The movie centers around two individuals who are the polar opposite, Elijah Price( Samuel Jackson) a physically fragile guy, obsessed with superheroes, to the extent he actually believes they could be the link to the ancient way of narrating history. Elijah is diagnosed with a rare disease called brittle bones syndrome, which weakens the bones. That make him be confined to a bed more often than not, and seek out someone the complete opposite, people who are unbreakable, never get injured or hurt.
And he finds such a person in David Dunn( Bruce Willis),a security guard in Philadelphia, leading a normal life, or it seems so. Only thing David is the only survivor of a deadly train accident that killed around more than 100 passengers. Not just survived, he does not have even a single scar or wound on his body from that. However that least bothers him, considering his relationship with his wife Megan( Robin Wright Penn) is going down. His son however idolizes him, thinks he is a hero.
Elijah however after a couple of encounters with David is convinced that he is the superhero he has been looking for all his life.
This remains Manoj Night Shyamalan's best ever work to date for me, I actually liked it more than The Sixth Sense. The way he explores the entire concept of super heroes, and what makes people fascinated by them. As also the urge to reach out to someone who is a polar opposite of what you are. The way he explores the relationship between David and Elijah, and David with his son, is really good.
Bruce Willis who actually made a career playing the strong action hero, does a role, where he begins to rediscover himself, and gives an excellent performance. Samuel Jackson as usual steals the show and it helps that he has the best lines too in the movie. Robin Penn Wright as Megan and Spencer Treat Clark as David's son Jeremy provide good support.
Unbreakable is a more reflective, introspective movie, that does make you think about the entire superhero concept and the culture woven around it. Worth a watch,
submitted by /u/LoneWolfIndia [comments]
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