A transgender woman in Pontiac, Michigan, who sued her ex-boyfriend claiming he threw out her surgically removed testicles, has now lost her lawsuit.
According to the Detroit News, 40-year-old Brianna Kingsley filed a small claims petition last year, alleging that her ex-boyfriend, identified as 37-year-old William Wojciechowski tossed out her testicles. The transgender woman’s lawsuit explicitly wrote, “[Wojciechowski had retained] possession of my surgically extracted testicles, preserved in (a) Mason jar, kept in (the) fridge next to the eggs.”
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In her handwritten affidavit, the transgender woman claimed that she demanded her ex-boyfriend immediately return her “human remains specimen” and also noted that she was seeking $6,500 in damages. During a court hearing, Kingsley said, “We’re talking about my nuts. … I wanted them in my fridge — not his. The damages were the loss of these nuts.”
Meanwhile, Wojciechowski claimed that he had already thrown out the jarred testicles and in turn filed a counterclaim for the same amount of damages. In his lawsuit, Wojciechowski claimed that he had been “humiliated” by the wild coverage of the case by “worldwide news outlets.”
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However, during a court hearing on Wednesday (February 7), District Judge Jeremy Bowie denied both of the lawsuits, calling the entire matter “a wash.” The judge even noted that his decision could not be appealed and said he couldn’t calculate potential damages in this wild case. He added, “I can put a dollar amount on, say if you were missing work at $16 an hour. But as to testicles, I can’t really put a number on it.”
The judge also noted that Kingsley had an opportunity to recover her testicles when an Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputy escorted her to her ex-boyfriend’s home in January 2023. At the time, she had just been released from jail after spending three days inside and receiving a $100 fine for violating a personal protection order her ex filed against her.
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District Judge Bowie said, “We allow a one-time visit with a sheriff’s officer in situations like that for people to go back to get their belongings. Ms. Kingsley failed to retrieve the testicles from the refrigerator at that time. … If they were so important to her, she had the opportunity to grab them, and she didn’t.”
During the hearing, Wojciechowski told the judge that he had thrown out his ex-girlfriend’s surgically removed testicles in July 2023. He said, “They were rotting in my fridge, and it was disgusting — I’ve got food in there I wanted to eat. She didn’t keep them in a biohazard container like she was supposed to.”
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