My Hero Academia’s newest episode revealed the downside to Deku’s Gearshift power
My Hero Academia Season 7 has reached a heated new phase of the final fight between Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki, and the newest episode revealed the secret backlash to Deku’s strongest power yet. My Hero Academia has been following Deku as he has gotten his body used to using One For All, and now that he is regularly tapping into its maximum potential, these final fights have allowed Deku to finally tap into the final quirks in his arsenal. While Deku has been able to use the other quirks with enough time to better adjust them in battle, he hasn’t really had the chance with this final one.
When My Hero Academia first revealed that Deku would have access to this final quirk within One For All, the user themselves told Deku not to use it until it was absolutely necessary. Thy explained that it was dangerous due to how much power had been stockpiled within in since being stored in One For All, and this was revealed to be the case when Deku actually used Gearshift to land a notable blow on Shigaraki. But after using it, Deku’s in desperate need of recovery.

Deku hurts after Gearshift in My Hero Academia Season 7
– TOHO Animation)
My Hero Academia: The Problem With Deku’s Gearshift
My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 16 revisits the fight between Deku and Shigaraki, and following his One For All powered attack on the villain, Shigaraki’s body has begun to change. Deku and the other One For All users are concerned over what’s happening to the villain’s body as it’s clear that Shigaraki and All For One are struggling to fully merge. But it’s the window of opportunity Deku needs as he’ll need as much time as he can get as using Gearshift really took it out of his body.
Deku’s been struggling to breathe, and his body is in desperate need of oxygen. The use of the quirk has left him motionless, and it’s hard to recover as he needs to give his cells time to rest and adjust to move again. Asking for that time is pretty much impossible, however, as Deku constantly needs to keep One For All active for as long and as strongly as he can just to survive, and Shigaraki is only getting more dangerous as the seconds go by. In a fight that can be settled in an instant, this is a huge and sudden drawback.
If you wanted to keep up with My Hero Academia Season 7, you can find the latest episodes of the series streaming with Crunchyroll.