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DC Comics’ August 2024 solicits and solicitations reveal that Zero Hour gets a 30th Anniversary Special from Dan Jurgens.
Article Summary
DC’s August 2024 lineup features the 30th anniversary of Zero Hour.
Dan Jurgens’ special reimagines a pivotal moment in DC Universe history.
Tom King introduces Jenny Sparks series and Batman battles a new threat.
Mark Waid’s Absolute Power saga continues to reshape the hero landscape.
DC Comics’ August 2024 solicits and solicitations reveal that Zero Hour gets a 30th Anniversary Special from Dan Jurgens, Jenny Sparks launches a new series from Tom King and Jeff Stokes and DC Vs. Vampires launches a World War V #1 from Matthew Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt. Oh and a certain thing called Absolute Power…
ABSOLUTE POWER #2Written by MARK WAIDArt and cover by DAN MORAVariant covers by STEPHEN BLISS, LUCIO PARRILLO, TYLER KIRKHAM,NATHAN SZERDY, and SIMONE DI MEORaised UV variant cover by BEN OLIVER ($7.99 US)CONNECTING VARIANT COVER (6 OF 12) by JOHN TIMMSRETAILER APPRECIATION COVER by SALVADOR LARROCA$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24SIEGE OF THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE!In the aftermath of Amanda Waller’s total victory, the metahumans of theDC universe have been depowered, scattered to the wind, and are reelingfrom critical defeat across the planet. But the resistance lives on. Any heroesnot rounded up by the TRINITY OF EVIL have rendezvoused at Superman’sFortress of Solitude…but even this sanctuary of peace and hope is not safefrom Waller’s blitzkrieg. The precog known as Dreamer has pointed Waller’sweapons to the frozen tundra where our heroes lick their wounds…and theshocker general leading Waller’s charge to raze the fortress to the groundwill leave you breathless. It’s underdog versus complete global dominationin this epic second installment of the ABSOLUTE POWER saga!
ABSOLUTE POWER: TASK FORCE VII #4Written by PORNSAK PICHETSHOTEArt by CLAIRE ROECover by PETE WOODSVariant covers by STEVE BEACH, BELÉN ORTEGA, and STEPHEN PLATTConnecting Variant Cover (7 of 12) by JOHN TIMMSFoil Variant cover by DAN MORA ($6.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24Failsafe—the relentless android with all of Batman’s skills and none of hismorals—hunts Nightwing and his newest recruits in a chilling issue fromacclaimed writer Pornsak Pichetshote (Infidel, The Sandman Universe: Dead BoyDetectives) and artist Claire Roe! On the run from Amanda Waller and herAmazo army, Dick Grayson is gathering heroes to bolster the growingresistance. But even his surprising new allies may not be enough to protectthem from brutal consequences when Failsafe finds their hidden lair!
ABSOLUTE POWER: TASK FORCE VII #5Written by ALEX PAKNADELArt and Cover by PETE WOODSVariant covers by SALVADOR LARROCA, TAURIN CLARKE,and STEPHEN PLATTConnecting Variant Cover (8 of 12) by JOHN TIMMSFoil cover by DAN MORA ($6.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Barry Allen is the lone speedster to still have his powers, staying barelya step ahead of the Flash-themed Amazo, VELOCITY, now powered by thespeed of the rest of the Flash Family. While Barry must keep moving toavoid capture, he’s also working as a one-man communications network forthe remaining free heroes. Can Barry continue to aid the Resistance, or hastime run out for the Flash?
ABSOLUTE POWER: ORIGINS #2Written by JOHN RIDLEYArt by ALITHA MARTINEZ and NORM RAPMUNDCover by EDWIN GALMONVariant cover by MATEUS MANHANINI$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Amanda Waller has suffered immeasurable loss…and the loss of herhumanity along with it. Now, after having blazed her own trail intoWashington politics, the Wall launches the new phase of her career:TASK FORCE X. Witness the rise of one of the deadliest teams ever toroam the DC universe and a shocking revelation that will make historyin part two of Absolute Power: Origins. Brought to you by John Ridleyand Alitha Martinez!
BATMAN #151Written by CHIP ZDARSKYArt by MIKE HAWTHORNECover by SALVADOR LARROCABackup by TINI HOWARDBackup art by MARIANNA IGNAZZIVariant covers by GUILLEM MARCH and JILL THOMPSON1:25 variant cover by JAMES HARREN1:50 variant cover by STEVAN SUBICDC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUKSwimsuit variant cover by OLIVIER COIPELResistance variant cover by MIKEL JANÍNBatman 85th Anniversary variant cover by GABRIELE DELL’OTTO$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24A device critical to Amanda Waller’s plans is hidden on a remote, highlyprotected island. Batman can get there, but only one burglar has a chanceof stealing the device and getting it off the island safely. But the device isn’twhat they expect, and getting off the island turns out to be the least of theirproblems! Plus: a backup story reveals the chaos unleashed in Gotham Citywhen Arkham is unlocked and the Bat-family are nowhere to be found.
SUPERMAN #17Written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt and cover by JAMAL CAMPBELLVariant covers by TONY S. DANIEL, STJEPAN ŠEJIĆ,and FRANCESCO MATTINA1:25 variant cover by CHUMA HILLResistance variant cover by MIKEL JANÍNDC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUKSwimsuit variant cover by ELIZABETH TORQUE$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24After the traumatic events of Absolute Power #2, Superman and Zatannatrek into the darkest areas of the DC Universe to find a way to stop Wallerand her growing army. Powerless and without magic, are they willing tomake a deal with a devil to save the world?
WONDER WOMAN #12Written by TOM KINGArt by TONY S. DANIEL and BELÉN ORTEGACover by DANIEL SAMPEREVariant covers by JULIAN TOTINO TEDESCO and TONY S. DANIEL1:25 variant cover by JORGE FORNÉSSwimsuit variant cover by GUILLEM MARCHResistance variant cover by MIKEL JANÍN$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24Meet the new dynamic duo! Wonder Woman teams up with theunlikeliest of allies, Robin, on a top secret mission to save theirfellow heroes. Will Damian and Diana’s quest to break into Waller’sGamorra supermax prison be a successful one? Or is it all part of amore elaborate trap for Wonder Woman and her new sidekick?
GREEN LANTERN #14Written by JEREMY ADAMS and MARC GUGGENHEIMArt by FERNANDO PASARÍN and DARICK ROBERTSONCover by ARIEL COLÓNVariant covers by CHRIS SAMNEE and IAN CHURCHILL1:25 variant cover by CHUMA HILLResistance variant cover by MIKEL JANÍN$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24Hal Jordan must don the weapons of DC’s greatest villains to escape AmandaWaller’s clutches and reconnect with the heroes who are set to strike backat this new Absolute Power! Meanwhile, Carol sets out on a mission to helpothers, learning what it means to be a hero along the way.PLUS: Witness the rise of the SHADOW LANTERNS in an all-new backup storyby MARC GUGGENHEIM and DARICK ROBERTSON!
ZERO HOUR 30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL #1Written by DAN JURGENS and RON MARZArt by DAN JURGENS, DARRYL BANKS, JERRY ORDWAY, PAUL PELLETIER, KELLEY JONES and more!Cover by DAN JURGENS and JERRY ORDWAYVariant covers by ALAN QUAH and KEN LASHLEY1:25 variant cover by DAN HIPPRAISED UV cover by JON BOGDANOVE ($10.99 US)$9.99 US | 80 pages | Variant $9.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/2430 years ago, one of the DCU’s brightest heroes fell from grace, driven overthe edge by his failure to save Coast City and millions of people. In thefamed EMERALD TWILIGHT storyline, Hal Jordan became PARALLAX in thewake of Coast City being annihilated. After that, he almost succeeded inrefashioning the entire timeline and resetting reality to restore his homein the ZERO HOUR event. Luckily, the heroes prevailed and destroyed thisvillain and timeline for good…or so we thought. Green Lantern Kyle Rayneris about to discover Hal and his vision have survived, and they’re willing todo whatever it takes to make sure their world prevails!Writers Dan Jurgens and Ron Marz return to the world of Zero Hour withan art team comprised of all-star DC talent to celebrate this landmarkanniversary. What repercussions will their story today have for those oftomorrow? Find out in this oversized special packed with action and yourfavorites from the ’90s!
JENNY SPARKS #1Written by TOM KINGArt and cover by JEFF SPOKESVariant covers by GUILLEM MARCH and HOMARE1:25 variant cover by SAOWEE$4.99 US | 40 pages | 1 of 6 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24The wild storm begins! What could four strangers have to do with the fate ofthe world? Find out as Captain Atom goes rogue, threatening to destroy theplanet he once swore to protect. Can any hero stop him? Well, it may takethe most unconventional of them all…Jenny Sparks, the one woman taskedwith keeping ALL the heroes in line, no matter the cost. With a snap of herfingers, she’s entered the fray and won’t quit until the job is done!The Spirit of the 20th Century returns for the 21st in this action-packednew miniseries by Eisner Award-winning writer Tom King (Wonder Woman,Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) and artist Jeff Spokes!
DC VS. VAMPIRES: WORLD WAR V #1Written by MATTHEW ROSENBERGArt and cover by OTTO SCHMIDTVariant covers by STEVE BEACH and JAE LEEFoil variant cover by HOMARE ($6.99 US)1:25 variant cover by RILEY ROSSMO1:50 cover by NIKOLA ČIŽMEŠIJA$4.99 US | 40 pages | 2 of 6 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24The smash-hit series returns! It’s the dead of winter, and any hope for afragile truce between the Green Arrow-led human heroes and vampirequeen Barbara Gordon’s army has been dashed by Damian Wayne and hisguerrilla fighters. He’s the only one fighting back against the bloodthirstyhordes, leaving Green Arrow with a choice: Does he stand and fight orsacrifice the boy in the name of peace?
DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL: ALLWINTER #2Written by JAY KRISTOFF and TOM TAYLORArt by TIRSO CONS and RICCARDO FEDERICICover by TIRSO CONSVariant covers by MONA FINDEN and DAN PANOSIAN1:25 variant cover by QISTINA KHALIDAH$4.99 US | 40 pages | 2 of 6 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24Deathstroke’s past and present collide when he discovers the source ofVandar Savage’s ire is being protected by Adeline, Deathstroke’s wife.But what she has in her possession might be the only thing capable ofstopping this endless winter for good. Crossing Vandar is dangerousenough, but their quest will barely have begun before tragedy strikes…Superstar writer Tom Taylor returns to the world of Dark Knights ofSteel with artist Riccardo Federici to tell the story of an orphanedchild…heir to the throne of Atlantis, Atlantis, whose arrival will signalprosperity…or terror!
BATMAN: GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT—THE KRYPTONIAN AGE #3Written by ANDY DIGGLEArt and cover by LEANDRO FERNANDEZVariant covers by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA and FELIPE MASSAFERA$4.99 US | 40 pages | 3 of 6 | Variants $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24Adam Strange’s understanding of the ancient world is flipped upside downas he’s saved by Diana of Themyscira! Batman searches for the jade ring ofJong Li and goes undercover to confront Selina Kyle for its whereabouts.Little do they know, it’s halfway across the country, on board the same trainas a young aerialist named Alan Scott!
DETECTIVE COMICS #1088Written by RAM VArt by GUILLEM MARCHCover by EVAN CAGLEBackup written by DAN WATTERSBackup art by TKVariant covers by MIKE PERKINS and STEVAN SUBIC1:25 variant cover by SEBASTIAN FIUMARABatman 85th Anniversary variant cover by CHRIS SAMNEE$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Chaos against order. Good against evil. The Dark Knight against…everything. Theend is nigh, and nothing can prepare you for what’s to come in the penultimatechapter of Ram V’s gothic opera.
BATMAN AND ROBIN #12Written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt by JUAN FERREYRACover by SIMONE DI MEOVariant covers by JUAN FERREYRA and TRAVIS MERCER1:25 variant cover by VASCO GEORGIEVBatman 85th Anniversary variant cover by SIMONE DI MEO$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24Years ago, Bane killed Alfred Pennyworth right in front of Damian. And now,on Dinosaur Island, there is nothing stopping Robin from getting his revenge!Except his father, Batman! And the giant dinosaurs, of course.
NIGHTWING #117Written by TOM TAYLORArt by BRUNO REDONDOCover by BRUNO REDONDOVariant covers by BRUNO REDONDO and STEVAN SUBIC1:25 variant cover by SERG ACUNADC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUKSwimsuit variant cover by BELÉN ORTEGA$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24While Dick connects with the ghost of his past, “Nightwing” takes to thestreets to defend his honor. But how can he be in two places at once? And whatshocking revelation does Dick learn when confronted with the truth behindhis parents’ deaths? The “Heartless” saga continues in the penultimate chapterof this celebrated run!
BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #16Written by TIM SEELEY, TORUNN GRØNBEKK and ALEX SEGURAArt by KELLEY JONES, FERNANDO PASARIN and ANDY MACDONALDCover by SIMONE DI MEOVariant covers by FRANCESCO MATTINA and KELLEY JONESBatman 85th Anniversary variant cover by LEE BERMEJO$7.99 US | 64 pages | Prestige | (all covers are card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Nightwing and Deadman come face-to-face with the sinister Unfallen in thefinal chapter of Tim Seeley and Kelley Jones’s terrifying team-up! Lois Lanefinds herself in the midst of a deadly conspiracy! And the Question desperatelysearches for answers about the strange villain menacing her life!
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #1Written by LEAH WILLIAMSArt by MATTEO LOLLICover by TERRY DODSONVariant cover by W. SCOTT FORBES and JEEHYUNG LEEConnecting variant cover by GUILLEM MARCHDC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUKSwimsuit variant cover by RAHZZAHFoil variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH ($6.99 US)1:25 variant cover by BEN HARVEY$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24When a violent and highly illegal energy drink-sponsored hunting operationthreatens the lives of wildlife and the residents of Gotham City alike, theonly ones fit to save the day are the criminal trio of Catwoman, Poison Ivy,and Harley Quinn. Back together again for the first time in years. Sometimesthe only way to fight bad is with even worse! With special appearances byWhite Rabbit, Punchline, and introducing the himbo cowboy henchmensensation soon to be sweeping the nation known as “The Nasty Boys!” Getyour chaps, spurs, and hats out cause it’s hunting season! By the end ofstory you’ll be covered in guts, goo, and grit!Featuring the talents of Leah Williams, Matteo Lolli, Daniel Hillyard, andmore! If you’re not chanting “Hot tubs and headshots and hotties, oh my!”by the end of this four-week-long series, you’re doing it wrong!
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #2Written by LEAH WILLIAMSArt by DANIEL HILLYARDCover by TERRY DODSONVariant cover by W. SCOTT FORBES and JEEHYUNG LEEConnecting variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH1:25 variant cover by DANIEL HILLYARDFoil variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH ($6.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #3Written by LEAH WILLIAMSArt by MATTEO LOLLICover by TERRY DODSONVariant cover by W. SCOTT FORBES and JEEHYUNG LEEConnecting variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH1:25 variant cover by NATACHA BUSTOSFoil variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH ($6.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #4Written by LEAH WILLIAMSArt by DANIEL HILLYARD and TKCover by TERRY DODSONVariant cover by W. SCOTT FORBES and JEEHYUNG LEEConnecting variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH1:25 variant cover by TIRSOFoil variant cover by GUILLEM MARCH ($6.99 US)$5.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $6.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24
BIRDS OF PREY #12Written by KELLY THOMPSONArt by GAVIN GUIDRY, JAVIER PIÑA, and SOPHIE CAMPBELLCover by LEONARDO ROMEROVariant covers by TIRSO CONS and DAVID NAKAYAMA1:25 variant cover by RIAN GONZALES$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24Their attempt to control the portal dimension has backfired in a hilariousbut violent way, and the Birds of Prey find themselves dealing with some…unexpectedly cute results. Meanwhile Oracle’s escape plan nears completiondespite some over-enthusiastic assistance. Cassandra Cain has a big idea.
OUTSIDERS #10Written by JACKSON LANZING and COLLIN KELLYArt by ROBERT CAREYCover by ROGER CRUZVariant cover by GLEB MELNIKOV$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24As they grapple with the shocking revelations of the last three issues, theOutsiders race to protect the fabric of reality. Within the Carrier, the Drummeris ready to play her encore—and it’s going to bring the house down.
BATMAN: OFF-WORLD #6Written by JASON AARONArt and cover by DOUG MAHNKE and JAIME MENDOZAVariant cover by DAN MORA1:25 variant cover by ALAN QUAH$3.99 US | 32 pages | 6 of 6 | Variants $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Batman is ready to return to Gotham City to apply all that he’s learned from hisunbelievable adventure in the farthest reaches of the cosmos—but unfortunately,the Blakksun Twins still have one last lesson for him…a lesson in exploring thefinal frontiers of pain! It’s the brutal, surprising finale to Jason Aaron and DougMahnke’s Batman epic!
BATMAN: DARK AGE #5Written by MARK RUSSELLArt and cover by MIKE ALLREDVariant cover by CHRIS BURNHAM1:25 variant cover by ROBERTO MELI$5.99 US | 48 pages | 5 of 6 | Variant $6.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Ra’s al Ghul has come for Gotham! When Bruce’s former mentor becomes hisgreatest enemy, he is forced to recruit some of the unlikeliest allies out there…the Rogues Gallery! Will their team-up be enough to save this city on thebrink of destruction?
ACTION COMICS #1068Written by GAIL SIMONE and RAINBOW ROWELLArt by EDDY BARROWS, DANNY MIKI, and CIAN TORMEYCover by EDDY BARROWS and DANNY MIKIVariant covers by WES CRAIG and TERRY DODSON1:25 variant cover by SALVADOR LARROCASwimsuit variant cover by FRANK CHO$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24Things go COSMICALLY wrong as Superman finds himself the champion in a galactic battle between TWO alien empires! The entire EARTH is held hostage as Superman fights to save CONTINENTS from utter destruction! Loads of guest stars, but as you haven’t seen them in a VERY LONG TIME! All this and LOTS MORE in part two of SUPERMAN AND THE CHALLENGE FROM THE STARS! Plus, Lois Lane, Editor-in-Chief, sidelines reporter Clark Kent. Will their marriage survive tough love?
BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST #30Written by MARK WAIDArt by GLEB MELNIKOVCover by DAN MORAVariant covers by PUPPETEER LEE and LUCIO PARRILLO1:25 variant cover by DANIEL BAYLISSBatman 85th Anniversary variant cover by JORGE JIMENEZ$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24Get ready to see the Trinity—Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman—take part in their first adventure as a trio!
POWER GIRL #12Written by LEAH WILLIAMSArt by TRAVIS MOORECover by YANICK PAQUETTEVariant covers by CHUMA HILL and STEPHEN SEGOVIADC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUK$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Axel’s betrayal! After a disastrous first date, Power Girl’s suitor’s true colors arerevealed. Can a high-flying fantasy do-over make things right between the two?Or will Axel be dumped faster than Streaky’s litter box?
