Credit: Darla Khazei/INSTARimages.com/Cover Images, Roger Wong/INSTARimages
People love the Housewives shows for their levity. However, many would also agree that the shows work best when the cast members are willing to share personal and relatable stories from their lives. This is now happening on The Real Housewives of New York. Not only did Jenna Lyons and Erin Lichy reveal that they made the difficult decision to have an abortion, but Sai De Silva is also opening up about those pesky home wrecker rumors.
As everyone knows, the rebooted RHONY hasn’t been the best this season. However, it does seem that the cast is making an effort to help make the show a success. Of course, Andy Cohen has recently spoken out and said that this cast is pretty much here to stay.
Jenna had a conversation with Erin in the most recent episode of RHONY about some of the difficulties they both faced at young ages. The topic of abortion came up as Erin had previously revealed she’d had an abortion when she first started college at the age of 18. This revelation prompted Jenna to admit the same thing.
The famed fashion designer says she was 21 when she had the procedure and had just moved to New York City to start her career.
According to Jenna from the episode, “It’s a really hard thing to go through.” She also said that she had “no money.” Regarding Erin, she says it was the “toughest decision” to make. She also says she “felt ashamed because [she] felt like it was [her] fault.”
In other RHONY news, Sai also opened up on the most recent episode. However, her revelation was regarding those pesky home-wrecking rumors. While talking to her other cast members, she said, “So, how did it go again? I broke up a marriage?”
Brynn Whitfield joked, “No, no, no, David owned a bar. You walked into the bar. You’re like, ‘Can I get a job?’ and he’s like, ‘Yes.’ Then you start banging him at the bar, got knocked up, he left his wife, and you’re like, ‘I’m stealing this man.’”
From here, Sai begins to discuss the timeline of her relationship with her husband. She says, “I met David six years after he got a divorce. I have his divorce paperwork. Sadly, I’m not a homewrecker. It’s just people on the internet. When they can’t get to you, they’ll make things up, and sometimes it sticks, and other people will go for it.”
Of course, Sai and her husband, David Craig, have been married since 2017.
Fans can watch RHONY on Tuesday nights and catch up with the series on Peacock.