by Daniel Johnson
November 9, 2024
Combs’ new bail package argues that the Metropolitan Detention Center is insufficient for his defense team to prepare a proper case.
Sean Combs and his lawyers are again petitioning for his release from jail ahead of his May 2025 criminal trial. As BLACK ENTERPRISE previously reported, Combs was turned down by the court for earlier bail requests.
According to USA Today, lawyers representing Combs suggested additional conditions to their previous proposals in hopes of convincing the court that their client is not a flight risk.
The package, like the ones before it, offers a $50 million bond secured by equity in Combs and his mother’s homes in Florida, implementation of a 24/7 monitoring service by approved security personnel, no internet or phone access for Combs except for his meetings with legal counsel, and a pre-approved visitor list of select family members and the surrendered passports of Combs and his family members.
Where the package diverges from previous one is in its arguments that the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) is insufficient for his defense team to prepare a proper case. Combs’ lawyers also say that the frequent sweeps at the facility have made it difficult for them to meet with their client.
“Even assuming Mr. Combs obtains a laptop and counsel is able to share critical discovery with him and visit him at the MDC every day, uninterrupted, it will be impossible for Mr. Combs to review this incredible volume of evidence under the present conditions,” his lawyers argued in the new request.
His lawyers also claimed that the “23.5 terabytes of discovery material,” which includes video evidence, may not be as incriminating as the government has suggested.
The defense team argued that the evidence that they reviewed may actually strengthen their case that the “freak-offs” described by the government as coerced sexual performances, are just evidence of a toxic long-term relationship as opposed to proof of sex trafficking.
The lawyers also argued for Combs to be reunited with his children. “Sean Combs’s seven children and his mother love and support him and need his love and support… His minor child, now 2 years old, has not been able to see her father since he was incarcerated and misses him dearly,” the attorneys wrote.
Judge Arun Subramanian, the judge overseeing the criminal case against Combs, denied the defense’ request for a gag order for witnesses on Nov. 8, saying that their broad request is not supported by the law.
“The requested order here is incredibly broad, treats potential witnesses identically to their lawyers, and impacts a series of ongoing cases,” Judge Subramanian wrote.
The judge added, “Not all alleged victims will be participants in this case, and a blanket restriction on their speech will silence individuals who may never have anything to do with the proceedings here. And in any event, less restrictive alternatives must be considered and rejected before imposing a restraint on speech.”
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