Mike Shouhed‘s former fiancee, Paulina Ben-Cohen, accused him of horrifying abuse in a lawsuit filed last week in Los Angeles. And now, as she hopes for a jury trial against the Shahs of Sunset alum, photos of one of his reported attacks have been shared in the form of security footage stills.
Along with the filing of her bombshell lawsuit against Mike, 45, Paulina detailed the terrifying events that allegedly led up to his domestic violence arrest in March 2022, noting that after he verbally berated her, saying she’s a “horrible mother,” “a f*cking whore,” and “piece of s–t,” things turned violent.
“[Mike] ran into the room, forcefully grabbed her hair and shoulder, and violently threw her to the ground,” Paulina’s court documents, obtained by Page Six on March 26, stated.
According to the filing, Mike told her he “would never leave” the home until she paid him “for half of it” and held her on the ground beneath a clothing rack.
He “grabbed the back of her neck, pushed her head down towards the ground, and forcefully held her there,” the suit states.
He then put his hand over her mouth and tried to “suffocate” Paulina several times as she “struggled to breathe.”
Although some of Mike and Paulina’s encounter took place in her kids’ playroom, they were said to have been in another room with their nanny, who was caring for them at the time.
The lawsuit also noted that Mike allegedly “threatened to kill” Paulina, telling her “he had a hitman who would put her away.”
“She attempted to call 911 and he made it seem as if he were to strike her again,” the lawsuit continued.
Amid the dispute, Paulina called for the nanny, who asked Mike to leave and upset him even further.
Then, after he reportedly went and got his gun, Mike was arrested by police.
Following the alleged assault, Paulina’s lawyers said she did not “do anything to justify the acts of vicious and brutal acts of violence” and added that it was not the first time that he’d been aggressive. In fact, Mike was also accused of taking out his anger over his sexting scandal on Shahs on his then-fiancee years ago.
He allegedly “put a gun up to her head and told her he was going to murder her while making statements like, ‘You think you can destroy me,’ and ‘You think you can destroy my reputation, not even my ex-wife ruined my reputation the way you did,’” her complaint stated.
Mike reportedly also threatened to kill her after she told a cast member about his violent behavior.
“Tonight is the night I’m going to kill you,” and, “I will murder you,” he supposedly said.
Paulina is suing Mike for assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and gender violence, and is seeking unspecified damages.
Mike has yet to respond.