It’s almost Christmas Eve and that has made us think about our favorite and most memorable Christmas episodes. Not all of these episodes are a warm and fuzzy depiction of Christmas but they definitely left a lasting impression on our Spoiler TV staff members.
Here are some of TVs best Christmas episodes chosen by the SpoilerTV staff.In no particular order.
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#1 S05E08 – All I want for Christmas is You – Station 19

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and the firefighters have their hands full responding to a number of crises throughtout Seattle. Putting aside their difference and personal drama, they come together to try and achieve a Christmas miracle.
Their first call is a Crisis One call which demonstrates how truly gifted Barrett Doss is as an actor. After losing her best friend Dean Miller she has bottled up so many emotions that this domestic violence case triggers Vic, throwing her into a full on panic attack.
The rest of the team repondes to a call where a man is pinned between two cars. The team has to work together to save Terence’s life and Ben see’s no other way but to get the PRT involved, determined to save Terence’s life with or without the permission of the newly appointed Fire Chief to use the previously suspended service.
At the end of the day that’s when we see how truly incredible this team is, the mom and child are safe and Terence is alive singing Christmas carols with his family in the hospital. We also see some joy in the firehouse when Maya announces to the station that her and Carina are ready to have a baby!
Author: Brenda (BT)
#2 S03E10 – Amends – Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Season 3, Episode 10 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “Amends,” was a deeply emotional Christmas episode that dove into Buffy and Angel’s complicated relationship in the aftermath of his soul being restored. While the rest of the gang prepared for Christmas, Buffy was trying to find out what was haunting Angel, causing him to believe he would be better off dead. Since having his soul restored, Buffy had been struggling to understand her place in Angel’s life, while Angel was consumed with guilt over everything he did as Angelus—including the murder of Jenny Calendar. The tension between them came to a head on a hill, where Angel was ready to give up on himself, but Buffy refused to let him go. She became his champion yet again, pouring her heart out and helping him see that he was worth saving, even though he didn’t believe it himself.
Their raw exchange, especially Angel’s tearful confession that part of him wanted to lose himself in her despite the cost, hit fans right in the feels. His line, “I want to take comfort in you, and I know it will cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn’t care,” was devastatingly vulnerable, showing just how much he loved her but also how broken he felt. Buffy’s emotional plea—“What about me? I love you so much… I killed you, and it didn’t help. I know everything that you did because you did it to me, and I wish that I wished you dead, but I don’t. I can’t.”—was absolutely gut-wrenching and a defining moment for their relationship.
Just when it seemed all hope was lost and Angel was ready to succumb to the light, the first snowfall Sunnydale had ever seen prevented the sunrise, sparing Angel’s life and igniting him with hope. It was a beautiful, almost magical metaphor for their journey together: battered by darkness but still finding a way to stand side by side. As glimpses of the rest of the gang celebrating Christmas filled the screen, the final scene was nothing short of perfection. Buffy and Angel walking hand in hand through the snow, in the light of day. It felt like a rare moment of peace and redemption for them both—a powerful reminder that even in their darkest moments, they were stronger together.
Author: Cristina (CA)
#3 S02E10 – Merry Ex-Mas – 911

When I think of Christmas episodes, 9-1-1’s Merry Ex-Mas instantly comes to mind. Holiday themed episodes don’t typically stay with me, but this one has for so many reasons. I’ll list them below:
Buck and Eddie take Christopher to see Santa Claus
This scene was the reason I started watching the show. Without knowing anything about the show, I thought Buck was a gay man pining for a straight man. I now understand that I was completely off with that assumption (…well, was I?) and that there could be plenty of reasons Buck didn’t correct that woman when she said he and Eddie have “an adorable son” right? Anyways, it was also great to see Buck help Eddie sort through his reservations by allowing Shannon, Eddie’s estranged wife, back into Christopher’s life.
Athena and Bobby Take Their Relationship to the Next Level
Athena asks Bobby to move in with her and Bobby gets a bit of cold feet. He lost his entire family in a fire that he still feels guilty for causing, so it’s fair to understand why he’s unsure of this. Moving in with Athena means gaining an instant family, which we all know he loves, but you can still see him battling that feeling of whether or not he deserved this happiness. I’m glad that he knew he did and by the end of the episode [SPOILER ALERT] he proposes to Athena! She of course says yes – it was a beautiful moment.
Maddie and Her Hatred for Christmas
When we’re introduced to Maddie this season, we learn that she’s on the run from her abusive husband. When Buck and Chimney bring over a Christmas tree and decorations for her (a way for Chimney to apologize – however, I love that this is also a Madney Begins, but I digress) her reaction to it was a bit extreme to me, but when we learn why she doesn’t like Christmas then it all starts to make sense. Up until this episode, we had no idea what Doug, her abusive husband, looked like (we knew his voice from a threatening phone call to Maddie) but when we saw how Maddie’s last Christmas went, her reaction was valid. Not only that, we finally saw Doug and – the shock on my face at this reveal! It was the man who was getting close to Chimney and called himself Jason.
This episode was a rollercoaster of emotions, which is exactly how holidays feel to me. Not only that, with this episode in particular, it was the start of one of my favorite episodes of this series (S2E13 “Fight or Flight) so it will always be a memorable one.
Author: Val (VL)
#4 S05E10 – Scrooge – Martin

One of TV’s most memorable Christmas episodes for me is from Martin Season 5, Episode 10, “Scrooge.” stands out as one of TV’s most memorable Christmas episodes because of its message of generosity, reflection, and humility.
This episode is a heartfelt retelling of A Christmas Carol, where Martin learns valuable lessons about the true spirit of the season while he confronts his own selfish tendencies. This episode reminds viewers of the importance of cherishing what we have, staying grounded, and helping others, even when life is good. It illustrates how our experiences can shape us into more giving and empathetic individuals, making this episode a perfect example of how holiday specials are entertaining while delivering significant life lessons that resonate with audiences forever.
Author: Kim (KR)
#5 S02E06 – Fishes – The Bear

When I finished episode S02E06 ‘Fishes’ of The Bear I had to take a minute to take a breather. What a rollercoaster of an episode.
If you think your family is dysfunctional, think again, this family Christmas dinner takes dysfunctional to a whole other level.
The episode is a flashback from about 5 years ago. Carmy returns from Copenhagen to spend Christmas with his family. Present at the Berzatto household are Carmy’s mother Donna (played by the iconic Jamie Lee Curtis), his siblings Michael and Natalie, his cousin Michelle and her boyfriend Stevie, Richie and his pregnant wife Tiffany, the Fak brothers Neil and Theodore, Uncle Cicero, and Donna’s on-and-off boyfriend Lee. Donna (a temperamental alcoholic) drunkenly prepares a meal based on the Feast of the Seven Fishes. While it is obvious that Donna is out of her depth cooking the feast by herself, she harshly rebuffs anyone who volunteers to help. As the episode progresses, Donna becomes more and more chaotic and erratic. The conversation at the dinner table is also starting to get more toxic, especially between Lee and Michael, the latter even starts throwing forks across the table.
Donna who has joined the table is like a volcano that is about to erupt. Which in the end she does only because Natalie asks her if she’s okay. Which Carmy and Michal warned Natalie not to ask. Donna loses it, leaves the room only to crash her car into the living room as Carmy and Natalie stare at each other in shock.
Author: Eve (EV)