If someone tells you “it’s as American as apple pie,” maybe they mean it’s not really from the U.S.
The apple pie, along with several other common dishes found on American menus, have histories that start outside of the U.S. In some cases, the American version we know and love today looks nothing like the original recipe.
Fried chicken? Sorry, a bunch of other countries were doing it before the U.S. Cheesecake? Greece was feeding it to their Olympic athletes for energy before it was ever served in New York.
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Here is a look at 15 foods Americans mistakenly believe were invented here, but are instead originally from other countries.
15 Foods People Mistakenly Think Were Invented In America
Sorry, the apple pie isn’t American. Neither is cheesecake or peanut butter. Here is a look at 15 foods Americans mistakenly believe were invented here, but are instead originally from other countries.
Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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