KNEEL BEFORE ZOD #8Written by JOE CASEYArt by DAN McDAIDCover by JASON SHAWN ALEXANDERVariant cover by LUCIO PARRILLO$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24Three simple words: Zod versus Sinestro! The sins of the fathers burn like a cosmicwildfire in both of their hearts! Only against each other does that rage find fullexpression—but will they destroy the universe before they can destroy each other?
THE FLASH #12Written by SIMON SPURRIERArt and cover by RAMÓN PÉREZVariant covers by RAFAEL GRASSETTI and MATT TAYLORDC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUKSwimsuit variant cover by MIRKA ANDOLFO$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24The Arc Angles have gathered their forces and are ready to bring forth the new agethey seek. But the Flash Family is gathered for a final stand while still dealing withpublic unrest and Waller’s forces. Will it be enough to stop the Arc Angles’ will?Well, the Resident and Linda have come to an epiphany, and have to risk everythingto get to Wally…
TITANS #14Written by TOM TAYLORArt and cover by LUCAS MEYERVariant covers by CHRIS SAMNEE and MATTIA DE LULISDC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUKSwimsuit variant cover by SAOWEE$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24Trigon is coming. The threat from hell threatens to destroy the entire world. Canour heroes and Swamp Thing save the planet? Is Raven lost forever? Will it be Titanstogether or Titans torn apart?
GREEN LANTERN: WAR JOURNAL #12Written by PHILLIP KENNEDY JOHNSONArt and cover by MONTOSVariant cover by MARK SPEARSDC Super Powers variant cover by JASON GEYER and ALEX SAVIUK$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24It has all led to this! As John Stewart and his allies fight to beat back an invasion byOlgrun and the Old Gods, John Henry and Natasha Irons and the sentient constructknown as Ellie Stewart fight to save Shirley Stewart from the vengeance of StarShroud…and the survival of METROPOLIS hangs in the balance! Can John Stewartmake it back to Earth in time to save his mother and his city? And can the entireStewart family and their allies survive such an onslaught? Characters die, and thestatus quo is changed forever in this FINAL CLIMACTIC ISSUE!
GREEN ARROW #15Written by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt by AMANCAY NAHUELPANCover by PHIL HESTERVariant cover by TAURIN CLARKE$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Arsenal, Connor Hawke, Red Canary, Red Arrow, Lian, and Arrowette ina battle above the skies. They can’t let Waller’s Task Force agents getProfessor Ivo to Gamora! This is the heroes’ last chance to win the warfor power in the DC Universe!
JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #12Written by GEOFF JOHNSArt by TODD NAUCKCover by MIKEL JANÍNVariant covers by TONY HARRIS and MARCO SANTUCCI$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24As the team picks up the pieces from their last battle, Stargirl looks to the futureand what it means to be a member of the first super-team! Don’t miss the finalissue of this star-studded run!
SHAZAM! #14Written by JOSIE CAMPBELLArt by EMANUELA LUPACCHINOCover by GLEB MELNIKOVVariant covers by DANIELE DI NICUOLO and JOHN TIMMS$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24Mary and Freddy have tracked Billy down to the unused tunnels of SEPTA—but themonsters plaguing Philly have followed them, too. With Billy refusing to turn intothe Captain, can Mary and Freddy turn the tide and figure out what’s causing themonster onslaught? Can they convince Billy to come home? And what’s up with theweird kid in a toga that only Billy can see?
MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN #3Written by JOSIE CAMPBELLArt by PABLO M COLLARCover by LI CREEVariant cover by JAHNOY LINDSAYDesign variant cover TK$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24With Clark Kent arrested by Team Seven, he’ll need to figure out a way touse his powers and keep Amazo hidden, but will his identity as Superman berevealed in the process?!
FROM THE DC VAULT: DEATH IN THE FAMILY: ROBIN LIVES! #2Written by J.M. DeMATTEISArt and cover by RICK LEONARDIVariant cover by DAN MORA$4.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/14/24Over 30 years ago, history was made when fans voted to kill the second Robin,Jason Todd. Now, DC continues the alternate story of what would have happened if he had lived…Jason Todd, traumatized after The Joker’s near-fatal attack, struggles to step backinto Robin’s shoes—while Batman questions the very need for a young partner byhis side. Has Joker “killed” Robin after all?When tragedy strikes again in the form of the mind-bending Scarecrow, how do our heroes find their way back—especially with Copperhead on the loose and The Joker on the run?
THE NICE HOUSE BY THE SEA #2Written by JAMES TYNION IVArt and cover by ÁLVARO MARTÍNEZ BUENOVariant cover by JAVI FERNANDEZ and JOSHUA HIXSON$3.99 US | 40 pages | 2 of 12 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24Tensions inside the House are rising. Resentments are simmering to thesurface. The residents need something to unite around. So an adorabledog is just the thing…right? They can all be trusted to love an innocentanimal…right?
ZATANNA: BRING DOWN THE HOUSE #3Written by MARIKO TAMAKIArt and cover by JAVIER RODRÍGUEZVariant covers by TERRY DODSON and TULA LOTAY1:25 variant cover by TULA LOTAY$5.99 US | 32 pages | 3 of 5 | (all covers are card stock)ON SALE 8/28/24It’s out of the Casters’ lair and into the fire as Zatanna takes a tumble downthe rabbit hole—although the Order of the Rabbits themselves would tell youthey prefer the term “bunny well.” Within, Zatanna finds her inability toperform real magic put to the test in a pulse-pounding fight for her lifeagainst a vicious champion the Rabbits call…the Destroyer of Souls.
THE BOY WONDER #4Written by JUNI BAArt and cover by JUNI BAVariant cover by VALENTINA NAPOLITANO$4.99 US | 32 pages | 4 of 5 | (all covers are card stock)ON SALE 8/7/24Damian Wayne may have been struggling to live up to his father’slegacy…but the last thing he ever wanted was to be returned to theclutches of his grandfather, the Demon King. But when his worstnightmare comes true, can he rely on his mother to defend him? Or hashe lost her forever to the same horrific legacy he’s tried to escape?
JOHN CONSTANTINE, HELLBLAZER: DEAD IN AMERICA #8Written by SIMON SPURRIERArt by LISANDRO ESTHERRENCover by AARON CAMPBELLVariant cover by CHRISTIAN WARD$4.99 US | 28 pages | 8 of 11 | (all covers are card stock)ON SALE 8/21/24John Constantine is in hell. Literally. Trapped without his friends or a wayhome, he’ll resort to what he’s done before…conning the legions of theunderworld into setting him free. That is, unless he’s lost his touch…
ALL NEW COLLECTORS’ EDITION #56 FACSIMILE EDITIONSUPERMAN VS. MUHAMMAD ALIWritten by DENNIS O’NEILArt by NEAL ADAMS and DICK GIORDANOCover by NEAL ADAMSFoil variant cover by NEAL ADAMS$14.99 US | 72 pages | Variant $17.99 USON SALE 8/27/24The greatest heavyweight prizefight in the history of comics is returningin a full-size tabloid facsimile edition! With a space armada threateningto destroy the Earth if it loses a contest against the evil Rat’lar’s chosenfighter, Superman and Muhammad Ali must first box each other to determinehumanity’s champion for that intergalactic bout. Includes the iconicwraparound cover by Neal Adams with a who’s who of famous people (andcomic book creators) in attendance at the fight of the century.
PRIMER: CLASHING COLORSWritten by JENNIFER MURO and THOMAS KRAJEWSKIArt by GRETEL LUSKY and NICOLETTA BALDARICover by GRETEL LUSKY$12.99 US | 192 pages | 5 1/2″ x 8″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-538-3ON SALE 11/5/24Ashley wants nothing more than to be taken seriously as a superhero—shecan’t help it that things don’t always go as planned! And when the TeenTitans roll into town chasing after their infamous nemesis, Deathstroke,Ashley just knows this is her chance to prove that Primer has what ittakes to join the team.The only thing is, her parents still expect her to go to school and finishher homework—typical Dad and Yuka (umm…Mom) stuff! And best friend,Luke keeps acting so weird every time her Titan dream gets brought up…but Ashley has it all figured out. If only they would just see that she cando this! The new girl at her school, Violette, thinks Primer is the best—so why doesn’t everyone else get it, too?Will Ashley learn what it means to be both a team player and atrustworthy friend…all while battling her newest foe?
TEEN TITANS: STARFIREWritten by KAMI GARCIAArt and cover by GABRIEL PICOLO$16.99 US | 208 pages | 6″ x 9″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-799-9ON SALE 11/5/24Kori Anders’s summer job at a ritzy Santa Monica beach club is fun, butshe doesn’t care about keeping up with the current trends, and she’s notinterested in rushing around to all the parties. She’d rather explore herinexplicable draw to the stars or hang out with her new friend, Victor Stone.Her sister, Kira, on the other hand, is the most popular girl around. Withthe hottest clothes, an even hotter boyfriend (the Tate Fairweather), and atake-no-prisoners attitude, she’s Kori’s opposite in every way. Their summerheats up when Tate’s uncle asks the girls to participate in an EDS study hispharmaceutical company is running. During treatment, Kori develops somestrange powers she never had before…and she might not be the only one.Can Kori persuade her sister to trust her before it’s too late? And when acarload of teens with their own powers comes looking for her to warn herabout a creepy stalker, she’ll learn that trust is a two-way street!
BATMAN AND ROBIN AND HOWARD: SUMMER BREAKDOWN #2Written by JEFFREY BROWNArt and cover by JEFFREY BROWN$4.99 US | 72 pagesON SALE 8/7/24With Talia al Ghul in town, Damian and Bruce both find themselves a littledistracted…and his mom’s determination that Damian join the League ofAssassins isn’t helping allay Damian’s suspicions that she might be part ofReComplexTech’s plot. So it’s up to Howard to continue investigating thecompany and their plans for the recycling center with the help of the Hero Club!But does their involvement mean Damian has been sidelined from the mission?
PRIMER: CLASHING COLORS #2Written by JENNIFER MURO and THOMAS KRAJEWSKIArt and cover by NICOLETTA BALDARI$4.99 US | 64 pagesON SALE 8/14/24While struggling to balance her classwork, her growing friendship withViolette, and Luke acting so weird lately, Ashley also finds herself discouragedthat the Titans don’t believe Primer has what it takes to join the team. Couldhelping the Titans capture Ravager and possibly uncover the next steps inDeathstroke’s plans be just the second chance Primer needs to prove she’ssuper enough to become a Teen Titan?
SUPER-PETS SPECIAL: BITEDENTITY CRISISWritten by TONY FLEECS, ALEXIS QUASARANO, MICHAEL CONRAD, DAN WATTERS, and KYLE STARKSArt by MIKE NORTON, PJ HOLDEN, SAMI BASRI, CHRIS MITTEN, and KYLE STARKSCover by PETE WOODSVariant covers by TONY FLEECS and KARL KERSCHEL1:25 variant cover by GUSTAVO DUARTE$5.99 USD | 48 pages | Variant $6.99 (card stock)ON SALE 7/30/24The Super-Pets are back—and this time, they’re all BITE! Haley, the beloved bark-out star of NIGHTWING, finds herself to be a fish out of water when she arrives on Kent Farm. As our big-city mutt tries to adjust to country living, she’s shocked to discover a kennel of courageous critters is already waiting for her! Bitewing, meet the SUPER-PETS—and you might want to hold on tight because things are about to get hairy!Also featuring—stories of misch-woof and mutt-hem! The dark side of the dog bed! The many pets of Damian Wayne! You’ll have to squeak it to believe it!
THE BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES #8Written by SHOLLY FISCHArt and cover by ERICH OWEN$2.99 US | 32 pagesON SALE 8/7/24Copyright © 2024 DC Comics and Hanna-Barbera.Gotham’s Finger Memorial Museum, home of giant appliances, giant games, and giant sports equipment, has been robbed…by giants! Are Batman and Scooby up to the challenge of tracking down the mythical robbers, and solving the (quite literally) biggest crime of their careers?
SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? #129Written by DEREK FRIDOLFSArt and cover by VALERIO CHIOLA$2.99 US | 32 pagesON SALE 8/7/24Copyright © 2024 Hanna-Barbera.Following a string of successfully solved mysteries, it’s time to celebrate, and Fred is treating the gang to dinner at his favorite local hangout! But Fred’s childhood haunt isn’t quite what he remembers—the pizza parlor has gone through a complete renovation. Gone are all the fun things Fred fondly remembered: the ball pit, ticket games, and especially the animal mascots in the band…until one of those angry animatronic performers comes to life!
SUICIDE SQUAD: KILL ARKHAM ASYLUMWritten by JOHN LAYMANArt by JESÚS HERVÁSCover by DAN PANOSIAN$19.99 US | 120 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-838-5ON SALE 10/1/24Things are gonna get messy in this prequel to Rocksteady’s video game,Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League!Before the Suicide Squad sets its sights on the corrupted Justice League, join usfor this thrilling prequel and witness them kill Arkham Asylum! Amanda Wallerhas taken control of the recently rebuilt Arkham State Hospital, and her brutaltactics and merciless methods have led to the most secure Arkham Gotham hasever known. But when the cell doors open and the inmates are left in a free-for-alldeathmatch, Waller’s true intentions reveal themselves: identify the strongest,smartest, and most brutal inmates of the Asylum to serve her on Task Force X!Collects Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #1-5.*Terms Apply. See for details.
SUPERMAN ’78: THE METAL CURTAINWritten by ROBERT VENDITTIArt and cover by GAVIN GUIDRY$19.99 US | 136 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-782-0ON SALE 10/8/24When the planet Krypton exploded, its last son was rocketed across the cosmos andcame to settle in a small town in Kansas. But what else came with him, and whatif a piece of his home landed somewhere we never knew about? As Superman hasbecome a symbol of strength and pride for America, the Soviet Union looks to crushthat image with a creation of their own, built by their own might and forged bytheir own power—Metallo!Robert Venditti (Superman: Man of Tomorrow) returns to Superman ’78 with newartist Gavin Guidry (Birds of Prey) in this brand-new adventure set in the world ofRichard Donner’s Superman film. Collects Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain #1-6!
ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERNWritten by TIM SHERIDANPencils by CIAN TORMEYInks by CIAN TORMEY, RAÚL FERNÁNDEZ, and othersCover by DAVID TALASKI$16.99 US | 144 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-721-9ON SALE 9/24/24Alan Scott, Earth’s first Green Lantern. Born with a strength of will, a resolutespirit, and selfless service to a world that would dismiss him, Alan Scott is the most powerful member of the Justice Society of America, but his personal life is a wellkept secret. Haunted by the memory of his first love, John Ladd, the Green Lantern must solve the mystery of multiple deaths of men who died just like John. Aided by the Spectre, the Flash, and the entire JSA, he must uncover the truth behind the man masquerading as him, the Red Lantern. Who is this rage-filled villain, and why are the Soviets involved?Tim Sheridan (Teen Titans Academy) and Cian Tormey (Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods) bring the Golden Age Green Lantern into the light of the Cold War and those who traffic in fear. Collects Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1-6 and the short story from DC Pride: Through The Years #1!
CATWOMAN VOL. 4: NINE LIVESWritten by TINI HOWARDArt by STEFANO RAFFAELE, CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO, and IVAN SHAVRINCover by DAVID NAKAYAMA$19.99 US | 248 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-500-0ON SALE 10/15/24The Catwoman we know has vanished. Selina Kyle is gone. She’s no longerGotham’s fugitive—she’s its ghost. After the events of the Gotham War, Selinaleaves the city a changed woman. The plan? Nine deadly missions, each potentially more lethal than the last—a feat only possible for a cat with nine lives.Written by Tini Howard and illustrated by Stefano Raffaele, Carmine DiGiandomenico, and Ivan Shavrin, Catwoman: Vol. 4: Nine Lives is a gritty, fast-paced whirlwind that will leave you gasping for breath! Collects Catwoman #59-68.
HARLEY QUINN VOL. 1: GIRL IN A CRISISWritten by TINI HOWARD, LEAH WILLIAMS, and othersArt by SWEENEY BOO, HAYDEN SHERMAN, and othersCover by SWEENEY BOO$19.99 US | 208 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-823-0ON SALE 9/24/24Attention, nerds! It’s me, Harley Quinn. I’ve got a brand-new collection coming your way from my incredible series, Harley Quinn (that’s easy to remember!) I know you bought those issues already, but since they’re bagged and slabbed, y’all need this edition to find out what’s happened to me! I was minding my own business, having a prank war with Two-Face, when some Lady Quark popped up and told me I was threatening reality everywhere. What?Anyway, Tini Howard (Catwoman) wrote up the details, and Sweeney Boo (Crush & Lobo) and Hayden Sherman (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest) drew them up really pretty with guests like Zatanna, Captain Carrot, and of course, HIM (Batman, silly. Who else?), all helping me try to keep reality together. I just want to leave the Multiverse alone, do my community service, and adore my gal, Poison Ivy. And I’ll do ANYTHING to protect my Earth. Got it? Collects Harley Quinn #28-32 and Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #1-2.
SPEED FORCEWritten by JARRETT WILLIAMSArt by DANIELE DI NICUOLO, GEORGE KAMBADAIS, and othersCover by DANIELE DI NICUOLO$16.99 US | 152 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-778-3ON SALE 10/1/24Wallace West and Avery Ho are proud members of the Fastest Family Alive, and also, sometimes, they want to slow down and relax! Fortunately, there’s a hot new app called Symphonee, bringing friends and fam together with the hottest sounds of the underground. Unfortunately, it’s being brought to them by a conglomerate of Flash foes, including the Fiddler, Music Meister, and the Mad Mod. Have these old dogs learned some new tricks, or have they quit and gone legit with the freshest beats around? Because everyone’s got music fever!Composed by Jarrett Williams (Titans: Beast World Tour: Central City, Rick and Morty) and Daniele Di Niculo (Nightwing, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), Speed Force pits Wallace and Avery against fame, influencers, and mind controllers in the race of their lives. Will they be able to draw the curtain on Symphonee’s schemes, or is this run their swan song? Collects Speed Force #1-6.
GREEN ARROW VOL. 2: FAMILY FIRSTWritten by JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt by SEAN IZAAKSE, PHIL HESTER, CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO, and othersCover by SEAN IZAAKSE$19.99 US | 136 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-824-7ON SALE 9/24/24After months of time travel and space adventures, the Emerald Archer is back with his family in the present day. But will the reunion be short-lived? A member of the Green Arrow family goes missing, and Oliver hits the streets of Star City to investigate, running into…Onomatopoeia?! It doesn’t take long to discover there are many secrets swirling, and Amanda Waller and her agents have a part to play…but to what ends?New York Times bestselling author and DC architect Joshua Williamson returns with a new creative team, including Carmine Di Giandomenico and Trevor Hairsine. Collects Green Arrow #7-12.
