Dua Lipa was straight-up bullied as her Australia bikini photos circulated in 2019. In November of that year, the 28-year-old singer escaped winter for some sunshine Down Under, making sure to keep her Instagram followers updated on her travels. Sharing swimwear-clad photos of herself as she flaunted her super-toned figure and stuck out her tongue, Dua stunned in a minuscule pink bikini, also showing that she was making the most of her oceanfront setting. When users on The Daily Mail, saw the photos, they both voiced disapproval for the whole tongue-out thing and body-shamed Dua.
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Dua Lipa Wows In Pink String Bikini
It comes with little to no surprise that Dua Lipa isn’t afraid to slip into a bikini, especially given her abs of steel. pic.twitter.com/zFSuuYZLRT
— Intriguing and unexpected content! (@WriteEditPJ) August 1, 2024
Scroll for the photos. Enjoying her trip to Hamilton Island and not far from the Great Barrier Reef, Dua posed all sunkissed from an ocean view deck. Folding one of her long legs as she highlighted her shredded abs and killer hips, the “Training Season” hitmaker put on a wowing display in her string bikini, opting for a teeny halter top and high-cut briefs. Adding splashes of red and yellow from floral prints, the British sensation likely had fans envious of her incredible figure, but she kept her vibe fun with one hand to her head and a stuck-out tongue.
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Getting cheeky, Dua returned for a rearview shot as she overlooked the ocean, this time displaying her pert posterior and toned back. Going makeup-free, the Grammy winner kept unfussy with her hair tied back, letting her sensational figure take center stage. Users seemed in the mood to point out that Dua is perhaps not the most busty female in Hollywood. In unnecessary comments that tormented the singer, they likened her to a “dude.”
Unfortunately, the comment proved the most-liked, gaining over 500 likes. Using British slang for a man (a “bloke”), another user replied: “Deffo a bloke.” Elsewhere, a fan said that Dua Lipa has a “masculine face.”
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All Woman In Sheer Braless Dress
Dua Lipa likely didn’t have anyone likening her to a “dude” as she rocked up to the Barbie premiere last year. Sizzling on the red carpet, the YSL ambassador modeled a show-stopping mesh dress that was entirely sheer, wearing only a cheeky thong beneath her floor-length gown.
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Says It’s Harder For Women In Music
Dua Lipa might exude confidence, but it’s actually something she wants to instill in other female musicians. Speaking to The Sun, she stated:
“As women, we have been oppressed on how you are supposed to look or be,” adding: “We are building our own castles but not necessarily getting the recognition we deserve.”