Source: alfexe / Getty
When a police officer violates a citizen’s civil rights or worse, kills them without just cause, said officer should be imprisoned and the city should have to cut an enormous check to the family of the deceased. Unfortunately and tellingly, there are far more checks cut than violent police officers in prison.
According to Detroit News, the family of Daryl Vance has retained the legal services of Fieger Law of Southfield to file a $50 million federal lawsuit against the city of Detroit Officer Juwan Brown, and his superior Sgt. Jarmiare McEntire. Brown punched Vance in the head during a confrontation outside a bowling alley on Sept. 1, 2023, in which Brown unnecessarily escalated a benign situation, according to the 72-page complaint. After Vance asked the officer to identify himself, all hell broke loose…
“Officer Brown then pushed Vance in the stomach and said, ‘These kind people don’t want you here, so you got to go,’” the lawsuit said, quoting the audio from Brown’s body-worn camera. “Upon information and belief, the push by … Officer Brown caused an already agitated and upset Vance to start yelling profanities at Officer Brown.”
Brown then punched Vance in the temple and sent him crashing to the concrete sidewalk where he hit his head and sustained a traumatic injury. After spending 20 days on life support, Daryl Vance passed away on Sept. 21, 2023. Adding insult to injury, the 29-year-old officer was fired and charged with manslaughter, but 36th District Court Judge Kenneth King felt that the case wasn’t strong enough to bring to trial so he let Brown walk. Prosecutors in Wayne County are appealing that asinine ruling as we speak.
The lawsuit also accuses Sgt. McEntire of further violating Daryl Vance’s civil rights by conducting an “illegal, warrantless search of his apartment on Sept. 2, 2023, under the guise of an ‘investigation, where no exception to the warrant requirement to the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution existed.’”
We hope the family gets that bread and that “officer” Brown spends years of his life inside a prison cell.