In a recent incident at Disney World’s Belle Vue Lounge, located within the Boardwalk Inn, Brent George, a 61-year-old Florida man, was arrested following a dispute that escalated into physical violence. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office reported that the altercation took place on January 25, 2024, when George, under the influence of alcohol, engaged in a confrontation after reportedly mocking a woman with Down syndrome.
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The arrest affidavit, as reported by Fox News, states that George faced four counts of battery stemming from the incident, which occurred shortly after 9:00 p.m. Upon arrival, police officers found George with facial injuries, which he claimed were caused by being struck with a glass cup. George alleged to officers that he had consumed three shots of bourbon and beer before the confrontation. The situation turned for the worse when George, at the bar with his wife and two friends, began to ridicule a family’s daughter who was described as having Down syndrome and using a wheelchair.
The girl’s mother confronted George, leading to him allegedly shoving her and slapping another guest attempting to intervene. A physical exchange ensued, involving the husband of the slapped woman, culminating in George being punched in the head. Despite George’s claims of not remembering the events due to his intoxication and asserting he was merely enjoying a “good time” before being assaulted, witnesses contradicted his account.
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One bystander even reported hearing threats against George, though officers found no evidence of a glass cup being used in the altercation as initially suggested by George. After the incident, an onlooker intervened, removing George from the scene. Following medical evaluation for his injuries, George was taken to the Orange County Jail. He has since entered a plea of not guilty to the battery charges. Court records indicate his hearing scheduled for March 13 was canceled, leaving the case pending further legal proceedings.
Social media users also responded to the case and said alcohol shouldn’t be an excuse to mock someone: