The Equalizer Season 4 left fans eager to see what would happen to Robyn McCall and Marcus Dante’s relationship.
In the season finale, Dante was offered a promotion to a special task force that would see him relocate to Los Angeles. While this is great news for Dante’s career, it would most likely mean the end of his blossoming romance with our favorite vigilante.
At first, Robyn, in all of her selfless glory, cheers him on and tells him to go. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime — a chance to bring justice to the streets.

Initially, Dante wasn’t so sure. He was thinking about what could be with Robyn. That’s a thought on our minds, too, and we love him even more for feeling the same.
Joining these two in a much-anticipated relationship could improve the show as we root for Robyn to evolve beyond her workaholic tendencies.
Robyn and Dante exploring romantic waters would bring several new and interesting storylines to the table for The Equalizer Season 5.
Here’s what we hope to see for Robyn McCall and Marcus Dante if the writers finally decide to end the couple’s push-and-pull arc by giving the popular couple a chance at love.
Robyn McCall Will Live In The Present

We don’t see too much of Robyn McCall enjoying a social life when she isn’t tracking down bad guys. In her spare time, Robyn is busy raising her daughter Delilah while being a good niece to her Aunt Violet.
This doesn’t leave much time for extracurricular activities, let alone romance, outside her work and home life.
As she pointed out to Aunt Violet during The Equalizer Season 4 Episode 8, “Condemned,” she longs to “just be” — to live in the moment and enjoy her life.
Watching our favorite badass enjoy a block party with her coworkers and friends was so refreshing. It reminded us of how empty her life is outside of work.
It was a nice change of pace for her to step away from her role as The Equalizer, even if it was short-lived. As successful as the series is, we crave more from the heroine we’ve come to love.
Robyn & Dante Will Find Love

Since divorcing Delilah’s dad, Miles, after struggling to make things work with their demanding careers, we haven’t seen Robyn in a solid, loving relationship. Why can’t she have it all?
There hasn’t been a lot on the love front for Dante, either, no matter how much we wish it might blossom.
Robyn and Dante are the perfect match with their small circles, and their inability to get too close to others due to their work.
If anyone can be Robyn’s Prince Charming, it’s Dante. He can handle the heat and give her a chance at love.
Watching McCall and Dante in future episodes as they potentially enjoy some personal time — maybe a few dinner dates and a movie — would be a great way to break up this procedural’s episodic storylines.
Their love story could also serve as a platform for Robyn to open up about her mysterious past and back story to someone she trusts. Fans have been waiting four long years for these two to make it official, but they’ve also been waiting to discover more about Robyn’s elusive past.
A Happy Family Dynamic

If Robyn and Dante become official, perhaps we’ll see more of Dante’s kids. Sharing parenting woes and triumphs would also help them bond.
We love Delilah, so giving Dante more screen time with his sons while he maneuvers his relationship with Robyn and her daughter would make for some great TV.
Equalizer fans have yet to see how Robyn and Dante’s families would work.
Maybe we’re jumping the gun, but it seems inevitable they will all meet at some point. How long can you keep your family from people you interact with so often?
With the exception of his father, we have seen little about Dante’s role as a paternal figure.
Introducing their families would add complexity to the pairing and offer a better idea of how they would (or wouldn’t!) work as a couple.
Robyn & Dante Won’t Fizzle Out

Time and time again, we’ve seen Robyn and Dante save one another in life-or-death situations.
They always seem to have each other’s back, showing up for each other when it counts.
Dante knows best the extent and scope of Robyn’s work, and she knows his. He has also managed to keep her secret.
It was exciting to watch Robyn realize that she and Dante should be together in The Equalizer Season 4 finale after they took down a distraught brother in the nick of time.

They saved Mel’s life.
The incident caused Robyn to reflect on her relationships, as she realized she and Dante “work together,” both in terms of work and love.
Sometimes, when our favorite leads finally take the plunge, so does the show. Think Booth and Bones or Sookie and Eric.
Are we willing to take that chance with Robyn and Dante? Yes, yes, we are.
Sometimes, all of the chemistry and angst just burn out and become boring when they’re on the clock together, but we have every expectation that Robyn and Dante can keep their spark and killer partnership intact.

Now, for the bad news. Hey, we don’t like it any more than you will.
Unfortunately, by the sound of it, it may be a while before we see Robyn and Dante reunite. What gives?
In a recent fifth-season update, showrunners have confirmed that Dante and Mel won’t be around for the premiere episodes.
Does that mean that Dante is moving to LA after all? If he does, we hope the move will make him realize leaving Robyn behind was a mistake.
Dante and Mel have been on the show since the beginning, so we’ll be eagerly awaiting their return and all of the possibilities they’ll bring to it. For now, we’ll be scratching our heads, wondering how Robyn will cope in their absence.
What about you? Do you want Robyn and Dante to give love a go? Share your thoughts in a comment below!