ELSEWORLDS: BATMAN VOL. 2 (2024 EDITION)Written by DOUG MOENCHArt by KELLEY JONES, JOHN BEATTY, and MALCOLM JONES IIICover by KELLEY JONES$49.99 US | 568 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-958-9ON SALE 10/8/24Gotham City is caught in a vortex of corruption and decay, and those who feedon blood and despair are about to suck any remaining life from her dying veins.All that stands against them is the Batman, the last line of defense between theinnocent and the screaming chaos of mindless appetite. To combat this primevalthreat, however, the Dark Knight must give up everything he holds dear, includinglife itself—for death is only the first step toward the final reckoning betweengood and evil. Collecting Batman & Dracula: Red Rain, Batman: Bloodstorm, andBatman: Crimson Mist.
BATMAN: THE CULT: THE DELUXE EDITIONWritten by JIM STARLINArt and Cover by BERNIE WRIGHTSON$39.99 US | 216 pages | 7 1/16″ x 10 7/8″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-827-8ON SALE 10/1/24Batman has faced a multitude of foes throughout his career, but he’s never facedanyone like the charismatic Deacon Blackfire. By manipulating the minds of thehomeless and downtrodden, Blackfire has amassed an army willing to follow hisevery command—and Batman may become his latest acolyte! Will Blackfire succeedin breaking the Dark Knight’s spirit? This deluxe edition of the classic miniseries byJIM STARLIN (Batman) and BERNIE WRIGHTSON (Swamp Thing) collects all four issuesplus a never-before-seen gallery of original art by Wrightson.
HOUSE OF SECRETS #92 FACSIMILE EDITIONWritten by LEN WEIN, JOE ORLANDO, and VIRGIL NORTHArt by BERNIE WRIGHTSON, BILL DRAUT, DICK DILLIN,ALAN LEE WEISS, and TONY DeZUNIGACover by BERNIE WRIGHTSONFoil variant cover by BERNIE WRIGHTSON ($5.99 US)Blank sketch cover ($4.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pagesON SALE 8/14/24There’s no escape from the first-ever appearance of Swamp Thing in this full facsimilereprinting of House of Secrets #92! Join your host, Abel, as he introduces the story of theoriginal Swamp Thing, Alex Olsen, and three other tales of DC horror.
CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #5 FACSIMILE EDITIONWritten by MARV WOLFMANArt by GEORGE PÉREZ and JERRY ORDWAYCover by GEORGE PÉREZFoil variant cover by GEORGE PÉREZ ($5.99 US)Blank sketch cover ($4.99 US)$3.99 US | 32 pagesON SALE 8/21/24The Monitor is dead, but his plan continues and is even fueled by his demise. With the fate of “Worlds in Limbo,” Alexander Luthor, Harbinger, and Pariah explain to the assembled heroes of Earth-1 and Earth-2 that if they are to save all life from destruction, their multiple universes must become one again.
POLICE COMICS #1 FACSIMILE EDITIONWritten by JACK COLE, S.M. IGER, GEORGE BRENNER, GILL FOX, CLARK WILLIAMS,VERN HENKEL, AL BRYANT, FRED GUARDINEER, ARTHUR PEDDY, and PAUL GUSTAVSONArt by JACK COLE, REED CRANDALL, GEORGE BRENNER, GILL FOX, CLARK WILLIAMS,VERN HENKEL, AL BRYANT, FRED GUARDINEER, and PAUL GUSTAVSONCover by GILL FOX$6.99 US | 64 pagesON SALE 8/7/24Prepare your eyes for the frame-bursting, mind-stretching introduction of Plastic Man from the limitless imagination of Jack Cole! This full facsimile reprinting of the Golden Age classic also features the first appearance of Phantom Lady and more.
ABSOLUTE BATMAN: ZERO YEARWritten by SCOTT SNYDER with JAMES TYNION IVArt by GREG CAPULLO with RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE, and othersCover by GREG CAPULLO$125.00 US | 512 pages | 8 1/8″ x 12 1/4″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77953-010-3ON SALE 2/4/25From the legendary SCOTT SNYDER and GREG CAPULLO!After training around the world, Bruce Wayne has returned to Gotham City, onlyto find his home has experienced some deadly changes at the hands of the Riddler.Will his new skills be enough to save the city from its mysterious fate? Collectsthe entire Zero Year story from Batman #0, #21-27, #29-33, and Batman: Zero YearDirector’s Cut #1 in Absolute format for the first time, along with a brand-newintroduction by Snyder.
AMERICAN VAMPIRE BOOK ONEWritten by SCOTT SNYDER and STEPHEN KINGArt by RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE, DANIJEL ŽEŽELJ, and othersCover by RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE$49.99 US | 352 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-754-7ON SALE 10/1/24Meet Skinner Sweet, the first American vampire in recorded history. Stronger, faster,and fiercer than your average vampire, Skinner is unaffected by sunlight and was alreadycruel and ruthless when he was still just a man. Now that he’s virtually immortal, he hasthe power to exact revenge on anyone who crosses him—and may the Lord have mercyon anyone who does. Collects American Vampire #1-12.
ANIMAL MAN BY GRANT MORRISON AND CHAZ TRUOG COMPENDIUMWritten by GRANT MORRISONPencils by CHAZ TRUOG and othersInks by DOUG HAZLEWOOD and othersCover by BRIAN BOLLAND$59.99 US | 712 Pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-779-0ON SALE 10/1/24EVERY ISSUE OF ACCLAIMED WRITER GRANT MORRISON’S GROUNDBREAKING RUNWITH ARTIST CHAZ TRUOG IS COLLECTED IN A SINGLE COMPENDIUM VOLUME FORTHE FIRST TIME!Buddy Baker is a superhero—the Man with Animal Powers. But in today’s world,who really needs Animal Man’s protection? Mankind? The animals? Or is itBuddy himself? Collects the first 26 issues of the legendary series as well asthe character’s dimension-spanning creation tale from Secret Origins #39.
