Veronika Rajek ditched the bikini for a topless look as she upped the ante in Daisy Dukes for a “sweet as sugar” confirmation back in June 2022. The rising star posted for her 6.8 million Instagram followers as she made it a Hot Girl Summer that year, even seeming forced to censor her photo as leaving it unedited would have shown a little too much. Flaunting her jaw-dropping figure for another wowing shot, the former Miss Slovakia posed in a cheeky, thong pair of denim shorts that left little to the imagination, also delivering another of her sassy captions.
Bikini Bombshell Stuns In Daisy Dukes
Hitting pause on the swimwear action, Veronika teased her curves as she posed in profile and with one hand up against a wall.
Captivating fans with a little direct eye contact as she wore only a skimpy, acid-wash pair of Daisy Dukes, cut into a thong, the Slovakian bombshell drew the eye to her peachy rear, also flashing hints of her long legs. Turning heads as she went fully topless, Veronika just about protected her modesty as she folded one arm to conceal her chest, but she did add a silver heart emoji over what would likely have been some nipple exposure.
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Adding in an arm bangle in gold, the Fashion Nova ambassador ditched all other accessories as she let her sizzling body take center stage, although she did complete her look with a blow-out as she showcased her signature blonde locks.
Wearing lightweight makeup and a dark manicure, Veronika told her fans: “I wanted to be mischievous but I’m sweet as sugar . 🎀.” Fans have left over 35,000 likes. “Fab,” one fan replied. “Nobody but you,” another said. In a swipe right, Veronika turned to face the camera, this time adding in a matching denim shirt to form a two-piece look.
Plunging Spandex For New Gig
Veronika continues her role as a Fashion Nova ambassador, but 2024 has brought fresh news as she adds another brand to her portfolio. Last month, Rajek debuted her promos for activewear label Alo Yoga, one also fronted by model Kendall Jenner.
Stunning in a plunging black sports bra and leggings set as she shouted out Alo on IG, Veronika wrote: “Recovery is the silent warrior that strengthens and replenishes our inner body, the one essential in navigating the life’s journey. In 2024 I decided to hydrate more, laugh often since it reduces stress.”
Celebrating Her Progress
Also plugging Alo was the above post as Veronika both modeled Alo apparel and held up some of the brand’s supplements.
“Celebrate progress, no matter how small,” she wrote in her January 16 share. Veronika’s fanbase is rising by the month and now even includes actress Bella Thorne.