On this episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kathy hosts a girls’ trip in the hopes of getting Dorit and Kyle back on track. Even though the trip sounds great on paper and starts off strong, it doesn’t take long for Kyle and Dorit’s beef to come back to the forefront, causing the tension to boil over.
Because she is Kathy Hilton, her idea of a girls’ trip is over the top. She has decided to hand-deliver personalized suitcase-invites to each of the ladies…who needs an evite?! Kathy has chips, bananas, and a vintage car for the journey and off she goes.
The first stop on her invite trip is to Bozoma, who is shocked to see Kathy on her step in *that* hat with a suitcase. Once she realizes it’s an invite for “beach babes,” Boz is in.
In the meantime, Garcelle explains that her son, Jaid, is the shyest of her children, yet he just signed with LA Models. As he gets his professional photos done, Kathy barges in with her suitcase-invite. Garcelle is floored by this move, but nothing surprises her when it comes to Kathy.
After Dorit’s delivery comes Kyle’s. I love that Kyle calls Kathy out for looking like a lampshade with her bucket hat on. #sisters. Kyle opens up about being in the family home, while Mo is now in his bachelor pad. She could use a few laughs to cheer her up, but worries about Dorit’s behavior. Kathy muses that Kyle and Dorit will be better after this trip…everything will be, ya know, “hunky dory.”
Speaking of Mauricio, he pops over to visit with Kyle. She points out that he seems great, living in his condo with no dogs and no responsibilities. Mo made the decision to sign a 6-month lease on a separate place, but since he BOUGHT furniture for his condo, it seems a bit more permanent. Kyle and Mo chat about PK and we learn that Kyle always shares funny memes with PK. A far cry from her relationship with Dorit, right?? Mo explains that PK is in his nice new apartment and it seems like their lives are running parallel. Kyle is feeling confused in her new role: she is no longer a wife, no longer a full-time mom. It is like she is having an identity crisis.
Everyone is busy packing for the girls’ trip. Even Jennifer Tilly (and her crazy bag collection) will be attending. Dorit takes a minute to chat with Erika via FaceTime. Erika shares that she talked to Kyle about Dorit’s BravoCon comment. While Erika does not think that Dorit meant to hurt Kyle, she guesses that maybe she offended Kyle accidentally. Dorit mentions that she can talk about all the instances Kyle has hurt her and iced Dorit out. She rattles off the times: in New York, in Aspen, post reunion with Kathy. Dorit wonders why as a friend, Kyle would treat her that way.
Boz is loving the Kathy Hilton VIP treatment, since it sets the tone for the type of trip it’s going to be. Boz is not sure what kind of fighting is going to take place on this trip, but she’s hopeful they will all have fun. Dorit explains that she had a rough morning: the kids were upset when she left and PK essentially cut her off. She continues to confide in Boz, her new-found friend.
The ladies pile into the van for their 2 hour plus ride to Oceanside. On the way there, we learn about Garcelle’s Hollywood dating past and other sexual escapades. As they arrive to the hotel, Kathy shares the itinerary. The group freshens up and heads beach bound for some food and fun.
Of course Kyle makes fun of Kathy being “extra” with the beach set up… Jealous, much? Speaking of extra, Dorit fills Boz in on PK’s new apartment and how she found out through a text message. Dorit was under the impression that there would be open communication between the two of them for the kids. She refers to PK’s move to the new place as “impulsive” and “not considerate.”
Garcelle is unsure why Boz and Dorit are having a private conversation at the table, but Erika and Sutton discuss their own divorce woes. Divorce is hard on children (and everyone, truly) and Erika points out that things can get mean during stressful situations. Jennifer chimes in that she still gets money from The Simpsons as part of her divorce settlement from her ex-husband.
To break up the divorce chatter, game time begins, but not before masks of Kathy get brought to the table…for purposes unclear. During the relay race, Dorit face plants in the sand, and Boz and Garcelle take the win. The next game on the agenda is duck, duck, goose. I’m sorry, what? And, you guessed it, Dorit falls once again. You better believe Kyle was snickering.
As they get ready for dinner Garcelle, Sutton, and Jennifer discuss how weird it was that Dorit locked Boz into a “private” conversation. They want to get to know Boz, too! More importantly, they want to get to know her before Dorit brainwashes her.
Once at dinner, Kyle toasts to Kathy, thanking her for the fun trip so far. Kyle then states that she would like to have a conversation with Dorit, as she does not want awkwardness. Dorit feels like they barely got started with their conversation. It’s no secret that things are going on between Dorit and Kyle, but Dorit reminds Kyle that she stormed off the last time they tried to talk.
Dorit needs the one-sided conversation to expand. She is taking this time to explain the “depth of” her “hurt and pain.” Dorit quotes that Kyle thought she was really, really hurt and throws Erika under the bus by saying she was surprised by Kyle’s comment. Erika looks like a deer in headlights, as she does not want to be stuck in the middle.
Kyle reminds Dorit that there are many pieces to the puzzle. Too many things added up that offended Kyle. Kyle feels like Dorit is always too worried about the popular thing to say, but Dorit claims she doesn’t “give a flying f” about anyone’s opinion. In fact, Dorit feels like Kyle is the one always worried about opinions. Kyle confuses Dorit even further by claiming another reason she is mad at Dorit is because she didn’t stick up for Teddi at BravoCon. Help me connect the dots. Kyle had the question directed to her and if Dorit chimed in, Kyle would have called Dorit loquacious and long-winded for interrupting. Dorit can’t win! Could it be that Kyle is simply mad at Dorit for calling her out?
The final straw for Kyle was that Dorit showed everyone THE text. You know, the “manipulative text message” to Dorit “the night before the reunion” after Kyle had iced Dorit out for months and months. Dorit states that she would never share things Kyle has confided in her and that she is not a bad friend, despite what Kyle says about Dorit on multiple platforms.
As Kyle feels backed in the corner, she reminds Dorit that “God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason,” but this new Dorit is over it. She lets Kyle know it’s time for “you to f*cking listen.” Dorit is activated. To be continued…