The ladies are not the only one entangled in recent drama on this episode of The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City. The “huzzbands” get involved in a fight between Lisa and Whitney, causing awkward tension within the group. When Bronwyn decides to plan a trip, she immediately knows who to cut (Britani) and who to think about (Heather). But things don’t shake out quite the way Bronwyn expected when Heather refuses to apologize in order to earn a spot on the trip.
Lisa is sick of getting accused of something she did not do. According to Whitney, Lisa is the person who dragged her jewelry line, but Lisa says otherwise. Lisa stalks around, calling Whitney a liar and when she confronts Whitney’s husband, Justin, things take a turn.
Justin snaps back at Lisa, which causes her husband, John, to jump him. He warns Justin to ease up on saying the “f*ck word” to Lisa and the men are now involved. In Whitney’s eyes, Lisa charged at her husband. Lisa calls it slander, since she is being accused by Whitney, despite having nothing to do with it.
Meredith tries to intervene and Angie tries to stop the chaos from ensuing in her home. Luckily, Mary is ready to give her blessing, a little late, but albeit a blessing, to honor Angie’s anniversary. Mary makes Lisa hold Whitney’s hand, and for the sake of prayer and Angie, Lisa obliges.
At the end of the blessing, Lisa drops Whitney’s hand like a hot potato and reminds her that she is not lying. When Justin tries to add to the convo, John shoves him out of the way and tells him to stay out of it. No one has seen the husbands fight like this and so, before things spiral too far, Whitney and Justin leave, leaving Lisa crying about having her character questioned.

Lisa’s husband John Barlow and Whitney’s husband Justin Rose have a physical altercation at Angie’s party
The next day, Lisa refers to her husband as a boxer, but he clarifies it as “standing up for” his “mouthy wife.” Meanwhile, Justin dumps all of Lisa’s drinks down the drain, literally, including Vida Tequila, mainly for the cameras, I assume.
John goes on to say he felt like he needed to protect Lisa once Justin’s reaction became aggressive in tone towards Lisa. Justin claims that he had a rage inside him because John came into his space. It seems like the men need to figure out a way to move forward. Whitney feels like Lisa wanted a fight to try to distract from what she allegedly did, and Lisa feels like no one cares about Whitney’s jewelry anyway.
Britani visits Heather over at Beauty Lab and Laser. Heather thinks Britani wants to talk about the fight with John and Justin the night before, but of course Britani wants to discuss the Jared/Aaron of it all. It is all very tiring, considering Britani seems like she is talking crazy. It is the same convo over and over again, but Britani believes that Heather is being condescending. Heather knows toxic relationships and Britani admits to a fear of being alone. She did, after all, state on camera that she has chosen men over her children in the past…
Bronwyn is incredibly overdressed for a lunch with her husband, Todd, but what else is new? Todd travels 3-4 days a week, which allows Bronwyn to do her favorite thing: an airport pick up in a costume. After ten years together, Bronwyn feels like this keeps things spicy. WHAT. Speaking of ten years, Bronwyn is ready to celebrate by hosting a trip to Long Beach for a race, a nod to their first date.
However, Bronwyn is unsure about the guest list. We learn that Todd is just as messy as his wife and he has no trouble keeping up with the drama. When Bronwyn shares that she will not be inviting Britani, and they laugh about the love triangle Britani was involved in. When it comes to Heather, Bronwyn explains that she is still on the fence about extending the invite.
After the girl talk, they begin to discuss Gwen and her grandparents. Todd is very protective of Gwen and he worries about the way this will all go down. Bronwyn talks about the “re-traumatization” of what happened years ago and Todd makes it clear how he feels about this conversation by shutting it down asap.
Lisa’s younger sister, Denise, is visiting and Lisa opens up about how she worries for Henry. Now that Jack is gone, Henry is having a hard time. Lisa realizes this and does her best, despite what Angie says about her parenting. Lisa dissects how she is a good mom and reflects on the hurt she feels when it comes to Angie picking on her momming.
While out for a walk, Whitney tells Bronwyn and Angie that she believes Lisa and John owe Justin a major apology after the incident at the anniversary party. John did text Justin to meet up and discuss, so we will see how it shakes out. Whitney claims that all she wanted to do was ask Lisa a few questions. According to Angie, Lisa is always trying to look for ways to get revenge: Whitney’s jewelry line was just an easy target.
Whitney feels like Lisa treats Bronwyn differently because she has everything Lisa wants. Bronwyn scoffs at this, but does bring up her indie race invite. Husbands are included on this trip, which is a great reason for Justin and John to make up sooner rather than later. However, Heather is still a maybe on the guest list. When it comes to Heather, Angie feels like she is only supporting Lisa, before giving Angie the chance to talk to Lisa on her own.
Britani is having a church gathering and Heather attends this informal meeting. It’s been about five years since Heather has been to a Mormon-like activity, but at least she knows the rules of the Mormon culture, unlike Angie. Angie arrives with a bottle of wine, despite the fact that Mormons don’t drink. However, according to Angie, Britani DOES drink, so wine it is. The shade!
Heather lets the ladies know that Bronwyn invited her over and Heather feels like she is getting schmoozed by her. Heather believes Bronwyn’s recent actions seem slimy. Angie tries to straighten out the whole Lisa is a bad mom thing and attempts to back pedal. Heather doesn’t like that Bronwyn meddled and spilled the beans, but Angie doesn’t like that Heather is seemingly supporting the wrong woman: Lisa. After all, Angie has known Heather since she was 15. Heather has always wanted to sit at the cool kids table.
Angie makes a low blow about Heather’s “cloudy past for being blindly loyal” and Heather feels like Angie is missing the mark- this is not about loyalty. Angie wonders why Lisa deserves all of this support and feels like Lisa is not held to the same standard as she is. Heather wants Angie to stop questioning her loyalty just because she is friends with Lisa.
Later, we see that John simply cannot parallel park. Justin comes to meet him (donning his Harley Davidson gear) to attempt to clear the air. Justin wants to know what provoked John’s surprising behavior. Justin felt like Lisa came at him and believes he was right in his response. John did not like how Justin took a step towards Lisa, and so he felt like he needed to intervene. John apologizes for shoving Justin out of the way, but wonders if Justin will apologize to Lisa, since things felt more aggressive than it should have been.
Later, Heather heads over to Bronwyn’s house. Heather wonders if Bronwyn is going to apologize and make amends for the way she has been behaving and outright lets Bronwyn know it feels like she doesn’t like her very much. After a tour (chock full of dog poop, literally), Bronwyn apologizes for things going “sideways.” Bronwyn admits to being messy by telling Angie what Heather said and owns it. However, Bronwyn is ready for Heather to say sorry, as well, since she has called Bronwyn “vicious” and “two-faced.”
Bronwyn talks about her upcoming trip and Heather wonders if she is there to earn an invite. Bronwyn continues to ask Heather to apologize for things like judging the fact she has no pre-nup. When Heather reaches her limit, she gets up to leave, claiming this is not the type of friendship she wants to have.
Heather states, not only did Bronwyn show “me her sh*tty house, but she’s shown me her sh*tty intentions.” Bronwyn is hurt, since she was willing to apologize, but feels like Heather is lacking self-awareness. Bronwyn wonders if the best of her is not good enough for someone else…