January 15, 2025
Transitioning back to office is a big deal.
Hey Fairygodmentor,
Our whole office has been mandated to return to work full time. It will be the first time I’ll be back in the office full time in 5 years. My whole routine is different! I actually felt better, safer, at home. I didn’t have to deal with all of the inner office politics. What survival tips can you share that will keep me sane?
Yours truly,
Returning to the Office in Protest
Dear Returning to the Office in Protest,
First of all, I want to take a moment to acknowledge how you’re feeling. It’s completely valid to feel nervous about returning to the office after so long, especially when working from home offered you so much comfort and psychological safety. Transitioning back is a big deal, so I’m going to set you up with some strategies not just to survive but to thrive.
Reframe Your Mindset:
We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. While the mandate to return to the office might not be your choice, you do have control over how you approach this change. Instead of focusing on what you’re losing, think about what you might gain. Ask yourself, “What’s the gift?” Could this be an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues, build stronger relationships, or even reclaim your space as an office rock star with this newly added visibility?
Protect Your Peace:
Office politics can be draining, so it’s important to stay grounded. Set clear boundaries with your coworkers and politely disengage from gossip or drama. When someone tries to pull you into negativity, redirect the conversation or excuse yourself. Remember, you’re there to work—not to play referee in office squabbles. Be like Mary J Blige, you “don’t need no hateration, holleration in this dancery.”
Work What Works For You:
Your home routine might not translate perfectly to office life, but you can adapt. You’ve done it before. It’s time to do it again. This time, it’s “You at Work 2.0.” What could make you feel like you’re at home? Bring pieces of your home comfort into the workplace. Whether it’s a playlist, a favorite snack, or a photo of family or friends, these little touches can make the office feel a bit more like your space.
Set Return To Office Goals:
Take a pause for the cause and identify what success looks like for you in this new chapter. Maybe it’s learning a new skill, fostering better communication with your team, not rolling your eyes every time Richard cracks one of his corny jokes, or simply adjusting to being back. Celebrate small wins along the way—they’ll keep you motivated.
Advocate for Yourself:
If there are parts of remote work that have truly improved your productivity or well-being, have an honest conversation with your manager. Show Your Ask! This doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing situation; perhaps you can negotiate a hybrid schedule, register for childcare or aftercare support, or flexible hours that meet both your needs and the company’s goals.
Prioritize Self-Care:
Your mental health is just as important as your job. Everyone needs a woosah moment from time to time to keep the work/life flowing. Schedule regular breaks, go for walks, or practice mindfulness to decompress. If things get overwhelming, don’t hesitate to reach out to HR or an employee assistance program for support.
Remember, this transition isn’t about returning to the old you—it’s about embracing the evolved version of yourself. You’ve grown, adapted, and proven that you can thrive in a variety of settings. Bring that same resilient energy into the office, and you’ll do just fine.
Here’s to staying sane and fabulous!
You got this!
Yours truly,
Your Fairygodmentor®

Joyel Crawford is an award-winning career and leadership development professional and the founder of Crawford Leadership Strategies, a consultancy that develops empowered, results-driven leaders through engaging leadership development coaching, training, and facilitation. She is also the author of the best-selling book and audiobook “Show Your Ask: Using Your Voice to Advocate for Yourself and Your Career.”
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