Boy Kills World is an action packed, martial arts, comedic, popcorn eating type of experience. The movie stars Bill Skarsgard (IT) as Boy, a young man who vows revenge against Hilda Van Der Koy (Famke Janssen, X-Men) and her family after she ordered the murder of his mother and little sister. In the post-apocalyptic world the Van Der Koy’s, led by Hilda, her siblings Glen (Brett Gelman, Stranger Things) and Melanie (Michelle Dockery, Downton Abbey) rule with fear.
Bill Skarsgard in Boy Kills WorldCourtesy of Roadside Attractions
Every year in an event called the Culling, the Van Der Koy’s targets citizens who oppose their rule. Boy’s family was targeted and his mother and sister killed in front of him. Left deaf and mute, he escapes with the help of a shaman (Yayan Ruhian, The Raid) and plots his revenge.
Taken into isolation by the shaman, he trains for years in order to complete his mission with only visions of his little sister who he bickers back and forth with. His inner monologue sounds like a video game he remembered as a child (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin, Bob’s Burgers) that offers the audience an insight into his thoughts throughout the film. H. Jon Benjamin gives us his best version of Archer but Boy’s inner dialogue is more of a curious teenager than a grown man hellbent on revenge.
Yayan Ruhian in Boy Kills WorldCourtesy of Roadside Attractions
What is lacking in the script, the fight sequences make up for. Boy Kills World is 111 minutes full of bloody martial arts madness that gives Kill Bill a run for its money. Skarsgard, unable to speak the entire film, wears all his emotions on his face masterfully as his scene partners are able to connect with him without the use of dialogue. He and Ruhian are actually in a battle for lead in this film as one could argue that Ruhian stole the show with his smooth martial arts fighting style and acting.
Michelle Dockery as Melanie is quite the departure from her stuck up, prim and proper Lady Mary that we are used to seeing her play in Downton Abbey. She is mean, self serving, unloving and curses like a sailor. Her American accent is very stark and in your face.
Famke’s Hilda as the villain left a lot to be desired unfortunately. We do not get to see enough of her or the backstory as to why she is the way she is; but when she is on screen she does command your attention. More Fameka is always better than less.
Famke Janssen in Boy Kills WorldCourtesy of Roadside Attractions
The plot has a few twists and turns and the supporting cast of characters do offer a few laughs. The comedic relief is mostly thanks to H. Jon Benjamin, Isaiah Mustafa as Benny and Andrew Koji as Basho. Director Moritz Mohr was inspired by video games, Korean action movies, Japanese anime and classic horror fantasy which is clear in the style of the film. Be prepared for a lot of shaky cam and cuts throughout the fight choreography. As mentioned, a lot of blood and gore, and one may find themselves looking away to avoid some of it.
This film is for those looking for a spectacle of an action flick, that can forgive an inconsistent story, with a little comedy thrown in. Despite its flaws, this action flick is a good time at the movies. Boy Kills World releases in theaters on April 26.