Bread Barbershop Season 1 is an Animated Korean TV series that caters to children aged 6-10. The show is an uproarious CGI comedy that takes place in a realm inhabited by personified food items. These lively characters approach the carbohydrate-rich protagonist to receive delightful transformations for their appearances.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Bread Barbershop Season 1 via streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, & Peacock.
Is Bread Barbershop Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Bread Barbershop Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, & Peacock.
Bread Barbershop is a Korean TV show produced by Monster Studio. Inside the series, Bread is a skilled cake decorator in a town with culinary delights. He possesses the remarkable ability to create life-changing makeovers and has the power to uplift and enchant customers, leaving them in a state of pure bliss. Season 1 consisted of 13 episodes which aired in January 2019.
Bread Barbershop cast includes Um Sang-hyun, Park Yoon-hee, and Kang Si-hyun.
Watch Bread Barbershop Season 1 streaming via Netflix
Bread Barbershop Season 1 is available to watch on Netflix.
Netflix is an online service-based subscription platform. It offers its subscribers a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, feature films, and games.
You can watch the series via Netflix by following these steps:
Choose a payment plan from the following:
$6.99 per month (standard with Ads)
$15.49 per month (Standard)
$22.99 per month (Premium)
Enter your email address and password to create an account
Enter your chosen payment method
The cheapest Netflix Standard with Ads Plan provides all but a few of its movies and TV shows. However, it will show ads before or during most of its content. You can watch in Full HD and on two supported devices at a time.
Its Standard Plan provides the same but is completely ad-free while also allowing users to download content on two supported devices with an additional option to add one extra member who doesn’t live in the same household.
The Premium Plan provides the same as above, though for four supported devices at a time, with content displaying in Ultra HD. Users get to download content on up to six supported devices at a time and have the option to add up to two extra members who don’t live in the same household. Netflix spatial audio is also supported.
Watch Bread Barbershop Season 1 streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Bread Barbershop Season 1 is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.
Amazon Prime Video is a streaming and rental service offered by Amazon as part of their Prime subscription. It features a wide range of movies and TV shows that can be streamed unlimitedly.
You can watch the series via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:
Go to Amazon Prime Video
Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
Sign up for a Prime Video membership:
$14.99 per month or $139 per year with an Amazon Prime membership
$8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership
Amazon Prime is the online retailer’s paid service that provides fast shipping and exclusive sales on products, so the membership that includes both this service and Prime Video is the company’s most popular offering. However, you can also opt to subscribe to Prime Video separately.
Watch Bread Barbershop Season 1 streaming via Peacock
Bread Barbershop Season 1 is available to watch on Peacock.
Peacock is an American streaming service platform for the latest movies, TV shows, Originals, current NBC & Bravo hits, and LIVE Sports. The platform is owned and operated by Peacock TV LLC, a subsidiary of NBC Universal Media Group.
You can watch the series via Peacock by following these steps:
Go to
Click ‘Get Started’
Choose your payment plan
$5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (premium)
$11.99 per month or $119.99 per year (premium plus
Create your account
Enter your payment details
Peacock’s Premium account provides access to over 80,000+ hours of TV, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo Shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus is the same plan but with no ads (save for limited exclusions), along with allowing users to download select titles and watch them offline and providing access to your local NBC channel live 24/7.
Bread Barbershop Season 1’s synopsis is as follows:
“Aimed at kids 6-10, the hilarious CGI comedy is set in a world populated by anthropomorphized foodstuffs, who seek out our carb-loaded hero to get decoration makeovers.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.
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