that, why not do it with beautiful women from Brazil? In this case Rio real cariocas woman?” Here, the fan argued that “beautiful women ready to be recognized,” continuing: “It seems that we are always seeing the same things when it comes to “Brazil trend” if it is meant to be that do with Brazilian women’s with every body type and especially from the favelas! Women who do everything to feel good in their own culture!”
Fans Don’t Think Bikini Looks ‘Comfortable’
Also gaining hundreds of likes was a fan probing the merch itself. “I genuinely do not understand how people are comfortable wearing this,” they said.
Killing The Swimwear Game
Emily may encounter bumps in the road when it comes to her social media shares, but she’s winning the end game as her Inamorata brand becomes a cult one. She’s even got celeb fans, from Hulu star Kourtney Kardashian to British model Demi Rose!