Howdy Reddit, this is Rob Reiner and Dan Partland, the producer (Rob) and director (Dan) of GOD & COUNTRY, a documentary about Christian Nationalism, a dangerous and fast-rising political ideology that twists the teachings of the Bible to turn otherwise good, faithful Americans against the very most fundamental pillars of our Nation's democracy.
Rob is also known for directing movies such as Stand By Me, The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men, This Is Spinal Tap, The Bucket List, The Sure Things, The American President.
We look forward to your questions about GOD & COUNTRY, documentary films, and anything else in between!
We will both be back at 3PM ET today to answer your questions!
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Director Dan Partland examines the implications of Christian Nationalism and how it distorts not only the constitutional republic, but Christianity itself.
Pre-Order God & Country:
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