Zack Snyder recently was a guest on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, and during that interview, he revealed an interesting bit of casting trivia for Watchmen.
Snyder shared that he wanted to cast Tom Cruise in the role of Ozymandias, but that wasn’t the character Cruise wanted to play. Cruise wanted to play Rorschach in the film!
Snyder explained that they had already cast Jackie Earle Haley in the role, and since he was perfect for that role, Snyder didn’t want to switch him out for Cruise, which was the right choice!
Matthew Goode ended up in the role of Ozymandias, and in the end, everyone who was cast in that movie was perfect for the roles that they played!
Snyder thinks Cruise would’ve been good in these roles, but things just didn’t work out. It certainly would’ve been interesting to see the actor play either of these characters in the film. It would’ve been a very different kind of role for him.
What do you think about Cruise almost being cast as these characters in Watchmen? Do you think he would have been a good match for either one?