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Shep Rose’s ‘ex’ Sienna Evans revealed why she was “apprehensive” to film Southern Charm, if she saw the show before they met, and why she had her “guard up” with Craig Conover on the cast trip to the Bahamas, her home country.
Before the cast trip, Shep claimed Sienna was ghosting him. Earlier in the season, Whitney Sudler-Smith said she first contacted him before Shep on the Raya dating app, and his mom Patricia suggested she was a ‘fan’ of the show. Once the cast arrived in the Bahamas, Sienna seemed eager to distance herself from Shep, and Craig suggested that her energy was off.
On the Bravo & Blaze podcast, Sienna shared that she and Shep only met up “like six or seven times” in their relationship.
“We had never defined our relationship to say … ‘you are my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend and we are going to be exclusively seeing each other,’” she said. “I didn’t really expect for there to be so much coverage of our relationship. I didn’t think it was going to be that big of a topic … I was very shocked by that.”
She then addressed Shep’s claims that she had promised to stay with him during the cast trip.
“I just became very apprehensive about filming because … I’m someone who really values my privacy, and so I really wanted to have a conversation and talk about what do I deem as appropriate … and what I wanted to be filmed,” she said. “I don’t want to be on television kissing someone that I’m not married to, or any suggestive scenes.”
“When we were plotting the trip, I wanted to spend time with him,” she added. “I wanted to spend time with the group and the cast … they were my friends.”
Before the cast went to the Bahamas, Sienna had gone on a trip with Shep, Austen, Austen’s girlfriend Audrey, Rodrigo, and Rodrigo’s fiancé Tyler. She shared that they all became “really close.”
Regarding Shep’s claim that they had expressed their love for each other, Sienna confirmed that she and Shep “exchanged an ‘I love you’” one night when he called her while “inebriated.”
According to Sienna, she was “sad” watching the episodes back, as she now believes “he really did love me.”
“I just wish that … we [had] taken it a little slower,” said Sienna, who shared that she’s single. “I don’t think that he’s interested in seeing me anymore [after] the way that things ended.” She claimed they broke up shortly after the cast trip.
As for the rumors that she was a Southern Charm fan, Sienna stated, “When I originally matched with him on the dating app, I did not know who he was, and I didn’t know about the show.” But shortly before the cast trip, she started watching the show, which gave her “context” that she probably “should have caught up on” before.
Sienna slammed the “untrue” narrative that she first reached out to Whitney before Shep, and she said it was “coincidental” that the men knew each other.
Addressing Craig’s on-screen comment that her energy was off, Sienna shared that she “had [her] guard up” around Craig and gave him “a bit of a side eye” because Shep had been “complaining” to her that his relationship with Craig was “so tumultuous.”