This week’s episode as Shred put it gave us “Frank’s hero origin story” as he battles this white swan which he named El Diablo Blanco. The episode starts with fun banter back and forth between the trucks as Victoria and Patel are nearing victory in the license plate game. Just as victory draws near, they are called to a skunk call and Frank and Shred head to the RV park to get the license plates.
Back at the office when Patel and Victoria return, Patel has been sprayed by the skunk and must stay outside while Victoria orders tomato juice. Emily informs Victoria that she has some old mail of Victoria’s from her ex that she accidentally never gave her. Victoria’s immigration hearing is fastly approaching and Emily offers to help her to make up for her faux pas. Emily gets the call about the swan and in a hilarious scene, Frank reveals their beef as he shows his swan scars.
“Skunks and Swans” – ANIMAL CONTROL, Pictured: Joel McHale as Frank Shaw. Photo: Bettina Strauss/FOX ©2024 Fox Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved
As Frank and Shred head to the golf course, Frank reveals to Shred that he has been after this swan since high school. Do swans live that long was mine and Shred’s question. Frank jokingly keeps aging himself with the mention of walkmans and cds. As Shred mocks him Frank lets him know that Rick will always be his favorite partner.
When the pair arrive at the golf course and are immediately dismissed by members, Frank in Frank style makes fun of a members outfit. They enter the green and golf balls are raining down on them. While the scene is amusing, the best scenes are the group at the office.
Speaking of, back at the office, Patel is bathing in a trash can of tomato juice and Emily lets Victoria know she only got six questions out of sixty correct on her test exam. The only funny part of this scene is Patel in the garbage can and Victoria letting him know she got the can from behind the kennels, hinting that something nasty may be at the bottom of the can. Emily tries to teach Victoria a dance to remember facts for the test. When that doesn’t work, the ladies begin to bicker about who is at fault. Victoria takes it a step too far when she comments on Victoria’s bangs in a cute, chuckle worthy scene.
When we return to the country club, Shred is waiting for an order that is stolen by a pretty girl. They hit it off and she says she will join him on the hunt for the swan. Frank attempts to use a mating call to draw the swan out of hiding. Meanwhile, Shred and the mystery girl have lunch and are hitting it off until she has run away for being a thief.
Frank finds the swan nest and is attacked and Shred shows up and Frank is not too happy with him. He left him to fend off the swan and he has no sandwiches. The two are stuck in the pond and get knocked over by a golf ball in a laugh out loud bit.
“Skunks and Swans” – ANIMAL CONTROL, Pictured: Michael Rowland as Fred “Shred” Taylor. Photo: Bettina Strauss/FOX ©2024 Fox Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Patel and Victoria ask his parents for advice as they passed their citizenship test. They agreed to help tutor Victoria. Victoria and Emily make up. Their friendship is super cute and needed for the show. More female friendships without a guy coming in between them are the best.
As Frank and Shred finally catch the swan and return to the truck, they receive a parking ticket and Shred has a brilliant idea to return the swan back to the property. As Shred is pleased with himself for getting the mystery girl’s number the swan steals the phone and flys away.
The episode ends with Emily getting on Patel’s bad side as she accidentally let his parents know that Maya is on bed rest and they are now coming to stay with him permanently. This leads to Emily letting Patel know he is her favorite employee because she cannot stand anyone being mad at her.
While the episode had some funny moments, the swan storyline went on a little too long. It is great to see Shred start to feel comfortable to move on from his feelings about Emily as he and this mystery girl have a lot in common. The show is setting up the classic trope of once someone moves on the other person will realize their romantic feelings. The audience may be getting Shred and Emily soon.
What did you think of the episode Animal Control fans? Excited for Shred and this new girl or are he and Emily endgame? Leave a comment and chat with me on X @jereereviews!