The Boys are back! Well, almost.
The Boys Season 4 will premiere on June 13, bringing back all the blood, gore, and drama we’ve come to expect from our anti-superheroes.
When we last saw them, The Boys — and the world — were in chaos.

Billy Butcher was terminally ill from using too much V24 to gain temporary superpowers, Soldier Boy was being held by the government, and Homelander had reconciled with his son Ryan.
For Season 4, we’re hoping for answers. And a miracle that keeps Butcher alive.

But we’d also love to learn a little more about some of the characters we love or the ones we love to hate.
Here are some The Boys characters who deserve their own spotlight episode so we can get to know them better.
Hughie Campbell
Okay, hear us out. We know Hughie is a main character and the show has followed him from day one. But how much do we know about Hughie before he joined The Boys?

Wouldn’t it be great to get a look at little Hughie? Or even just learn more about his relationship with his girlfriend before she was accidentally killed by A-Train, prompting him to join The Boys in the first place?
All we know about Hughie’s life before The Boys is that his parents divorced and his mom disappeared.
We also know he previously worked at a Radio Shack-type store and had a girlfriend named Robin, who died suddenly right in front of him.
What were his aspirations before all this? What did he want to do with his life before it was completely upended?
Where would Hughie be if A-Train had run by five seconds earlier, sparing Robin’s life?

A Hughie background episode could give us some great insight into his current character and struggles.
Hugh Campbell Sr.
For that matter, how great would it be to learn more about Hughie’s dad, Hugh Sr.?
Sure, he’s a pretty minor character in The Boys universe, but Simon Pegg portrays him, so he could definitely hold our interest for a spotlight episode.
We know Hugh Sr. had a tough time after his wife left. He spiraled into a deep depression and developed a junk food addiction that led to Hughie dubbing him a “loser.”

Surely, Hughie’s mother leaving was an important moment in his life, and we can imagine an episode devoted to telling us what exactly happened between them.
We’d love to see the dynamic between Hugh Sr. and his wife, what led to their divorce, and how he dealt with the depression.
Hugh Sr. plays a role in the plot of The Boys Season 1 but later only appears briefly in The Boys Season 3.
What has he been up to this whole time while his son has been away fighting Supes?
Ashley Barrett

You know her; you love to hate her. She’s abrasive, vicious, and determined.
What is Ashley’s story, anyway? Why is she the way she is?
We know she clawed her way up the corporate ladder at Vought without a care for ethics and morals.
On The Boys Season 1, Ashely was Madelyn Stillwell’s assistant and was assigned to handle Starlight.
By The Boys Season 2, she’d taken Madelyn’s job, and by Season 3, Ashley was promoted to CEO of Vought.

She found success by aligning herself with Homelander — never a good idea — effectively becoming his lackey.
We did see a glimmer of humanity in her when she hid the fact that Queen Maeve was still alive when everyone thought she was dead.
Altruism or future blackmail? We hope to find out in The Boys Season 4.
A spotlight episode would help us figure out what Ashley’s deal is and whose side she’s really on.
Queen Maeve

Okay, so we already know a lot about Queen Maeve, but she’s such a dynamic character that we always want more.
We know she was at the top of her class at GodU and was the second member of the Seven. We also know she was closest to Homelander and knew all his dirty secrets.
Given her role as a feminist icon, we can’t help but wonder why she put up with Homelander’s misogyny for so long.
She puts her ideals aside to stand by the sadistic Homelander and only finally starts to turn on him in Season 3 when she begins working with Butcher to take down Homelander.
A deep dive into her early relationship with Homelander as the Seven were beginning to form would give us a more complete picture of how she ended up the broken mess she was in Season 1.

We also wouldn’t mind some flashbacks to a more carefree college-aged Maeve, along with her early relationship with Elena.
Stan Edgar
Former Vought CEO Stan Edgar is an enigmatic character with a dark past ripe for a spotlight episode.
We know he was cutthroat when he ruled Vought, but we’d love to get a glimpse into his shady background.
In flashbacks to the height of Soldier Boy’s fame in the 1980s, Edgar was mentioned several times, giving us a taste of what was to come.

Once, it’s mentioned that Edgar approved the scripts for Soldier Boy’s anti-drug PSA, so he obviously had some pull by then. Later, Edgar was involved when the Payback Supes were sent to Nicaragua.
A flashback episode highlighting Edgar’s rise to the top and what he had to do to get there would give us some great insight into this mysterious character.
Victoria Neuman
Victoria starts out as a compassionate anti-Supe activist fighting the evil corporation Vought. That is until we get the mind-blowing news that she’s a secret Supe herself.
Also known as Nadia Khayat, Victoria was adopted by Stan Edgar after she, maybe accidentally but probably on purpose, killed her parents using her superpowers.

Later, Victoria headed the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs and served as a congresswoman, continuing to hide her Supe status from the world.
And use it to get ahead.
During Season 4, she’s expected to serve as a major antagonist as she runs for Vice President alongside Presidential candidate Robert Singer.
This is the perfect opportunity for a spotlight episode that will give us more information about her secret Supe life and motivations.
We’d also love to see her secret exposed.

We don’t know what The Boys Season 4 will bring, but we know we can expect the same over-the-top action and gore from the world’s worst superheroes.
You can find all previous episodes of The Boys and the upcoming season on Prime Video.
Let us know in the comments which characters you’d like to see a deep dive into.
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Shela Ward is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. You can follow her on X.