There are too many influential punk guitarists to name, but they’ve all shaped the genre in immeasurable ways. Whether they’re delivering searing solos or playing simple power chords, there have been plenty of distinguished players since the punk’s early rallying cries. With this in mind, we turned to our readers and asked them to vote on the best punk guitarists of all time. A staggering amount of names came up, from OGs like East Bay Ray and Dr. Know to modern-day greats like Jade Puget and Dave Baksh, which reminded us how vast the genre really is. See the top fan picks ranked below.
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5. Johnny Ramone
Even though Ramones songs are relatively simple, Johnny Ramone’s playing isn’t easily imitated. The mop-haired guitarist famously played steady downstrokes at dizzying speeds, which became all the more impressive when witnessing the band’s tight live shows. Besides a few outliers like “Baby I Love You” and “Danny Says,” most Ramones’ songs relied on acceleration and brevity, and Johnny created a legacy that still rings out today. His playing went on to influence the genesis of pop punk, which can be heard on their 1977 album Rocket to Russia.
4. Brian Baker
Brian Baker is a versatile guitarist whose CV is bursting with stints in Minor Threat, Dag Nasty, Government Issue, Bad Religion, and beyond. “This whole journey is based on right place, right time, and luck, for the most part. I didn’t realize I was a professional musician until I’d been one for 20 years,” he told Guitar World in 2022. That journey mainly started when he joined Carlos Santana onstage in Detroit when he was 12, jamming along to “Black Magic Woman” and bolstering the idea that becoming a working musician was a possibility.
3. Ray Toro
My Chemical Romance possess a diverse discography, culminating in tons of memorable riffs and solos. It helps that lead guitarist Ray Toro can really shred, like on the opening solo of “Dead!” He cites Brian May as one of his biggest influences, which is best heard throughout The Black Parade, but he can also get darker and heavier or poppy and punk, depending on the song. Consider his playing on “It’s Not A Fashion Statement, It’s A Death Wish” or the Bullets cut “Headfirst for Halos.” But Toro is an even more formidable player when matched with Frank Iero, where they tag-team to create an intricate balance that makes the music sound even bigger.
2. Tom DeLonge
Besides his signature whine and fascination with the extraterrestrial, Tom DeLonge also has a reputation for his guitar chops. His playing is far from technical, often goofing off and playing some wrong notes live, but he possesses a style all his own that’s felt across blink-182, Box Car Racer, and Angels & Airwaves. In particular, DeLonge knows exactly how to serve his own songwriting, leaning into simple chords that pack an emotional punch, but he can also play palm mutes and fast downstrokes. Overall, he’s a distinctive player our readers love, so of course he would be voted onto this list.
1. Frank Iero
Frank Iero is beloved by our readers, so it makes total sense that they voted him the best punk guitarist. As he told us in his Oral History Issue, he spent weekends cleaning his great uncle’s smoke-caked drum cymbals in the basement while listening to records, which created an obsession with music and vinyl. That love drew him to early bands like Sector 12 and Pencey Prep before he made his mark in My Chemical Romance. It’s easy to say that Iero is a fantastic player, but as we mentioned above, it’s his easy chemistry with Toro that makes their twin attack so unmatched.