A United Kingdom teacher has been accused of having an underaged student’s baby while on bail for allegedly grooming another 15-year-old boy.
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According to the Times of London, 30-year-old math teacher Rebecca Joynes is accused of grooming the first 15-year-old boy by taking him shopping for a Gucci belt, worth about $430. This was revealed to police during an interview, which was played back in court.
After making the alleged purchase, the teacher is accused of driving the boy back to her apartment, where they had unprotected sex despite him being too young for her, much less too young to even drive. The 15-year-old boy, identified only as Boy A, said the teacher laughed when he brought up their age difference and how he was too young to even drive, claiming, “She said, ‘Oh, shut up.’ ‘Stop saying that.’”
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The 15-year-old student told police that he stayed the night after having underaged sex twice with the teacher, who allegedly told him, as they were getting undressed, that “no one had better find out” about what they were doing. The boy also told police that he never expected to have sex with his teacher, adding, “But anyone in my position, when you are my age… If you ever see her… she is good-looking.”
After police learned about the teacher having underaged sex with a 15-year-old student, she was later arrested and released on bail, with orders demanding she not have unsupervised contact with anyone under 18. She was also suspended from her teaching position at a local school and eventually fired.
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Despite being on bail for grooming a 15-year-old student and losing her job, police said the teacher soon began to flirt with another 15-year-old student, Boy B. The teacher allegedly began exchanging messages with the child on Snapchat after he learned about the news of her initial arrest. Police said Boy B demanded, “Get your t*ts out,” to which she responded, “Not tonight,” and then proceeded to send a picture of her butt.
Boy B told police, “As a young lad, I thought I was in there. I thought she liked me, she had sent me pictures of her body. So, basically, I asked if it would progress.” The child said the teacher invited him to her home, which was “awkward at first.” He added, “Obviously she was probably nervous because she didn’t want to get caught and I was nervous because I was meeting up with someone double my age and I’d known them for a number of years.”
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Boy B said once at her house, they began kissing on her couch and the teacher said “something like, ‘I don’t know if I want to do it until after you’ve left school or turn 18.’” The boy said they then progressed to the teacher’s room for sex. He alleged, “That was the first time and since then there have been numerous times,” adding that he “went round to the apartment at least 30 times.”
He added, “I thought she wouldn’t do it again after she had already done it and been caught. I didn’t think she would do it again after being arrested.” Per the Times of London, the teacher eventually became pregnant with a baby girl by the second student, Boy B. However, she denies ever having sex with him before he turned 16, which is the age of consent in the United Kingdom. She also denies that she engaged in sex while still a teacher, which would raise the age of consent to 18.
Rebecca Joynes continues to deny all six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being in a position of trust.
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