Sometimes when you f***k around, you indeed find out.

Source: nemke / Getty
Earlier this month, a group of about a dozen neo-Nazis wearing all black with red facemasks and carrying black flags with red swastikas marched through the Short North area of Columbus, Ohio, shouting racial slurs at Black people and people of color, shouting antisemitic nonsense about Jewish people, and shouting about white power.
Now, police body camera footage shows that the group of Third Reich rejects was whining about being attacked by onlookers, who, apparently, were not OK with stray white supremacists roaming the streets, barking louder than they can bite.
From the Columbus Dispatch:
In body camera footage Columbus police released Monday, the neo-Nazis told police they had never experienced a response like the one they received in Columbus. They said people pulled guns on them and threw cans and vegetables as they marched, waved flags and yelled racial slurs. One of the officers noted the men were “covered in” pepper spray.
The Nov. 16 march drew stern condemnation from city hall to the White House, but no arrests were made. A group of Black men organized a counter-march the next day, following the same route in the Short North with a message of peace. In a statement, Columbus police previously said they could not find sufficient probable cause to file any charges against the neo-Nazis.
Police initially made contact with the neo-Nazis in a chaotic scene on a sidewalk near Goodale Park at about 1:15 p.m., according to a radio log printout from Columbus police. There the neo-Nazis, wearing black and red clothing and carrying black flags with red swastikas, told police they were leaving because they were under attack. In the background, bystanders shouted at them to take off their masks.
Awwww, were they upset because shouting racial slurs and waving around Nazi flags got their little Party City Hitler Committee treated the way they fantasized about treating Black and Jewish people?
Anyway, members of the group of white and fragile Klan wannabees told police they were marching because “our country is being invaded, and white people are being ostracized.
Now, a more reasonable and well-adjusted person might ask how white people are being “ostracized” in a country that is more than 70% white and where white people dominate every important entity in Western society from the corporate world to state and federal governments to all aspects of the justice system — but angry and perpetually aggrieved Caucasians never let the truth get in the way of a good persecution complex.
Unfortunately, being pathetic and racist losers with delusions of victimization isn’t a crime, and, apparently, being a public nuisance by shouting racial slurs isn’t one worth making an arrest.
Sounds like a lot of neo-Nazis are about to let their incoming president get them a beat down in the next four years — and we love that for them!