Selena Gomez fell victim to shaming remarks ahead of the weekend, when her latest magazine shoot went viral. The billionaire singer, 32, turned heads as she posed for W Magazine, with the shoot seeing her stripped down to a racy pink bra and sheer, rib-knit pants. Showing off her sultry side while flashing her curvy figure, Selena gained over 2 million likes on Instagram, but feedback outside of her social media was mixed. Users dubbed the photos “awful,” with some even saying that her outfit choice wasn’t flattering. Fortunately, the Instagram post received plenty of love, including celebrity likes from supermodel Emily Ratajkwoski and socialite Paris Hilton.
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Selena Gomez Stuns In Satin Pink Bra
Scroll for the photo. Lying back while modeling a blush-pink Araks bralette, Selena showed off her fit frame in a low-cut, feminine look with an edgy finish.
Placing her hands on her hips, the “Love On” hitmaker rocked pink Prada leggings with a stripe effect, going slightly sheer as she hinted at a black pair of briefs beneath. The Rare Beauty founder also wore an open Prada coat with a light fur trim, completing her look with dark-painted nails and her brunette hair worn down.
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Sporting matte makeup as she went heavy on the cheek blush, Selena highlighted her gorgeous features, showing off her dark eyes with smokey eyeshadow, plus smudged eyeliner. The pop star returned in a satin red bra look in a swipe, this time reclining on a couch while lying on her side. “Honored to be apart of @WMag’s Best Performances Issue,” she wrote. The magazine’s latest issue also featured actress Angelina Jolie and singer Ariana Grande amid the list of celebrities forming part of its “Best Performance Issue.”
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Undies Look Isn’t ‘Flattering’
The Daily Mail quickly covered the photos, and it was here that things turned sour. Haters filled the comments, with the most-liked comment reading: “What is she wearing?? Puffy leopard print panties and lace tights? Truly awful pictures, the cover included!”
Joining in the shaming, a second said: “Why can’t actresses pose with their clothes on anymore? Why are they all so trashy?” with a third saying that the outfit was “unflattering.” Others, meanwhile, remarked that fiancé Benny Blanco basically isn’t good enough for Selena, who got engaged to the producer and songwriter ahead of the holidays.
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Killer Curves In Tight Black Dress
The above photo made headlines toward the end of last year as Selena slipped her curves into a fitted bustier dress in black. Showing off her shapely silhouette and slicked hairstyle, the former Disney star opted for an exposed bra finish, flaunting a silvery manicure as she wore chunky silver jewelry. Follow our Facebook page for more from Selena!