AQUAMAN BY PETER DAVID OMNIBUSWritten by PETER DAVIDPencils by JIM CALAFIORE, MARTIN EGELAND, PHIL JIMENEZ, and othersInks by HOWARD M. SHUM, PETER PALMIOTTI, BRAD VANCATA, and othersCover by JIM CALAFIORE and MARK McKENNA$150.00 US | 1584 Pages | 7 1/16″ x 10 7/8″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-779-0ON SALE 10/8/24Aquaman has lost everything. His kingdom. His family. His hand…Fitted with a prostheticharpoon, he must reclaim his throne and uncover the truth of Atlantis. Peter David’s seminal run is finally collected in its entirety for the first time ever. Featuring Aquaman: Time and Tide #1-4, Aquaman #0-49, #1,000,000, Aquaman Annual #1-4, Tempest #1-4, and a story from Showcase ’96 #1—over 30 never-before-collected issues.
BATMAN & SUPERMAN WORLD’S FINEST: THE SILVER AGE OMNIBUS VOL. 1 (2024 EDITION)Written by EDMOND HAMILTON, BILL FINGER, and othersArt by CURT SWAN, DICK SPRANG, and othersCover by DARWYN COOKE$100.00 US | 632 pages | 7 1/4″ x 10 7/8″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-951-0ON SALE 10/29/24They had been fighting crime separately for years, but it wasn’t until the historicSuperman #76 in 1952 that Superman, the Man of Steel, finally teamed up with theCaped Crusader himself, Batman. That story proved so popular that they becamethe main feature in World’s Finest Comics, and thus, the greatest friendship incomics was born. Collects the classic story of their first meeting from Superman #76and their team-ups from World’s Finest #71-116.
JOHN CONSTANTINE, HELLBLAZER BY JAMIE DELANO OMNIBUS VOL. 1Written by JAMIE DELANO, RICK VEITCH, and othersPencils by JOHN RIDGWAY, RICK VEITCH, RICHARD PIERS RAYNER, and othersInks by ALFREDO ALCALA, JOHN RIDGWAY, and othersCover by DAVE McKEAN$150.00 US | 1120 Pages | 7 1/16″ x 10 7/8″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-784-4ON SALE 10/15/24The story that defined John Constantine!For the first time, experience the series as it was meant to be read with the interweavingnarrative between Hellblazer and Swamp Thing restored and the story of Constantine in thewake of Moore’s saga finally told. Collects John Constantine, Hellblazer #1-22, John Constantine, Hellblazer Annual #1, Swamp Thing (vol. 2) #65-77, and The Sandman #3, along with a foreword by Garth Ennis, an introduction by Delano, and more!
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: THE GREAT DARKNESS SAGAWritten by PAUL LEVITZ and KEITH GIFFENArt by KEITH GIFFEN, PAT BRODERICK, CURT SWAN, and othersCover by KEITH GIFFEN and LARRY MAHLSTEDT$14.95 US | 192 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-776-9ON SALE 9/24/24This is Earth in the 30th Century. A world of peace and light. Preserving this peace is theLegion of Super-Heroes, a group of young adventurers who are the best and brightest oftheir kind. But a darkness is approaching; a centuries-old evil that threatens to destroytheir entire universe. Herein lies the story of the Legion’s greatest challenge! CollectsLegion of Super-Heroes #287, #290-294, and Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #3.
MIDNIGHT, MASS.Written by JOHN ROZUMArt by JESÚS SAÍZ and JIMMY PALMIOTTICover by TOMER HANUKA$16.99 US | 208 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77953-277-0ON SALE 10/1/24Welcome to Midnight, Massachusetts, your average sleepy coastal hamlet where nothingextraordinary happens…aside from the usual specter or demonic entity showing up tocause trouble. Fortunately, the town happens to be home to Adam and Julia Kadmon,two of the country’s foremost experts on the occult. Join the Kadmons as they take on anew assistant, Jenny Swan, and introduce her to the world of the supernatural. CollectsMidnight, Mass. #1-8.
THE FILTH (2024 EDITION)Written by GRANT MORRISONArt by CHRIS WESTON and GARY ERSKINECover by SEGURA INC.$19.99 US | 352 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-960-2ON SALE 10/1/24From Grant Morrison comes a groundbreaking, mind-altering voyage. Greg Feely isa “dodgy bachelor” living in London alone with his cat. Everything changes when astrange woman named Miami Nil confronts him. She informs him that “Greg Feely”is a “para-personality”—a secret identity—and that he is actually Ned Slade, the topagent for an organization called the Hand, a group of extra-dimensional agents whoneed Greg/Ned back in action! Collects The Filth #1-13.
THE FLASH BY MARK WAID OMNIBUS VOL. 2Written by MARK WAID, MICHAEL JAN FRIEDMAN, and othersArt by MIKE WIERINGO, CARLOS PACHECO, SALVADOR LARROCA, and othersCover by MIKE WIERINGO$150.00 US | 1216 pages | 7 1/16″ x 10 7/8″ | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-841-4ON SALE 9/24/24Volume 2 of Waid’s fan-favorite run(!) picks up the action with Wally West travelingthrough time and getting an ominous glimpse of the future. And to make things worse,speedster villain Savitar has Wally in his sights! Collects The Flash #0, #92-129, TheFlash Annual #7-9, Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #4, Impulse #10-11, The Flash Plus #1, a story from DC Universe Holiday Bash #1, and Who’s Who character profiles.
THE JOKER: THE MAN WHO STOPPED LAUGHING: THE COMPLETE SERIESWritten by MATTHEW ROSENBERGArt by CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO and FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLACover by LEE BERMEJO$39.99 US | 496 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″ | Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-753-0ON SALE 9/24/24Two Jokers! One is building an army made up of the very worst villains in Gotham.The other is scraping and killing his way back to the top. This bloody, no-holdsbarredwar will shake the foundations of the criminal underworld, but will the trueClown Prince of Crime kill his impostor? And who even is the real Joker? CollectsThe Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1-12 and Knight Terrors: The Joker #1-2.
WONDER WOMAN BY GEORGE PÉREZ VOL. 1 (2024 EDITION)Written by GEORGE PÉREZ, GREG POTTER, and LEN WEINArt by GEORGE PÉREZ, BRUCE PATTERSON, and BOB SMITHCover by GEORGE PÉREZ$39.99 US | 352 pages | 6 5/8″ x 10 3/16″| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77952-755-4ON SALE 10/15/24In 1986, more than 40 years after debuting in All-Star Comics #8, Wonder Woman was reshaped by the legendary George Pérez! She was met with such acclaim that Pérez’s original commitment of six months was extended, and extended, until almost five years had passed. Together with co-writer Len Wein and inker Bruce Patterson, Pérez spearheaded Wonder Woman’s adventures to an unprecedented level of success. This first volume collects Wonder Woman #1-14.
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