Source: The Washington Post / Getty
Welcome to episode two of the live action s**t show, Basket of Deplorables.
Donald Trump enthusiasts flooded the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the second night of the Republican National Convention and their goofy exuberance could not be contained. These grown a** humans walked around with bandages on their ears in “solidarity” with their führer like a group of alt-right Nelly impersonators.
Source: The Washington Post / Getty
But triage couture wasn’t the only brand of nonsense in the building. Tens of thousands of hardcore Republicans had to listen to slut-walkin’ Amber Rose, a paragon of Christian conservative values, give a desperate bootlicking speech begging for acceptance following her alt-right awakening.
Ma’am, these folks have been calling you and your ilk “whores” for their entire lives and there’s nothing your transMAGA a** can do to change that now. Godspeed.
That said, there’s always at least one moron willing to uplift and amplify pure stupidity. That person is Van Jones.
Who the hell does Van Jones think Amber Rose is to the Black community? She not like us. She not like us. That’s not even a value judgement, she made it very clear that she’s not like us last year during her spat with Joseline Hernandez. In fact, Amber Rose is so not like us that she participated in…whatever the f**k this is…
The culture was not amused.
Finally, if the aforementioned shenanigans aren’t enough, the “conservative democrat” mayor of Dallas, Eric Johnson, got on stage to sheepishly explain why he is just “conservative” now.
That speech had the same flaccid energy as Drake did in “The Heart pt. 6”. Stop it, crodie. You’re embarrassing yourself.